Thu 30 | White-throated Needletail M1 Motorway Service Centre Wyong |
Approximately 30 birds seen flying above the M1 just south of the service centre at 7.30 am this morning. Roughly at Easting 351185, Northing 6319233. (Moderator Note: Must have been a good morning for Swifts on the Central Coast today, with similar numbers at Karuba Oval, Berkeley Vale and at Murray St Bateau Bay at 800 hrs. AKM) |
Deryk Engel 30/11 #232946 |
| Australian Little Bittern Belmore Swamp, Seales Rd |
A male Little Bittern first heard calling and then seen well in dense sedge at Belmore Swamp, right on dusk. White-throated Nightjars also heard at several spots along Seale Road. eBird checklist |
Liam Murphy 1/12 #232949 |
| Satin Flycatcher, Red-capped Robin Megalong Valley |
At least 6 (3 pairs) of Satin Flycatcher along Pulpit Hill Creek in the Upper Megalong Valley. A nesting pair provided a nice comparison alongside several Leaden Flycatchers at Blackheath Glen Reserve. An immature Red-capped Robin was seen well just east of the road on the Six Foot Track. Several White-winged Trillers and a nesting pair of Dusky Woodswallow were found along Megalong Creek east of the main road. Red-browed Treecreepers, Cicacdabirds and Brush Cuckoos were all very evident and seen well. eBird checklist |
Max Breckenridge and Simon Gorta 1/12 #232951 |
Wed 29 | Australasian Bittern (5), Blue-billed Duck (10), Black Honeyeater Campbells Swamp (Griffith) |
A visit to the swamp this morning with a Danish birdwatcher produced many good sightings including the Oz Bitterns - 4 flew up out of the reeds together and one a little later. On the way down from the car park, a pair of Black Honeyeaters were seen. At the hide, there was a gathering of Blue-billed Ducks (10) including 4 ducklings. 3 Musk Duck were also seen with one juvenile duckling. Lots (20+) Magpie Geese and 4 Freckled Duck - none showing any sign of breeding colours on the bill. eBird checklist |
Max O'Sullivan and Carsten Fog from Denmark 29/11 #232939 |
| Painted Honeyeater (6) McCann Rd Lake Wyangan Griffith |
Painteds were very visible and vocal along this road running alongside the almond orchard along with many Mistletoebird, Singing H/e, Spiny-cheeked H/e, Mallee Ringneck and Double-barred Finch. |
Max O'Sullivan and Carsten Fog from Denmark 29/11 #232940 |
| Emerald Dove, Regent Bowerbird (8) Ourimbah RTA Reserve |
Single Emerald Dove sited - has been seen at this site on just a few occasions. A high count of 8 Regent Bowerbirds including 3 males and 5 "brown" birds were seen prominently but distantly. Two confiding Wonga Pigeons and flyover of a White-Bellied Sea-Eagle amongst others. eBird checklist |
David Vickers 30/11 #232947 |
Mon 27 | Wandering Whistling Duck Eastlakes golfcourse |
One adult WW Duck in lake next to Wentworth Av, visable from foot bridge over the road. Also Latham's snipe, Baillon's Crake ,next lake over. |
Bas Hensen 27/11 #232917 |
| Rose-crowned Fruit-Dove Wattle Forest. Royal National Park. |
Still at usual site, fig tree by the dead tree. Figs are running low, no other birds feeding on the tree. Maybe time to move on. Best to patiently wait for the bird to move, otherwise, very hard to see.
Further down the track, pass the fallen tree. Feeding on the ground. Green Catbird, Brown Cuckoo-Dove, Bassian Thrush and Lyrebirds. Also nesting Golden Whistler and Yellow Robin. Plus, sadly, a male Blackbird. |
Peter Johnston 27/11 #232920 |
| Yellow-tailed Black Cockatoo Long Reef Golf Course |
19 feeding on seeds of coast banksias. Also 10 very small Moorhen chicks, all the same age, on one of the small ponds. As well as a pair of Spotted Crakes, foraging in the open; and Brown Quail calling near surf club. |
David Sawyer 28/11 #232927 |
| Magpie Goose Koala Beach Estate |
Up high in a Casuarina. Awkward balancing act, but stayed for a while. |
Irene Timmins 29/11 #232936 |
| Australian Brush Turkey Wigram Road turning East into Upper Road, Forest Lodge 2037 |
Mature Brush Turkey walking North up Wigram Road and turning East into Upper Road, Forest Lodge 2037. |
Kim Hague-Smith 10/12 #233017 |
Sun 26 | Brown Falcon Warriewood Wetlands |
1 bird seen well, soaring on thermals for about 10 minutes. A rare bird on the Northern Beaches of Sydney eBird checklist |
Jayden Walsh 26/11 #232898 |
| Banded Lapwing 6km NW Rappville, Casino |
This is a confirmed breeding record as the property owner reported 3 young hatched - I have observed 1 young at fledgling stage today along with both parents. (Moderator Note: There are very few breeding records for far North-east NSW. AKM) |
Lyle McNamara 26/11 #232911 |
| Rainbow Bee-eater Shoalhaven River Cruise (downriver), Nowra |
While kayaking around Pig Island on the Shoalhaven River we found four Rainbow Bee-eaters in an old Coral Tree near the waters edge flying around catching butterflies. They have occasionally been seen here in summer along Ben's Walk by others I know, but an uncommon sighting. (Moderator's Note: This is an unusual sighting as most Bee-eaters have migrated northwards from inland and coastal areas by now. AKM)
. eBird checklist |
Kim Touzel 13/4 #234120 |
Sat 25 | Little Eagle Royal National Park, Audley |
Little Eagle sighted 4 times mid-afternoon working the updraught along the western side of the Hacking River at the start of Lady Carrington Drive. |
Biggles Csolander 25/11 #232892 |
| Regent Honeyeater Capertee NP, Glen Alice |
At least two Regents (one tagged, one not) spotted at Capertee National Park along the river not far from homestead. Other interesting sightings for the day included a pair of Turquoise Parrots not far from Glen Alice, a pair of Wedge-tailed Eagles feeding off a joey carcass just before the bridge to Glen Alice at the intersection and plenty of Brown Tree-creepers throughout the valley. |
Jason Grubba 25/11 #232893 |
| Australian Brushturkey Leichhardt |
Single bird along the Greenway about 100m south of Marion St. (Moderator's Note: This report should also be sent to John Martin of the Royal Botanic Gardens who is collecting records of Brush Turkeys in Sydney, as he is documenting their spread in the city and 9 birds have already been wing-tagged. Photograph any the wing-tagged birds and or report your birds to AKM) Further information |
David Hair 26/11 #232894 |
Fri 24 | Rose-Crowned Fruit-dove Wattle Forest, Royal National Park |
Continuing bird still present in a fig tree on the hillside a few hundred metres in [next to a burnt tree]. Topknot Pigeons and Satin Bowerbirds also present. Still quite a bit of fruit left. |
Jenny & Rod Stiles 24/11 #232873 |
| Pacific Baza Menangle |
One bird flying over the Hume Hwy about 3pm. This is the first time I've seen a Pacific Baza on the Hume Hwy in eight years of driving between the Southern Highlands and Sydney. I have never seen on in south-west Sydney or the Southern Highlands. |
Lorne Johnson 24/11 #232875 |
Thu 23 | Blackbird Long Reef Golf Course |
One female or juvenile found dead near the side of Pittwater Road. This species is very scarce on Sydney's Northern Beaches (now even more scarce!). I actually found it 29 Sept. but had been in freezer until now awaiting identification. |
David Sawyer 23/11 #232862 |
| Painted and Spiny-cheeked Honeyeaters, Little Eagle Medhurst Bridge, Martindale |
A twenty minute morning tea break late in the morning found two Painted Honeyeaters, 3 Spiny-cheeked Honeyeaters, a Little Eagle, and the usual Jacky Winters, Double-barred Finches and Yellow-rumped Thornbills at this site. Close by at Martindale Public School was an Australian Hobby and a male Brown Goshawk and there was another Hobby at nearby Bureen. |
Alan Morris 23/11 #232866 |
| Top-knt Pigeon, Square-Tailed Kite Larool Creek Valley, Thornleigh |
Upon arriving home around 6pm saw a flock of 15 Top-Knots flying silently around the valley. A short time laterwas alerted to the presence of a raptor by the local Sulphur-created Cockatoo community and had excellentviews of the kite flying low over the trees. |
Lewis Benham 24/11 #232870 |
| Magpie Goose Campbells Swamp (Griffith) |
At least 20 adult geese with 2 broods (about 8 goslings each) of recently hatched young. Also about 15 Blue-billed Ducks incl 5 half grown young. |
Bob Moffatt 24/11 #232871 |
Wed 22 | Square-tailed Kite Figtree |
Observed and photographed. eBird checklist |
Brian Deans 22/11 #232855 |
| Red-capped Robin (successful breeding), White-winged Triller, Little Lorikeet Kedumba Valley, Blue Mountains National Park |
An incredible number of Red-capped Robins was seen, mostly at Kedumba Crossing, including 5 breeding pairs (i.e. two pairs with two fledglings each and three pairs with a single fledgling each), 2 non-breeding pairs (i.e. without young) and 4 apparently lone females. This is only our second record of Red-capped Robins in the valley, from regular visits since 2012 (a pair was seen in dry conditions last year). Also, 5+ White-winged Trillers (males in breeding plumage and one male in non-breeding plumage), two small groups of Noisy Miners (our first record in the valley), 30+ Little Lorikeets whizzing around frequently (this species is always recorded in the valley) and many other excellent birds |
Kalang Morrison-Jones, Milo Morrison-Jones, Ira Dudley-Bestow 23/11 #232869 |
Tue 21 | Buller's Shearwater Lennox Head Headland. |
Highlights of a seawatch this morning was a close in Buller's Shearwater, large numbers of Pomarine, Arctic and a lone Long-tailed Jaeger, together with thousands of Short-tailed and Wedge-tailed Shearwaters all travelling south. In addition there was a medium sized pterodroma petrel with pale grey upper parts grey crown and very white under wings and body very small black carpal bar hardly noticeable which could have been a Cook's Petrel. |
michael ronan. 21/11 #232844 |
| Square-tailed Kite Bilgola Heights |
A magnificent pair of Square-Tailed Kites twice majestically circled Bilgola Heights this afternoon before heading north towards Palm Beach. Very spectacular sighting.
In the last few months in the Northern beaches area I have seen Osprey, Australian Hobby, Peregrine Falcon and Brown Goshawks so it appears to be a good area for raptors. |
Dave Koffel 21/11 #232845 |
| Rose-crowned Fruit-dove Wattle Forest, Audley - Royal NP |
The adult Rose-crowned Fruit-dove showed very well for all of us present after initially spotted by a visiting young American birder who was not aware of its presence that us local birders were out looking for! It was in a fairly open Port Jackson fig associating with a few Topknot Pigeons, 2 Green Catbirds and Satin Bowerbirds within a couple hundred meters into the rainforest and about 9 am. |
Edwin Vella et al 21/11 #232847 |
| Emerald Dove Bundewallah (Kangaroo Valley road) |
At 6:50pm an Emerald Dove was observed walking on Kangaroo Valley road ahead of me while driving to Berry. It flew off as i got close but i had good views of its body from the back showing distinct pinky brown body with green wings. Smaller than a Brown Cuckoo-Dove with much shorter tail. A good record.
Is the new name Brown-headed Dove? Race rogersi. Further information |
Carla Jackett 21/11 #232852 |
Mon 20 | Noisy Pitta Hidden Valley, Palmgrove |
2 Noisy Pittas heard and one briefly glimpsed at 11:30 am 200 Metres down the track on the left. |
Nick Giles 20/11 #232835 |
| Blue-billed Duck Lake Wallace |
There were at least 11 Blue-billed Duck on the northern side of Lake Wallace as well as 500 Hoary-headed Grebe. Lots of Musk Duck and Great Crested Grebe also. |
Edwin Vella 21/11 #232851 |
| Plumed Whistling-duck, Black-eared Cuckoo Back Yamma State Forest |
A few good hours in the morning with many of the woodland birds being very vocal after recent rains there. There was a Black-eared Cuckoo calling and showing well as well as a good host of other woodlands birds included several Hooded and numerous Red-capped Robins, Jacky Winters, Southern Whitefaces, Diamond Firetail, Blue Bonnets and very good numbers of Speckled Warblers (many appear to be nesting so were probably the main target for the Black-eared Cuckoo to parasitise). There were lots of White-throated Needletails initially flying quite low in the nice early morning light and higher later in the morning with a few Dusky Woodswallows and a single White-browed Woodswallow heard. Also 2 Plumed Whistling-ducks with other ducks in one of the dam s there. |
Edwin Vella 22/11 #232857 |
Sun 19 | White-throated Needletail (3) Penshurst |
The weekend storms brought the first birds in for the season. (Moderator Note: Not the first for the season, they were first recorded in the Hunter Valley from 16/10/17 and then from Sydney 24/10 see posting 232447, and subsequently at Bateau Bay & Berkeley Vale, Central Coast 27-28/10/17.AKM) Further information |
Lorand Szucs 19/11 #232821 |
| Black-bellied Storm-petrel, Black Petrel, Gould's Petrel and Sooty Tern Offshore--Sydney Pelagic |
Highlights of a successful pelagic today were singles of a Black-bellied Storm-petrel, Black Petrel, Gould's Petrel and Sooty Tern all out at the shelf. |
Rob Hynson & David Mitford for all on board the MV Avalon 19/11 #232826 |
| Topknot Pigeon Black Range, Bega |
At least three Topknot Pigeons were feeding on the fruits of a Mock-olive tree (Notelaea venosa) in a wet forest area on our block at Black Range. Also two Channel-billed Cuckoos, and a single Dollarbird are present in the general area about 5 km south of Bega. |
Andrew McCutcheon 20/11 #232834 |
Sat 18 | Rose-crowned Fruit-dove Wattle Forest |
Continuing bird - found today in the rain at 9am on the tree at the location reported yesterday (thanks to Paul Lynch), and appearing to be forced to move on in its canopy with the flapping wings of 6 or so feeding Top-knot Pigeons.
Interesting that this tree is a Port Jackson (Rusty-leaved) fig, whilst there is still much ripe fruit on the sandpaper figs on the flat of Wattle Forest itself. |
Bruce Roubin 18/11 #232804 |
| Pomarine, Long-tailed, Arctic Jaegers Richmond River, North Wall (Ballina) |
Impressive occurrence of jaegers during a single hour in late afternoon. Light easterly wind, overcast with showers. Minimum 75 Pomarine Jaegers, most heading north, but several groups more stationary, harassing Crested Terns, in packs of 4-6. Also at least 3 Arctic and one immature Long-tailed Jaeger seen at close range, heading north. |
Oluf Lou, Hans Wohlmuth 18/11 #232813 |
| Ground Cuckoo Shrike 13 K's North of Ashford |
2 Ground Cuckoo Shrikes perched on fenceline, Bonshaw to Ashford road. Flew short distance to ground in paddock nearby before I could get a photo |
June Harris 19/11 #232822 |
| Juvenile Pacific Gull Puckeys Estate, Wollongong |
Single Juvenile bird seen on the sand bar between Puckeys Estate and Stuart Park. An adult bird was also seen on 7/11/17 from the Puckeys Estate beach. The weather was still overcast after a night of thunderstorms and heavy rain. Dodgy Iphone pics attached. eBird checklist |
Steven Cooper 19/11 #232825 |
Fri 17 | Rose-crowned Fruit-dove Royal National Park--Wattle Flat |
This morning about 150m south of the car park. To the right of the track feeding in a fruiting fig tree on a rocky slope. Will upload photos to eBird later today. |
Paul Lynch 17/11 #232794 |
| Australian Little Bittern (Black-backed Bittern), Wandering Whistling-duck Lake Cargelligo Wastewater Treatment Plant |
Two very vocal birds calling from the reeds in the late afternoon and then an adult male took flight over the reeds very close to where I was standing. I also heard them here the following day. Also seen on 3 consecutive days (17-19th Nov) was a single Wandering Whistling-duck. Baillon's, Australian and Spotless Crake also present as well as a Black-tailed Native-hen, 27 Whiskered Terns, 8 red-necked Stints, 1 Curlew and 5 Sharp-tailed Sandpipers. |
Edwin Vella 21/11 #232850 |
Thu 16 | Pale-vented Bush-hen, White-eared Monarch. Terania Creek Road, Nightcap National Park. |
4 Pale-vented Bush-hens were seen well this morning just before you get into the national park, also 2 White-eared Monarchs were nest building. |
michael ronan 16/11 #232780 |
| Square-tailed Kite Narrawallee |
A nesting pair of Square-tailed Kites with 2 chicks, we thought they were nesting at this site last year but were unsuccessful in finding them. Picture of the female feeding one of the chicks. |
Charles Dove 16/11 #232781 |
| Australian Shelduck Wilford Lane Wetlands Milton |
Hi we had four Australian Shellduck at the wetlands this week along with large numbers of Chestnut and Grey Teal, White-headed Stilt, Sharptailed Sandpipers and Pacific Golden Plovers (1st time I have came across the plovers at this site), a few Swans, Royal Spoonbills as well as the Masked Lapwing (40), Sea-eagles (2) and Whistling Kite (1), Red-kneed Dotterel (2) |
Charles Dove - Chris Brandis 16/11 #232782 |
| Freckled Duck Maffra Lake, Maffra. Roughly 40km south of Cooma |
At least 84 Freckled Ducks were observed resting on the southern shore of Maffra Lake. The lake is the driest we've seen it in the last three years. Also present were about 100 Pink-eared Ducks, 100 Black Swans, several hundred Eurasian Coots and large numbers of Shelducks, Hoary-headed Grebe, Grey and Chestnut Teal, Hardheads and Black-winged Stilts. Of interest were 6 Sharp-tailed Sandpipers, the first we've ever seen in the district. |
George Madani, Lachlan Hall 16/11 #232784 |
| Little Button-quail Larkin Oval, Nyngan |
Almost stood on a juvenile Little Button-quail while the kids were at little athletics. Further information |
michael Crosland 16/11 #232787 |
| Buller’s Shearwater & Black-browed Albatross Mistral Point, Maroubra |
Surprised to see a Bullers Shearwater today going north with hundreds of Wedge-tailed Shearwaters, only my 2nd November record here. Later with Simon Gorta we saw a couple of Black-browed Albatross, up to 20 Pomarine Jaegers and 1 Arctic Jaeger. Virtually no Short-tailed Shearwaters despite days of onshore winds and it being almost peak passage for non-breeders. Simon also saw a couple of False Killer Whales and we both saw Common Dolphins. |
David Mitford and Simon Gorta 16/11 #232789 |
Wed 15 | Rose-crowned Fruit-Dove Royal N.P. - Wattle Forest |
The Fruit-Dove reported earlier is still there in the same tree with 30+ Topknot Pigeons. Great bird happily feeding on figs. Further information |
Lorand Szucs 15/11 #232774 |
| Black-chinned Honeyeater, Pale-headed Rosellla Macquarie Marshes |
a sinlge black chinned honeyeater was seen in a river red gum while stopped near Big Terrigal Creek. 100 + white browed woodswallows at same location. A single pale headed rosella near Bulgeraga Creek Bridge. |
michael Crosland 15/11 #232776 |
| Australian Little Bittern Lake Wallace, Wallerawang |
Heard calling in the reeds on the western side of the lake. Also Australian Spotted Crake and all the usuals including Latham's Snipe, Blue-billed Ducks and Musk Ducks during a visit with Peter Taylor and a Limosa group. |
Carol Probets 25/11 #232888 |
Mon 13 | Magpie geese Sovereign Hills Port Macquarie |
Six geese seen circling at 8.15 am. Sighted later feeding in creek opposite Regional College gates. |
Phi. Shelley 13/11 #232750 |
| Black Bittern Lisarow Wetlands |
Whilst sitting at the traffic lights opposite Lisarow train station at 6pm I was surprised to see a very active Black Bittern clambering through the ground layer and then mid story within a few metres of the road / footpath. Very unexpected given how busy this intersection was / is at this time. |
Andrew Robinson 13/11 #232759 |
| Mottled Petrel, Cook's Petrel ~13 nautical miles off Tomaree Head (Port Stephens) |
After the report of migrating Mottled Petrels flying south with Short-tailed Shearwaters on the Port Stephens pelagic Sunday 12-11-2017, a boat was organised to head out of the port on Monday (13-11-2017). Between around 3pm til 4pm a total of 7 Mottled Petrels were seen approximately 0.6nm north-east of the first location they had been seen on Sunday (approx. 32 49 19s, 152 24 37e). A rather distant Cook's Petrel was also seen and photographed - a species rarely recorded inside the shelf break - as well as a few Solander's Petrels. The Short-tailed Shearwater migration was estimated here to be around 10,000 birds per hour. Photo by Alex Berryman. |
Dan Williams, Ian Benson, Alex Berryman et al, per Mick Roderick 14/11 #232768 |
Sun 12 | barred cuckoo-shrike. rocky creek dam,nightcap national park. |
2 barred cuckoo-shrike were seen this morning in nightcap national park. (Moderator's Note: there is currently no public access to the picnic area. The observer has described access as "end of Gibergunya Road, just before you go into the main entrance there is a loop walk. You get into the national park after you cross the creek.") |
michael ronan. 12/11 #232742 |
| Red-capped Robin, Jacky Winter, Speckled Warbler, Lewin's Rail Air Services site, Shanes Park |
5 Red-capped Robins seen (firstly 2 young males attaining a red cap and breast with an adult female, and later on in another area most likely the same adult pair I had a few weeks ago. With also another adult pair seen here a few weeks ago, that makes 7 Red-capped Robins at this site within the last month or so.). Also present was a Speckled Warbler, Horsfield's and Shining Bronze-cuckoos, White-throated Treecreeper and in a fairly open section I rarely check was a pair of Jacky Winters (a possible breeding pair and my only second record at this site), a male White-winged Triller and an Australian Hobby flying past. |
Edwin Vella and Mark Fuller 12/11 #232743 |
| Rose-crowned Fruit-Dove Royal National Park (Wattle Flat) |
An adult Rose-crowned Fruit-Dove was seen at Wattle Flat this afternoon. It's rosy cap and yellow-orange underparts were clearly seen at different times as it clambered through the branches of a fruiting fig tree. The tree also attracted Green Catbirds and Satin Bowerbirds. The tree is located 200 metres south of the grassy area. |
Enrico Leonardi, Andrew Patrick 12/11 #232744 |
| Mottled/Cook's/Black/Gould's Petrels, Little Shearwater, Antipodean Albatross Port Stephens pelagic |
Incredible day off Port Stephens today, with 23 species seen outside the heads including 18 tubenoses (the biggest count of tubenoses on a Port Stephens trip and our first '5 Pterodroma day'). A dozen Mottled Petrels were seen, mostly inshore (13-18nm) and presumably migrating with the small flocks of Short-tailed Shearwaters seen flying south. This is a new species for the Hunter Region list. There were also a couple of Solander's Petrels about 10nm out and in deeper water we had a single Cook's and 5 Gould's (2 more seen on the way back in). Two Black Petrels followed us almost to the heads, as did about 15 Grey-faced (of ~120 seen for the day). And just to keep us on our toes a rapid fly-by from a Little Shearwater occurred at the 17nm mark on our way back to port. On top of all this we had 10+ Antipodean (Gibson's) Albatrosses, including 3 young birds. Photo: Cook's and Mottled Petrels (Alex Berryman), Little Shearwater (Michael Kearns), Black Petrel (Mick Roderick) |
Mick Roderick, Alex Berryman, Michael Kearns and others on the M.V.Argonaut 12/11 #232748 |
| Red-winged Parrot Geurie Cemetery |
Single adult male flew down the cemetery lane towards the creek behind the cemetery reserve. |
Darryl Smedley 13/11 #232760 |
| Crimson Chat Ben Boyd National Park--Saltwater Creek |
Right behind the shoreline whilst checking on a Hooded Plover we had seen in the morning, up flew this single male Crimson Chat from the lagoon at the south end of the beach. Further information |
Jenny and Peter Sedgwick 13/11 #232763 |
Sat 11 | Eastern Koel AU-NSW-Cootamundra near Showground |
Heard calling from 5;37am till approximately 6:15am. Unfortunately did not see the bird.
I am very familiar with the call of this bird as I lived in Sydney for over 50 years and was awoken most mornings in summer by it’s call. eBird checklist |
Donna Nagiello 11/11 #232726 |
| Red-backed Kingfisher Richmond Lowlands |
The Red-backed Kingfisher showed very well beside Cornwells Lane and also again beside Onus Lane. Beside Powells Lane we also had a Common Sandpiper and a nesting pair of Restless Flycatchers. Still lots of White-winged Trillers, Rufous and Brown Songlarks, Horsfield's Bushlarks and a couple of Zebra Finches. |
Edwin Vella and David Walker 11/11 #232734 |
| Latham's Snipe Pughes Lagoon, Richmond |
A pair of Latham's Snipe seen foraging beside the eastern end of Pughes Lagoon (south side of Old Kurrajong Rd) as was last weekend but none of the 6 Nankeen Night Herons seen there the previous weekend. |
Edwin Vella and David Walker 11/11 #232735 |
| Brush Cuckoo Yarramundi Reserve |
3 Brush Cuckoo's were calling beside the river |
Edwin Vella and David Walker 11/11 #232736 |
| Red-capped Robin Entrance road to Coorongooba campsite, Wollemi NP, Capertee Valley |
Female was seen feeding a dependent juvenile |
Mark Hocking 12/11 #232737 |
| Regent Honeyeater Near homestead, Capertee National Park |
At least eight Regent Honeyeaters, including a juvenile. Some were bathing in a stockyard trough |
Mark Hocking 12/11 #232740 |
| Black-eared Cuckoo Burrendong Arboretum near Wellington. |
Two adult Black-eared Cuckoo mist-netted during the course of banding operations near the fernery. Both were caught in the same net but a couple of hours apart. The cuckoos were neither seen nor heard prior to the encounter, nor seen or heard after the event. Possibly the only record of the species in the Arboretum since one was banded there in February 1983. |
Darryl Smedley 13/11 #232758 |
Fri 10 | Australian Brush Turkey North Parramatta |
At 6am this morning while waiting for the bus on O'Connell Street, North Parramatta an adult male Brush Turkey came walking down the footpath and went into the front yard of a unit block near the old Parramatta jail. I've lived here for over 20 years and this is the first Brush Turkey I've seen here. |
Trevor Waller 10/11 #232688 |
| Pale-vented Bush-hen. Huonbrook, Mullumbimby. |
A Pale-vented Bush-hen was seen well along the Huonbrook Valley early this morning. |
michael ronan. 10/11 #232694 |
| Channel-billed cuckoo 277 Knoble Road Wirlinga NSW 2640 (12 km NE Albury) |
Channel-billed cuckoo x 3 at 0630 hrs in old White Box in open paddock, adjacent patchy White Box and Blakeley Red Gum open woodland (army training area). 2 were interacting, fanning out tail. Photos no good, Silhouette. Have recording of calls if required |
Robert Cook 10/11 #232695 |
| Red-backed Kingfisher Richmond Lowlands |
The Red-backed Kingfisher is still at Richmond Lowlands. This afternoon it was on a fence post on Cornwells Lane, half way between Onus Lane and Bensons Lane. It then flew high into the trees on the southern side of the road. The Common Sandpiper is also still at the Powells Lane pond. |
Andrew Patrick 10/11 #232697 |
| Superb Parrot Cundumbul, 30km north of Molong on the Mitchell Hwy |
Adult male and two green birds flew across the road into flowering (Blakeley's?) Red Gum. Stopped and walked back but could not relocate them. |
Darryl Smedley 13/11 #232756 |
| Glossy black-cockatoo, Red-browed Treecreeper, Crescent Honeyeater Monga National Park |
A pleasant couple of days spent in Monga. Birds seen include four Glossy black-cockatoo, Yellow-faced honeyeater, Striated Thornbill, Diamond Firetail, European Goldfinch, Nankeen Kestrel, Jacky Winter, Crescent Honeyeater, Red-browed Treecreeper. Lots of Monga Waratah in bloom. |
Charles Hunter and Chris Hunter 7/12 #232990 |
Thu 9 | Painted Button-quail Castlereagh Nature Reserve |
Pair observed 5 metres from Herb Trail (eastern end). My first sghting since a probable male bird flushed one metre from the track, before the bushfires last year. Nice to see them doing well after the fires. eBird checklist Further information |
Michael Rutkowski 9/11 #232684 |
| Glossy black-cockatoo Mehi River 80km west of Moree (Private Property) |
3x Glossy black-cockatoo enjoying Belah (Casuarina cristata) cones. |
Pat Johnston 9/11 #232685 |
Wed 8 | Eastern Koel Griffith |
Single bird heard calling and observed flying over western end of the 'CBD' of town. Odd historical record known of for the species from these parts. |
David Parker 9/11 #232675 |
| Flame Robin Misty Creek Rd, Moogem State Forest near Guy Fawkes River National Park |
Male Flame Robin observed in roadside vegetation (wet schlerophyl forest). Able to obtain good views & confirm ident. Eventually flew to higher perch and joined by second bird, possibly female (too distant and light poor in overcast conditions). Had observed Scarlet Robins earlier in day at Vista Point Picnic Area in Mount Hyland Nature Reserve. Fairly remote location, may be 'common' species for area? eBird checklist |
Darryl and Gary Eggins 9/11 #232679 |
| Long-billed Corella Bullarah TSR (Travelling Stock Route) watering point |
NW NSW 70km west of Moree on Gwydir Hwy
Pair in tree near stock watering troughs Further information |
Pat Johnston 23/11 #232868 |
Tue 7 | Hardhead et al Dee Why Lagoon |
The Lagoon burst out into the sea 5-6 Nov., having been very full for several months, leaving lagoon bed 95% dry, and creating feeding event at outflow: Pelicans, cormorants, Royal Spoonbills. The many teal, coot, and hardhead, which had been enjoying the sustained high water level for months, and the consequent abundance of aquatic growth, are all still at the lagoon, albeit somewhat confined to the remaining channel. It is great to see good numbers of birdlife in this suburban setting, and at the nearby wetlands on Long Reef Golf Course (go there very early, before the golfing activity starts). |
David Sawyer 7/11 #232656 |
| Superb Fruit-dove. Nightcap National Park, Rocky Creek Dam. |
A male Superb Fruit-dove was feeding on yellow fruit with several Rose-crowned Fruit-doves this morning. Subsequently on 9/11/17, 6 Superb Fruit-Doves seen at the same location including one juvenile |
michael ronan. 7/11 #232660 |
Sun 5 | Brolga Port Macquarie. Hastings River Rd and Willow Cls |
Looks like a pair |
Phill Shelley 5/11 #232625 |
| Black Honeyeater Rocky Ponds Creek, Galong Rd, Galong |
Great surprise to come across two male birds active and vocal in low scrubland and grassland in creek drainage. Planted shrubs and saplings. I have call recorded. Also White-fronted Chats and many cisticolas at this site. One bird flew off when a Brown Falcon flew low over. |
Marnix Zwankhuizen 5/11 #232632 |
| Turquoise Parrot Douglas Gap, Douglas Gap Rd, Young |
Unbelievable luck that I stopped my car in gully and saw a single male Turquoise Parrot on ground in gully. Bird had blue face and on wing. Some red on wing. Yellow underside and green back and tail. Later walking along edge of cypress pine/eucalyptus forest I flushed the same bird or another giving a tink call. |
Marnix Zwankhuizen 5/11 #232634 |
| Turquoise Parrot, Spectacled Monarch, Satin Flycatcher Fruit Dove sp. Bimberamala NP- Mogo S35.46345 E150.15604 |
A pair of Turqoise Parrot of today's outing and these were first located by Bill and Marie on the 02.11.2017. Extensive views of the birds were enjoyed over the course of three hours.
About fifty species were recorded at this location including:
A fruit dove sp. which flew over too quickly for positive id.
8 Topknot Pigeons, 1 Brush Bronzewing (Common Bronzewing also present), 12 White-throated Needletails, Pallid, Fan-tailed, Shining and Horsefield's Bronze Cuckoos, 2-3 Cicadabirds, 1 Satin Flycatcher (Leadens also present), Eastern Shrike Tit. 2 Spectacled Monarch (numerous Black-faced also present). Crescent Honeyeaters.And possible sightings of 1 Black-chinned Honeyeater and 1 Beautiful Firetail. Please note that access to the site is 4 wheel drive only. |
Bill Nagel, Julie Morgan, Demetrios Bertzeletos 5/11 #232635 |
| Black-eared Cuckoo & White-backed Swallows Capertee Valley |
A black-eared Cuckoo and 3 white-backed Swallows were the highlights of a quick trip to the Capertee. Other good birds include a flock of 200 woodswallows at Glenowlan bridge, majority White-browed but masked and Dusky as well. Little eagle, Speckled warbler, Hooded robins and Grey-crowned babbler were also seen in the valley. |
Rob Hynson & Todd McGrath 6/11 #232650 |
Sat 4 | Turquoise (not Blue-winged) Parrot - correction of ID Glen Davis, Capertee Valley--Birdwatching Site #8 |
The moderators would like to draw attention to a correction in identification of a Turquoise Parrot seen and photographed at Glen Davis, Capertee Valley on the 18th October (#232466). The bird was originally published as a Blue-winged Parrot. Refer to #232466 at the original date below for details. |
NSW Birdline Moderators 4/11 #232608 |
| Brown Songlark, White-throated Needletail Belmore Swamp, Seales Rd |
A male Brown Songlark first detected by call and then seen in display flight in open paddock just to the west of (a very dry) Belmore Swamp. Possibly a second bird also heard. Several flocks of White-throated Needletails observed throughout the morning across the lower Macleay and Hastings valleys, with my first 50+ flock for the season seen along Belmore River. eBird checklist |
Liam Murphy 4/11 #232612 |
| Common Gull-billed Tern Shoalhaven Heads |
1 in non breeding plumage hunting over mudflats. Tide was out so not many shorebirds were seen. I am not aware of many (any?) records of this taxon from southern NSW.(Moderator Note: this record is subject to a NSWORAC Review, we understand that there are no previous NSW records if accepted!)
Also two Bar-shouldered Dove. |
Demetrios Bertzeletos 4/11 #232618 |
| Red Knot, Avocet Lake Wollumboola |
Water levels have dropped further. Shorebird numbers have, however, remained low, species recorded were: 20 Bar-tailed Godwits, 4 Red Knots, 20 Red-necked Stints, 8 Sharp-tailed Sandpipers, 3 Pacific Golden Plovers (all juveniles, including a very dark one), 20 Red-capped Plover, 2 Pied Oystercatcher with at least one chick, 1 Red-necked Avocet. 2 Black-winged Stilt. No Little or Fairy Terns |
Demetrios Bertzeletos 4/11 #232619 |
Fri 3 | Musk Lorikeet and Scaly- breasted Lorikeet Woy Woy |
Spotted in trees mixed in with Rainbow Lorikeets at the back entrance to Woy Woy South Primary School. (Moderator Note: Musk Lorikeets are a moderately common Central Coast bird and are regularly sighted at Pearl Beach and from Kilcare to Bateau Bay and elsewhere, whereas Scaly-breasted Lorikeets are moderately common in the northern half of the Central Coast LGA, less common in the South. AKM). |
Allan oxenham 3/11 #232597 |
| Horsfield's Bronze-Cuckoo Bundock Park, Clovelly |
Heard one this morning, singing from this ‘fragment’ habitat.
Thought it was worth a mention. Checked nearby Burrows Park for Oriental Plover, but I guess lightning doesn’t strike twice. |
David Mitford 3/11 #232598 |
| Major Mitchell Cockatoo Lake Cargelligo Township |
18 Pink Cockatoo's sighted, 6 in suburban backyard near caravan park and additional 12 birds sighted flying over town headed for the Lake area at approximately 9am. A great sight to see. |
Tom Petty and Marky Mark 4/11 #232615 |
| Magpie Goose Yass sewer farm |
One pair sighted app. 3.30pm |
Guy Chessell 5/11 #232623 |
| Bourke's Parrot, Chestnut-breasted Quail-thrush. 30 km west of Bourke. |
Very excited to see and photgraph two Bourke's Parrots about 30 kilometers west of Bourke on the 3rd of November as well as two Chestnut-breasted Quail-thrush. |
michael ronan 5/11 #232633 |
Thu 2 | Black Noddy Boat Harbour, Kurnell |
Beautiful brooding morning at Boat Harbour. A high tide pushing all roosting birds together, the Black Noddy with 28 Common Terms, 1 Kelp Gull, 46 Pacific Golden Plovers, 10 Red Knot, 5 Sharp-tailed Sandpipers, 101 Red-necked Stint,19 Ruddy Turnstone, 5 Sooty & 1 Pied Oystercatcher & a Reef Egret |
Michael Ellison 2/11 #232585 |
| Horsfield's Bronze-Cuckoo Dee Why Lagoon |
Pair of cuckoos, both giving the "chirruping" call (rather than the downward whistle), one passing food to the other. A few metres away was an agitated, vocal, and highly visible pair of Tawny Grassbirds showing possible nesting-related behaviour. (The former Tawny Grassbird breeding "colony" at nearby Cromer was scattered when their premium swamp-heath location was converted into 3 soccer fields in the 1970s. It was in this same swamp, in the late 60s, that Wayne Longmore photographed the nest and eggs of a crake, later identified by Keith Hindwood as Spotless. In recent years Pied Butcherbird has nested here, and Black Bittern seen twice in the swamp remnant). |
David Sawyer 2/11 #232587 |
| Little Woodswallow, White-browed Treecreeper,Crimson Chats. Bourke. |
There were 2 Little Woodswallows,2 White-browed Treecreeper,and a number of Crimson Chats just south of Bourke on the Cobar Road. |
michael ronan. 5/11 #232631 |
Wed 1 | Brush Turkey Dee Why |
Small chick running in undergrowth next to nest-mound, between Library and Council Chambers, Dee Why CBD. |
David Sawyer 1/11 #232578 |
| Rose-crowned fruit-dove Royal National Park--Wattle Flat |
1 Rose-crowned fruit-dove seen 300 meters into the wattle forest in the trees on the other side of the river. |
Rob Hynson 1/11 #232579 |
| Brush Cuckoo North Wollongong |
One bird heard in scrub by Squires Way, opposite Science Centre and Planetarium, at 6:45pm. |
Lorne Johnson 1/11 #232584 |
| Painted Honeyeaters, Little Friarbirds Murrin Bridge area, Lake Cargelligo |
Several Painted Honeyeaters, Little Friarbirds, Mistletoe birds feeding on mistletoe flowers and fruit on mulga wattles. Approximately 10kms north of Lake Cargelligo on the way to Round hill. But no Pied Honeyeaters seen or heard. |
Tom Petty and Marky Mark 4/11 #232616 |
| Ruff Wagtail Way, Ash Island (Hunter Estuary) |
A Ruff was seen and photographed on the 1st November on the eastern (railway line) side of Wagtail Way on Ash Island (at the southern end, towards the river). Some observers have been out to look for the bird recently but it has not been found. |
Rod Warnock per Mick Roderick 8/11 #232670 |
| Plumed Whistling Duck Ten kilometres south of Cowra PO |
A pair sighted on several occasions.
Photographs available. |
Robert Nixon 3/9 #235296 |
Tue 31 | Orange Chat Swamp Road Jamberoo |
Still present. One pair seen foraging on bike track. Be aware of a very aggressive magpie that swooped me constantly. |
Mark Ley 31/10 #232569 |
| Marsh Sandpiper Richmond Lowlands |
Single bird along muddy edges of the dam in the polo club ground visible from Kurrajong Rd |
Eric Finley 1/11 #232576 |
| Orange Chats. Bourke. |
30 to 40 Orange Chats seen north of Bourke on the 31st. |
michael ronan. 5/11 #232630 |
Mon 30 | Latham's Snipe Long Swamp (Bermagui) |
3 Latham's Snipe observed on the ocean side of the lagoon as you enter Bermagui from the north. Feeding in the shallows on the edge of the lagoon with forest behind them |
Paul McLelland 30/10 #232529 |
| Topknot Pigeon Tilba Tilba |
5 Topknot Pigeons observed flying across Corkhill Drive between Tilba Tilba and Central Tilba |
Paul McLelland 30/10 #232530 |
| Australian Pratincole, Banded Lapwing, Orange Chat Harris Lane, Quandialla |
Continuing birds in over grazed sheep paddock. 2 Australian Pratincoles and 16 Banded Lapwings present. Great views of a female Orange Chat about 1.5 km from Quandialla Rd after flushing 3 other suspected Orange Chats from long grass by roadside. Definite orange coloring ruled out white fronted chat. |
Marnix Zwankhuizen 31/10 #232550 |
| Emu Bribbaree Rd, Thuddungra |
17 Emus in field at intersection of Bribbaree Rd and Kurrawyba Rd. 1 bird had 8 well grown chicks. |
Marnix Zwankhuizen 31/10 #232551 |
| Hooded Robin, Diamond Firetail, Southern Whiteface, Brown Treecreeper Caragabal State Forest, Quandialla |
Isolated forest patch of some 400 ha was alive with bird activity. Hooded Robins seen at 2 sites in forest. A female feeding recently fledged juvenile, a male at another site. A single Diamond Firetail and Southern Whitefaces at 2 sites (1 and 4 respectively). Calls of Brown Treecreeper were everywhere. 32 species all up including both babblers, 2 Spotted Harrier acting suspiciously as if guarding a nest and a large Lace Monitor. |
Marnix Zwankhuizen 31/10 #232552 |
| Pied Honeyeater, Black Honeyeater, Crimson Chat. Bourke. |
Good numbers of Pied Honeyeaters, Black Honeyeaters and Crimson Chats almost at every stop between Byrock and Bourke on the 30th. |
michael ronan. 5/11 #232628 |
| Black-eared Cuckoo Attunga State Forest |
We had a Black-eared Cuckoo showing well near the Archery site at Attunga State Forest. Also seen Fuscous Honeyeaters and a Speckled Warbler. |
Christina Port with members of Follow that Bird 8/11 #232671 |
Sun 29 | Square-tailed Kite (2) Bobbin Head Rd - North Turramurra |
Pair cruised over my house heading west approx 11am. I have seen singles every so often, but never a pair. Magpies not happy. |
Tom Wilson 29/10 #232515 |
| Noisy Pitta Bellawongarah |
Called twice close to eastern escarpment opposite our proprty. 7:05am Further information |
Carla Jackett 30/10 #232523 |
| Black Falcon, Brolga Round Mountain Road, S of Lawrence |
Falcon on power pole in general area where it was observed October 25. Observed by GPC on 30 Oct same location. Two Brolgas flew low over site where Falcon was perched. |
Greg Clancy, Russell Jago, Darryl Eggins, Saul Dixon (Black-necked Stalkers twitchathon team) 30/10 #232546 |
| Rose-crowned Fruit-Dove, Regent Bowerbird, Spectacled Monarch Iluka Nature Reserve |
2+ Fruit-Doves, an adult male, immature male and one female Bowerbirds all attracted to fruits of Yellow Pear-fruit Mischocarpus pyriformis. Spectacled Monarch heard calling. |
Greg Clancy, Russell Jago, Darryl Eggins, Saul Dixon (Black-necked Stalkers twitchathon team) 30/10 #232547 |
| Sanderling, Wandering Tattler, Sooty Oystercatcher, Ruddy Turnstone Back Beach, near Woody Head |
4 Sanderlings, one Tattler, 7 Sooty Oystercatchers and 2+ Turnstones on rock platform. |
Greg Clancy, Russell Jago, Darryl Eggins, Saul Dixon (Black-necked Stalkers twitchathon team) 30/10 #232548 |
| Mangrove Honeyeater Saltwater Inlet, Iluka |
Mangrove Honeyeater heard calling. |
Greg Clancy, Russell Jago, Darryl Eggins, Saul Dixon (Black-necked Stalkers twitchathon team) 30/10 #232549 |
| White-throated Needletail Iluka Nature Reserve |
30+ Needletails over canopy of Reserve. |
Greg Clancy, Russell Jago, Darryl Eggins, Saul Dixon (Black-necked Stalkers twitchathon team) 31/10 #232559 |
Sat 28 | Kelp Gull Worimi Conservation Lands - Stockton Beach (restricted access) |
An adult Kelp Gull was first reported on Facebook in the bird ID group by Leonard Parsons at 11am today, 2km south of Birubi Point. The bird was re-found by me at 3:30 this afternoon 4km south of he Birubi Beach Access. Last seen by Allan Richardson south of the Lavis Lane entrance at about 6pm. Kelp Gull are a rare visitor to the Hunter Region, with only four previously accepted records.
Beach Permit required to drive on the beach. Permits available from local service stations. Further information |
Ian Benson 28/10 #232509 |
| Banded Lapwing Mirrool Creek, 65km NE of Hay |
43 lapwing on the edge of a small dam near the creek. Two being juveniles. |
David Charley and Nick Charley 28/10 #232511 |
| Australian Bustard, Chestnut-breasted Mannikin, Australian Little Bittern Macquarie Marshes |
A pair of bustards seen two days in a row near the Marra. Single mannikin in reeds with Zebra Finches at Monkeygar Crossing and a Little Bittern calling nearby. At least 15 Orange Chat seen south of Willie Retreat and 3 Diamond Dove. eBird checklist |
Max Breckenridge, Grant Brosie, Simon Gorta ('The Dodgy Drongos') 29/10 #232520 |
| Australian Pratincole, Banded lapwing, Crimson Chat Harris Lane, Quandialla |
A visit was made to this location on consecutive days and on the second day 19 Australian Pratincoles & 38 Banded Lapwings including a pair with a nest were found. Horsfield's Bushlarks and Brown Songlarks were seen on the fence of the adjoining crop paddock but no Inland Dotterels or Orange Chats, although we did find an adult male Crimson Chat. Our thanks to Rosemary Stapleton for the original posting! |
Steve Edwards, Nick Carson, Mike Kuhl & Alan Moirris (CCCC Twitch team) 30/10 #232524 |
| Banded Lapwing, Orange & White-fronted Chats Williams Crossing Rd Bardmedman (shopwn as The Meadows Rd on Google Maps). |
At a site 8 km ENE of Bardmedman on the Williams Crossing Rd in a heavily grazed sheep paddock we counted 132 Banded Lapwings in amongst the sheep! We have never seen so many Banded Lapwings together! On either side of this paddock there were crop paddocks, and on the fence of one paddock we got 4 Orange Chats and 5 White-fronted Chats, and in another, 6 White-fronted Chats. Brown Songlarks, Pipits and Horsfield's Bushlarks were also present. We retuned to the same location at night looking for the mythical Inland Dotterels and found a Barn Owl & a Tawny Frogmouth and more Brown Songlarks! |
Nick Carson, Mike Kuhl, Steve Edwards & Alan Morris (CCCC Twitch team) 30/10 #232525 |
| Painted Honeyeater 21 km east of Wyalong on Quandialla Rd, near Back Creek Bridge |
There are times that one goes for long time without seeing Painted Honeyeaters, a bird scheduled as a Threatened Species in NSW. At a random site along a road reserve where both the Boree Acacia (A. pendula) and Belah (Allocasuarina sp.) were heavily infested with flowering and fruiting mistletoe, we stopped to see if they were present and found 5 birds. We subsequently found Painted Honeyeaters in Back Creek SF near Wyalong at two sites in both Belah and Box Mistletoe, and at two sites along the Waroo-Burcher Rd, in the vicinity of Manna Station, where they were feeding in mistletoe in Belah and Boree. It is so exciting to get out of your vehicle and the first bird you hear calling is a Painted Honeyeater. There were many other suitable sites but no time to stop! |
Alan Morris, Nick Carson, Steve Edwards & Mike Kuhl (CCCC Twitch Team) 30/10 #232532 |
| Little Bronze-Cuckoo, Red-capped Robin, Azure Kingfisher, Warialda Creek, Warialda |
Bronze-cuckoo heard calling (few records at this site), female Red-capped Robin observed, one Azure Kingfisher flying along Creek. |
Greg Clancy, Russell Jago, Darryl Eggins, Saul Dixon (Black-necked Stalkers twitchathon team) 30/10 #232540 |
| Turquoise Parrot, Plum-headed Finch, Black-chinned Honeyeater, White-browed Woodswallow, Masked Wood Graman to Ashford |
1 Turquoise Parrot flew low across road, two Plum-headed Finches in tree, Woodswallows high overhead, Black-chinned Honeyeaters heard calling. |
Greg Clancy, Russell Jago, Darryl Eggins, Saul Dixon (Black-necked Stalkers twitchathon team) 30/10 #232541 |
| White-throated Needletail, Forest Raven Gwydir Highway, near Glen Elgin Road |
25+ Needletails over near tower, Forest Raven near roadkilled Spotted-tailed Quoll. |
Greg Clancy, Russell Jago, Darryl Eggins, Saul Dixon (Black-necked Stalkers twitchathon team) 30/10 #232543 |
| White-browed Treecreeper Mount Hope to Euabalong Road |
Two White-browed Treecreepers found during the Twitchathon about 400m further west along the Mount Hope to Euabalong Road from where we found a single bird on the 29-10-2016 (about 10km from the Kidman Way). We were not exactly expecting to encounter this species again but it was a very welcome addition to our list! Two of us are fairly certain we heard Red-winged Parrots here too, but couldn't be confirmed (close to edge of range). |
Mick and Steve Roderick, Lucas Grenadier and Craig Anderson (Hunter Home Brewers team) 31/10 #232562 |
| pallid cuckoo Barren Grounds Nature Reserve |
Pallid Cuckoo seen near Stone Bridge. Not calling. |
frederick young 1/11 #232580 |
| Beach stone-curlew Bongil Bongil National Park--Bundagen Headland |
Two birds seen, one sitting on sand, the other seeming on guard. |
Suzanne Gilkes 3/11 #232599 |
Fri 27 | Little Bronze Cuckoo Seapeace Rainforest Trust Private property Byron Bay |
One Little Bronze Cuckoo heard calling on 2 occasions.
Restricted access to this property. Also observed 3 Rose-crowned Fruit Doves, and a Sugar Glider peeping out of a Boobook Owl nesting box ! |
June Harris 27/10 #232494 |
| Little Woodswallow Mount Hope - Euabalong Road |
A Little Woodswallow was seen in woodland just off the Mount Hope to Euabalong Rd today, inspecting a hollow at the end of a dead branch. This site is about 2km from a location where we found 2 Little Woodswallows at this same time of year in 2011. |
Mick Roderick and Lucas Grenadier 27/10 #232496 |
| Giant Petrel, Jaegers & Pterodroma (sp) Mistral Point, Maroubra |
1-3 Giant Petrels seen, could have been 1 doing ‘laps’ or more than 1 bird.
15 Pomarine & 6 Arctic Jaegers and 15 Black-browed Albies seen this am.
However bird of the day was a very close-in Petrel which suggested a ‘fresh’ Solander’s in size, jizz and proportions (including obvious ‘M’ upperwing markings.But it had a pale breast patch which may suggest aberration. I know that it is about 6 months too late to see this plumage (on an adult) but juv ?? |
David Mitford 27/10 #232497 |
Thu 26 | Black Petrel Offshore--Sydney Pelagic |
Highlight of a private charter pelagic trip off Sydney today was a confiding Black Petrel, at least 40 Wilson's Storm Petrels,18 Providence Petrels and 5 Grey-faced Petrels. Greg McLachlan will publish a full checklist on eBird. |
Roger McGovern and all on the Avalon IV 26/10 #232480 |
| Painted Honeyeater, Pied Honeyeater 10.4km north of Lake Cargelligo |
At least three Painted Honeyeater and three Pied Honeyeaters in acacia and Calitris open woodland. A lot of mistletoe in flower. |
David Charley and Nick Charley 26/10 #232485 |
| Wandering Whistling_Duck Coramba Road, Coffs Harbour |
12 Whistling-Ducks on edge of dam. |
Greg & Val Clancy 26/10 #232487 |
| Shy Heathwren, Chestnut Quail-thrush, Southern Scrub-robin Round Hill Nature Reserve |
Good birding with superb views of all three species after much searching through the mallee. |
David Charley and Nick Charley 28/10 #232510 |
Wed 25 | Pacific Baza 'Bellawongarah' - private property (restricted access) |
Heard a Pacific Baza calling from inside the house at 11:50am today. I went outside to find two Bazas gliding across the yard/forest near house. We have a few records from here since 2009 when we moved from Kangaroo Valley. Many records over the 18 years we lived in KV. |
Carla Jackett 25/10 #232464 |
| Red-capped Robin Lamartine Ave Trail, Wentworth Falls |
1 adult male seen at end of trail, has been present in the same location for at least three days. 2 adult females were seen in the same location on 11th October 2017. |
Kalang Morrison-Jones 25/10 #232467 |
| Red-capped Robin Old Katoomba Golf Course |
3 'brown' birds present including one adult female, one with female plumage (but with pale gape and base to bill) and one possible immature male (rusty cap, pale gape, orange patches on breast). Two adult males and one adult female were seen here on 28th September 2017. This is my ninth sighting of Red-capped Robins in the Upper Blue Mountains (every town from Wentworth Falls-Mt Victoria) since 18th September 2017. |
Kalang Morrison-Jones 25/10 #232468 |
| Freckled Duck, Pink-eared Duck, Australian White Ibis, Royal Spoonbill, Pied Cormorant, Little Pied Lawrence Egret colony swamp |
23+ Freckled Ducks loafing on bank and logs in water, 100+ Pink-eared Ducks scattered around wetland (an additional 220+ Pink-eared Ducks and 1 Freckled Duck on nearby wetland). 20+ White Ibis nests, 5+ Little Pied Cormorant nests, 3+ Pied Cormorant nests (1 with nestling being fed), 10+ Royal Spoonbill nests. Dozens of Cattle Egrets, one Little Egret (no breeding plumes) and 1+ Eastern Great Egret present but nests not observed although some may have been obscured by foliage in trees. |
Greg & Val Clancy 25/10 #232470 |
| Black Falcon, Black Kite, Peregrine Falcon, Brolga S of Lawrence |
Black Falcon perched on cross arm of power pole on Round Mountain Road, prey in talons, disturbed by cane truck and flew to W along Round Mountain Road, attempted to land on power poles and trees but attacked by Australian Magpie, eventually settled on power pole (poor silhouette photo included) still holding prey. 2 Black Kites over cane paddock being harvested. Adult male and two fledgling Peregrine falcons still in nest tree. 60+ Brolgas at edge of wetland towards Sportsmans Creek. |
Greg & Val Clancy 25/10 #232471 |
| Red-whiskered Bulbul Narooma (vicinity of Wilcocks Ave) |
Tom Wilson of Birding NSW says that this a possible extension of range. I wasn't sure if you needed to know about introduced species! (I do have a photo if needs be). A male was seen and heard almost every day of the week 23-30 October. (Moderator Note: Current known distribution is the Greater Sydney Region south to Wollongong, and the North Coast Urunga-Woolgoolga.AKM) |
Lindy Jones 18/12 #233078 |
Tue 24 | Brush Turkey McPhersons Crossing (Orara River) |
7.30am.Female crossing road. First sighting for location. |
Warren Thompson 24/10 #232446 |
| White-throated Needletail Epping |
At least 100 White-throated Needletails feeding and circling low over Midson Rd, Epping at 9:30 am this morning. First sighting for me this season. |
Jenny Stiles 24/10 #232447 |
| Black Honeyeater (6) Campbell's Swamp Griffith |
On the walk to the hide I came across the Black Honeyeaters. At the swamp itself there were many waterbirds including Magpie Geese, Blue-billed Duck, Musk Duck with 2 ducklings. No Freckled Ducks or Shovellers were seen.
See e-bird checklist eBird checklist |
Max O'Sullivan 24/10 #232449 |
| Spotted Harrier Lanitza |
Juvenile Spotted Harrier banded by me and released by WIRES (Danny Lett) today after being in care for about 6 weeks. It had fallen from a nest in a tree at Lanitza. The tree along with other stands of shade trees in a cattle paddock are earmarked for removal to make way for a Macadamaia plantation. This is a threatened species and is only the second north coast breeding record as far as I am aware. |
Greg Clancy 24/10 #232452 |
| Red-capped Robin Old Lawson Golf Course |
Previously reported by M Ley we located the male Red-capped Robin in an area of low shrubs bordering taller gums. Excellent views and we left the bird undisturbed. |
Graham & Gwen Blackwell 24/10 #232454 |
| Orange Chat swamp road jamberoo |
two pairs present this morning. Still along the new bike track between Swamp Road and Browns Lane as reported by others . Eurasian Skylark overhead and lots of Golden Headed Cisticolas , many displaying with wing flicks. |
frederick young 24/10 #232456 |
Mon 23 | Pallid Cuckoo North Creek Road Ballina |
Pallid Cuckoo, new bird for my new home "patch". Further information |
June Harris 23/10 #232423 |
| Orange Chat Swamp Road, Jamberoo |
Continuing birds. 2 birds (male and female) seen along the same piece of bike track that runs between Swamp Road and Browns Lane at midday. The female appeared to be carrying possible nesting material. Regular cyclist movements made observing the birds difficult, and they are quite flighty. |
Nigel and Bec Coghlan 23/10 #232425 |
| Glossy Ibis Eastlakes golf course |
Glossy Ibis feeding close to the bank of the bottom lake. Not bothered to moving away from passing golfers and intrepid birdwatchers. Uncommon visitor to Eastlakes, only my 2nd sighting here. |
Richard Murray 23/10 #232429 |
| Red-backed Kingfisher, Common Sandpiper Richmond Lowlands |
One Red-backed Kingfisher on power lines half way along Bensons Lane, Richmond Lowlands. The Common Sandpiper is still at the Powells Lane pond. |
Andrew Patrick, John Walker 23/10 #232431 |
| White-throated Needletail South West Rocks Road, Kinchela |
5 or 6 birds soaring over open fields and river flats. (Moderator Note: It is understood that the first seasonal report fir NSW was at Dungog on 18/10 but this is the first Birdline report
AKM). |
ken sheather 23/10 #232433 |
| Black Noddy, Little Tern Boat Harbour, Kurnell |
A single Black Noddy flew in to join the throng this morning on the shelf. There are large numbers of Little Tern (220+) still present with many courting and copulating. Common Tern are present along with the usual Crested Tern gearing up for breeding etc. The Noddy was relocated in the afternoon by Michael Ellison. eBird checklist |
Greg McLachlan, Paul Johnstone and Michael Ellison 23/10 #232434 |
Sun 22 | Beach Stone-curlew Bonville Creek Estuary |
Single bird flushed close to caravan park |
Bob Moffatt 22/10 #232406 |
| Red-capped Robin, Speckled Warbler Air Services site, Shanes Park |
Happy to see 2 pairs of Red-capped Robins which may be both nesting. They were seen about 2 km apart from each other and I am not surprised that there are are other pairs on this site. I also saw a family group of Speckled Warblers and they appear to have young. There were also lots of Scarlet and other Honeyeaters, Little Lorikeets, Peregrine Falcon, Brown Goshawk, Pallid, Horsfield's and Shining Bronze-cuckoos, a male Leaden Flycatcher, several groups of Varied Sitellas and Spotless Crakes in the swamp. |
Edwin Vella 22/10 #232410 |
| Painted Honeyeater Mates Gully TSR (near Tarcutta) |
One bird in mistletoe, northern end of reserve. Several Black-chinned Honeyeaters also present. |
Donna Belder 22/10 #232411 |
| Australian Pied Oyster catchers Cullendulla Creek estuary, -35.701401, 150.208862 |
A pair of Australian Pied Oystercatchers feeding in the estuary at low tide.
One bird tagged, right leg yellow YS, other leg silver metal band. |
Peter Manins, Jannette Manins 22/10 #232412 |
| Black Honeyeater, Painted Honeyeater, Black-eared Cuckoo Benambra National Park ( near Holbrook) |
Birders of Albury Wodonga visit to Benambra National Park yielded 80 different species including a number of Black Honeyeaters, Painted Honeyeater and Black-eared Cuckoo calling and 5 different cuckoos ( Black-eared, Pallid, Fantail, Shining Bronze and Horsfield's bronze.) Worrying sighting of Common Myna on farm nearby ( so far Albury Wodonga has been free of these pests). |
Janet chapman, for Birders of Albury Wodonga 23/10 #232430 |
| Brush Cuckoo West Wyalong STW |
A single silent Brush Cuckoo was seen settling down to roost just before sunset by the carpark at the STW. This is 100-200km west of their range through this region. Several Baillon's and Australian (Spotted) Crakes also seen, along with a Musk Duck and a Blue-billed Duck. |
Ashwin Rudder 24/10 #232455 |
| White-fronted Chat Nowlans Rd, Quandialla |
7 chats on fence line along road where Wentworth Gully crosses road near Bimbi-Quandialla Rd. |
Marnix Zwankhuizen 31/10 #232555 |
Sat 21 | Great Crested Grebe Pejar Dam near Crookwell |
Possibly over 100 G C Grebes were sighted this morning ,around 10 am, all in breeding colour. Good photography opportunities all around the lake as they are all spread out over the dam. Possibly better light (behind ) later in afternoon. Although not needed a scope would be better suited for viewing. Further information |
bob rusk / Chris Shinton/ Mike Jeffries 21/10 #232394 |
| Red-capped Robins - nesting Old Lawson Golf Course |
Yet another Red-capped Robin sighting however this time I observed a pair nest-building at the old Lawson Golf Course. The female was making repeated trips to the nest site and on one occasion I saw the male feed the female en-route to the nest. If successful I'm sure this will be the first breeding record in the Blue Mountains. Blue Mountains Bird Observers (BMBO) has probably received more RCR sightings in the past two months than in the previous 25 years combined. eBird checklist |
Mark Ley 21/10 #232396 |
| Orange Chat Swamp Road, Kiama Downs |
Continuing Birds. At least 4 birds (2 pairs) on and either side of the new bike track where it crosses the paddock west of Swamp Rd near Jamberoo Rd. Brown Songlarks also present. We were there late afternoon, but 2-3 birds apparently showing well throughout the day. |
David James 22/10 #232402 |
| Scarlet Honeyeater Deniliquin |
Five Scarlet Honeyeaters were recorded on the Saturday of the Plains-wanderer Weekend, plus another two or three heard. One was seen and two heard in North Deniliquin along the Hay Road and two pairs were seen in the Deniliquin Regional Park. To clarify Josh's report from 18 October: the Scarlet Honeyeaters seen that day were the first I personally have recorded in the Deniliquin township or indeed the district. The two historic records, one at Ulupna Island and the other about 40 km NE of Deniliquin were not recorded by me. Also, four Pied, 10 White-fronted and around 30 Black Honeyeaters were also recorded today. So we have honeyeaters irrupting from the east coast and the interior. Further information |
Philip N Maher 22/10 #232419 |
| Dollarbird (2) Euroly Bridge Yanco (Leeton) |
Dollarbirds were back close to the Euroly bridge. First sighting this spring.
Also present nearby along Yanco Weir Rd were several pairs of Superb Parrots, Noisy and Little Friarbirds. |
Max O'Sullivan 24/10 #232441 |
Fri 20 | Orange Chat Swamp Road, Kiama Downs |
Continuing birds. Male and female both seen from 8:55am. Cool light wind and drizzling at arrival. ID photo onlly. |
Carla Jackett 20/10 #232380 |
| Brolga Teven Road Swamp, West Ballina |
Three Brolga present in paddock on northern boundary of ponds. Two adults and one immature possibly suggesting local breeding. Uncommon in the Richmond Valley. |
David Charley 20/10 #232382 |
| Peregrine Falcon Near Lawrence |
The two nestlings reported by Greg Clancy , 17-10-2017 are now fledglings. Pam Kenway eBird checklist |
Pam Kenway 20/10 #232386 |
| Black-eared Cuckoo Purry Burry Point, Primbee |
Another unusual inland visitor for the south-east coast, found this evening foraging & feeding in Casuarina trees. See ebird list for more photos & info. eBird checklist |
Paul Lynch 20/10 #232390 |
Thu 19 | Orange Chat Swamp Road, Kiama Downs |
2 spotted in the paddocks near the bike track. Confirmed with photo's and ID'd by members of Illawarra Birders eBird checklist |
Patricia Knight 19/10 #232368 |
| Great Knot, Little Tern Boat Harbour, Kurnell |
A good morning at Boat Harbour - the highlight a Great Knot at the shorebird roost in company with 2 Red Knot, 101 Red-necked Stint, 29 Pacific Golden Plover, 20 Ruddy Turnstone, 10 Sharp-tailed Sandpipers, 5 Sooty Oystercatcher, 6 Pied Oystercatcher (unusual here) 22 Common Tern and an impressive c.240 Little Tern flying/feeding over the bay - with up to 70 of these roosting on the rocks later. |
Michael Ellison 19/10 #232369 |
| Beach stone curlew Red Rock nsw |
2 beach stone curlews sighted on the beach |
Allan oxenham 19/10 #232370 |
| Varied triller and powerful owl Coffs Harbour Botanical Gardens |
Both birds spotted within botanical gardens |
Allan oxenham 19/10 #232371 |
| Pectoral Sandpiper. Palestine Creek. Eden. |
Whilst checking out 4 Bar-tailed Godwits I also noticed an Eastern Curlew so decided to scan the edge of the lagoon where I noticed a solitary wader. At first glance it seemed to be just a sharpie. Further and closer examination showed a sharp demarcation of the breast marking and also a bi-coloured bill as well as other subtleties. |
Peter Bright 19/10 #232375 |
| Painted Button-quail Burramoko Ridge, Blackheath |
Bird heard booming and then seen. Uncommon bird locally. First I have seen in 4 years living here |
Mark Hocking 20/10 #232378 |
| Painted Honeyeater, Diamond Dove Pilliga East State Forest |
Pair of Painted Honeyeaters at Lucky Flat and a single Diamond Dove near Pantons Lookout. |
Darryl Smedley 21/10 #232391 |
Wed 18 | Forest Kingfisher Tomago Wetlands (Hunter Estuary) |
A female Forest Kingfisher was found yesterday (17/10/2017) during a routine survey of Tomago Wetlands by Michael Paver, Peter Weinstock, Ann Lindsey and others. The bird was relocated today at the same location, perched in a dead mangrove, calling occasionally. |
Mick Roderick and Alex Berryman 18/10 #232344 |
| White-winged Triller, Latham's Snipe, James Lane, Trenayr |
Pair of Trillers in trees and on fence; 1 Snipe foraging in wetland. |
Greg Clancy 18/10 #232355 |
| Scarlet, Black, Pied, White-fronted Honeyeaters Deniliquin Environs |
According to Phil Maher, a Scarlet Honeyeater appeared this week in a local backyard (the first ever record for the district), but yesterday there were at least 10 different individuals heard calling in random streets all over town (eg: behind the Settlement Motor Inn). Clearly related to the irruption in Victoria. Plains Wanderers and Inland Dotterels seen well on the plains, and some flowering Eremophela on back roads north of town held over 20 Black Honeyeaters in one small patch. A few White-fronted Honeyeaters and Pied Honeyeaters seen in another patch. Not a bad day out! (Moderator's Note: There is a record of a male Scarlet Honeyeater north-east of Deniliquin from Jan 2003 and another bird near Tocumwal about five years before that, per Phil Maher's website. MR). |
Joshua Bergmark 19/10 #232376 |
| Grey Falcon Cocoparra NP, Store Creek Picnic Area |
Adult bird seen sitting quietly in a cypress pine on the shaded track to the picnic area at 11.30. Observed by two of us from the car for about 2 minutes, but disappeared while I was opening car door to get a better look and photograph. |
Maret Vesk 22/10 #232401 |
| Turquoise Parrot Glen Davis, Capertee Valley--Birdwatching Site #8 |
Coorongooba Camping area, Wollemi NP. Between road and river.
Only discovered what it was there when reviewing on computer. This bird was originally thought to be a juvenile Blue-winged Parrot because of its yellowish markings around the face. However on further careful examination of additional photos and the birds feature and consultation with other experts is was identified as a juvenile, possibly a female, Turquoise Parrot. Thanks to everyone who was involved ! |
Ron Buckstein 25/10 #232466 |
Tue 17 | Glossy Black Cockatoo Wheeler Heights |
One calling at daybreak, near the grave of the original James Wheeler, near the mouth of South Creek. Located roosting, apparently alone, in the top of the tallest eucalypt in the locality. It soon flew off to the west. |
David Sawyer 17/10 #232326 |
| Powerful Owl Chatswood |
Came across a family of four perched high in the canopy while bushwalking |
Glenn Vickery 17/10 #232335 |
| Inland Dotterel Harris Lane (near Quandialla) |
14 Inland Dotterel were seen about 4-5 km North of the Quandialla Road. I could not find any reports of this species from this area. Orange Chats and Banded Lapwing still present as reported on 13/10/2017, but we could not locate any Pratincole. (Moderator's Comment: A great sighting indeed. There is one previous record of Inland Dotterels at this site from December 2007 [per Birdata]. MR) eBird checklist |
Stephen Wallace and Christine D 18/10 #232339 |
| Peregrine Falcon Near Lawrence |
Adult pair with two nestlings in former Osprey nest. Both adults circled overhead calling in alarm as I photographed the nest and young. (Moderator's Note. Peregrines nesting in other raptor nests, while not unusual, are of interest here because usually cliff sites are used in coastal areas.AKM). |
Greg Clancy 18/10 #232357 |
| Scarlet Honeyeater Pilliga State Conservation Area |
Two weeks of intensive bird surveys in the northern Pilliga yielded several interesting records, most notably several very vocal Scarlet Honeyeaters. The Pilliga is generally considered west of the western edge of their range. Other good sightings during the surveys have included: Yellow-tailed Black Cockatoo (western edge of their range), Glossy Black Cockatoo, Black and Painted Honeyeaters, and Diamond Dove. |
Ashwin Rudder 18/10 #232359 |
| Freckled Duck, Pink-eared Duck, Australian White Ibis Lawrence Egret Colony swamp |
5+ Freckled Ducks and 236+ Pink-eared Ducks, numerous other water birds including Australian White Ibis at nests. |
Greg Clancy 19/10 #232364 |
Mon 16 | Budgerigar Private Property south of Leard State Forest |
Lone bird (not a likely escapee at this site) in open woodland with Black-eared Cuckoo, Diamond Firetail and at least five Painted Honeyeaters during morning survey. Plum-headed Finches also feeding young. (Moderator's Note: Based on Birdata and eBird searches, this and one other recent report of 6 birds at Cocoparra NP are the first Budgerigar reports in NSW since May. MR). |
Allan Richardson 16/10 #232305 |
| Magpie Goose Narrabri |
At least 105 Magpie Geese roosting on the exposed mud islands at Lake Narrabri. Also 100+ Pink-eared Duck, 5 Yellow-billed Spoonbill and 8 Rainbow Lorikeets. |
Darryl Smedley 16/10 #232307 |
| Powerful Owl Warriewood Wetlands |
Heard calling after daybreak, 5.35 a.m., the call seemed coming from within the swamp-mahogany forest, about 100 metres south of No.15 Watergum Drive. Last April one heard calling well, after midnight at Dee Why in the "Roche forest", Campbell Avenue. A Roche employee told me the owl regularly roosted in a certain tree within the property. |
David Sawyer 16/10 #232308 |
| Pacific Baza, sharp-tailed sandpiper Sydney Olympic Park--Waterbird Refuge |
1 pop-eyed pacific baza in trees at north end of Narrawang wetland being hassled by miners. At the refuge 7 spp of shorebird: 23 sharp-tailed sandpipers, 1 bar'wit, 190 red-necked avocet, 135 black-winged stilt, 1 red-kneed dotterel, 3 black-fronted dotterel & a masked lapwing. |
Michael Ellison 16/10 #232309 |
| Wedge-tailed Eagle Near Wondabyne train station |
Seen flying along side the train perhaps 10m away |
Rafael Furniss 16/10 #232311 |
| Rose-crowned Fruit-Dove Coffs Harbour Botanical Gardens |
3 Fruit-doves in flight landed in exotic tree then perched in Coastal Blackbutt along Coffs Creek. Poor photo of one included. Not on bird list for Gardens so probably first record for site. |
Greg Clancy 16/10 #232322 |
Sun 15 | Black-faced monarch, leaden flycatcher Barton Park South--Landing Lights Wetland |
A morning bird walk for the 'Rockdale Flock' bird group recorded a respectable 45 spp of birds between 8.30-10.30 including royal spoonbill, brown goshawk, black-shouldered kite, brown honeyeater & Oz reed-warbler. However the best was saved til last with 2 black-faced monarchs & a female leaden flycatcher that had dropped in to the casuarinas by the car-park. A good morning had by all in this unassuming but always worthwhile little site. |
Michael ellison 15/10 #232289 |
| Red-capped Robin Pitt Town Lagoon |
A young Red-capped Robin was seen at close range and calling along the fence line opposite the northern end of the lagoon. In the reeds also on the northern end of the lagoon was the single Black-tailed Native-hen showing well as well as 3 species of Crakes - Baillon's, Australian Spotted and Spotless. |
Edwin Vella et al 15/10 #232300 |
| Black Falcon Breeza |
Single bird disturbing a flock of Galahs near the Breeza silos as sunset approached. |
Darryl Smedley 15/10 #232302 |
| Painted Honeyeater Private Property south of Leard State Forest |
Five Painted Honeyeater observed in flowering mistletoe in Weeping Myall woodland, a higher than normal number at this site. Inflated numbers of local regulars also in attendance - Spiny-cheeked, Singing and White-plumed Honeyeaters - indicating low resources elsewhere locally. |
Allan Richardson 15/10 #232304 |
| Soft-plumaged Petrel, Black Petrel, Buller's Shearwater, Black-bellied Storm-petrel Port Stephens pelagic |
Another fantastic day at sea yesterday off Port Stephens with 22 species recorded outside the heads (including 17 tubenoses, likely a record for Port Stephens trips). The clear highlight was a Soft-plumaged Petrel that gave incredible views as it flew around (and over!) the boat at the shelf. A submission will be made to NSW ORAC and will be a new species for the Hunter list if accepted. The supporting cast was solid, with at least 8x Black-bellied Storm-petrels, a Buller's Shearwater and a Black Petrel sitting on the water. There were more Pterodromas at the shelf than shearwaters, which is a good sign. Of four Wandering-type Albatrosses we have determined there were 2x Snowy and 2x Antipodean (Gibson's). |
Mick Roderick and all aboard the M.V. Argonaut 16/10 #232313 |
| Black-tailed Native-hen Pitt Town Lagoon |
Seen within 6pm-7pm period on east side of lagoon, below end of Lagoon Rd. It seemed to be quite nervous about two people walking down the slope towards the water, even though it was to the left of us. Disappeared into the reeds. Later it (or another?) returned when we were quiet and stationary. Great filming opportunity despite the low light. Later examination of the photos and comparison with clear photos on ebird by DO and CA made us wonder if all the sightings of just one bird here might not be the same individual. Look closely at red on beak of ours and blue-grey tone on back. But different light levels complicate comparison. Video now available. eBird checklist Further information |
Darren and Thalia Broughton 17/10 #232327 |
Sat 14 | Orange Chat Chat Alley, Euabalong |
Today at Chat Alley we had 2 male Orange Chats on the road side. We also had a pair of White-fronted Chats along with plenty of Zebra Finch, some Australian Pipits and White-winged Fairy-wrens. |
Christina Port and participants of Follow that Bird 14/10 #232280 |
| Scarlet Honeyeater Nail Can Hill Reserve, Albury |
At least 2 males on flowering Red Box behind Albury TAFE. First record in 20+ years of walking in the Reserve. |
Janet Chapman, Peter Ewin 15/10 #232285 |
| Baillon's Crake Engadine St Wetlands (Royal National Park, near Engadine Station) |
1 adult clearly seen foraging on open mud near the reeds for about 3 minutes around 5:30pm. According to the 2011 Royal National Park fauna survey, an extreme rare visitor to the park. |
Rob Taggart 15/10 #232293 |
| Red-backed Kingfisher Caloola Road, Boggabri, NSW |
A pair of Red-backed Kingfishers perched on power-lines along Caloola Road, Boggabri; one of the local woodland indications that drier inland conditions are pushing more westerly species east. In addition, four Baillon's Crake were observed on a dam in the same locality. |
Allan Richardson 15/10 #232303 |
Fri 13 | Black-tailed Nativehen, Common Sandpiper Pitt Town Lagoon |
Black-tailed Nativehen seen near Painted Snipe site -33.590178, 150.858512. Also Common Sandpiper at Triangle Pond in Richmond Lowlands -33.578067, 150.750014 eBird checklist |
Nigel Jones, Greg McLachlan and all in Ornitholidays group 13/10 #232272 |
| Black-eared Cuckoo Pitt Town Lagoon |
Black-eared Cuckoo observed at close quarters for 20 mins, close to the hide at Pitt Town lagoon. Other species seen included 4 Freckled Ducks, 10 Whiskered Terns, Baillon's Crake, 4 Sharp-tailed Sandpiper, Zebra Finch & numerous Red-kneed Dotterel & Pink-eared Ducks.. |
Ivan Chapman 13/10 #232273 |
| Lewin's Rail, Spotless Crake Jabiru Wetland, Casino |
One rail seen well and while sitting quietly watching the rail feed another three rails calling, both grunts and contact kreck type call and then two Spotless Crake began to call as well. Possible Little Bittern call but only one indistinct call heard so could not confirm. |
David Charley 13/10 #232274 |
| Common Cicadabird Coutts Crossing Cemetery |
Cicadabird heard calling in vicinity of Coutts Crossing Cemetery. Observers first record of this species this season. |
Greg Clancy 14/10 #232279 |
| Australian Pratincole, Orange Chats, Banded Lapwing Harris Lane, approx 19km west of Quandialla, Central West NSW |
4 Australian Pratincoles and 15 Banded Lapwing in very overgrazed paddock beside Harris Lane, a long wide TSR to the east of Bland Creek from Williams Crossing bridge. Paddock is about 4.5kms N on the lane at 33 55 35 S 147 33 57 E. Also 2 or 3 pairs of Orange Chats seen on fence in the next paddock north which has a wheat crop in it. Some flew into the crop and 1 pair into the longer grass on the western side of the lane.
All 3 species have been seen here before with the Pratincoles breeding in 2007. Fence line had Brown Songlarks Pipits and Singing Bushlarks, which were mimicing lots of calls. |
Rosemary Stapleton 14/10 #232283 |
Thu 12 | (Possible) Forest Kingfisher Ballast Point - Balmain |
Flying from Ballast Point towards Balls Head Reserve. low straight flight White spots on the wings very clear. (Moderator's Note: This is not a confirmed record but is being posted here in case people may wish to try and look for the bird. MR). |
Neil Kaye 12/10 #232263 |
| Australian Owlet-nightjar Kurrajong Hills nw of Sydney |
Almost exactly a year since the last record here. Also a vocal Koala grunting away, and Sugar Gliders yapping eBird checklist |
Eric Finley 13/10 #232266 |
| Red-backed Button-quail W of Blue Lake, S of Station Creek, Yuraygir National Park |
male observed on edge of 4WD track.(Moderator Note: This species is on the review list for the NSWORAC. AKM) |
Russell Jago 14/10 #232277 |
Wed 11 | Australian Painted Snipe Pitt Town Lagoon |
Lone male observed 8:40 AM on the west end of the swamp. In the corner of the horse paddock next to the swamp. (Private property) but easy to see over the fence. Still there when I left. (Moderator's Note: Presumably the ongoing bird. MR) eBird checklist |
Michael Rutkowski 11/10 #232253 |
| Red-capped Robin Hazelbrook |
The Blue Mountains has also had its fair share of Red-capped Robin sightings over the past month with sightings at Springwood, Wentworth Falls, Katoomba and this one this morning at Hazelbrook near the start of the Woodford Dam fire trail. eBird checklist |
Mark Ley 11/10 #232255 |
| Spectacled Monarch Shoalhaven Heads Inlet |
River Road carpark.
Bird observed in trees next to the path that leads to the beach just before you take the track through the bush to the inlet. eBird checklist |
Donna Nagiello 14/10 #232282 |
| Red-capped Robin Wilton |
3 adult Red-capped robins (2 male, 1 female) observed 1km south of Wilton in restricted Sydney Water Catchment land |
Lachlan Hall, George Madani 15/10 #232288 |
Tue 10 | Sacred Kingfisher 446 Parramatta Rd, Petersham |
First time sighting (for me) in such a built-up area. Sighted in the jacaranda tree at the back, Didn't seem to mind the noise from from the incoming jet aircraft. |
Rafael Furniss 11/10 #232250 |
| Freckled Duck Lake Wallace, Wallerewang |
Single bird among the reeds on the western foreshore of Lake Wallace. Also x 4 Blue-billed Ducks and x 2 Latham's Snipe. eBird checklist |
Mark Ley 11/10 #232254 |
| Peregrine Falcon Warriewood Wetlands |
Perched on a balcony roof in the Oceanvale complex, right by the Wetlands. Being swooped by the swallows, but not fazed. |
Alex Moffat 11/10 #232256 |
| Pacific Golden Plover Fivebough Wetlands |
Pacific Golden Plover amongst 100s Sharp-tailed Sandpipers, 5 Marsh Sandpipers and 5 Curlew Sandpipers on 10/10/17. Late report. |
Max O'Sullivan, Geoff Ball and Keith Hutton 23/10 #232422 |
Mon 9 | Plumed Whistling Duck Nowra Wastewater Treatment Plant |
6 Plumed Whistling Ducks observed on grass adjacent to pond. Photos taken. |
Carla Jackett and Nerida Hudspith 9/10 #232202 |
| Chestnut-rumped Heath-wren Cromer |
On the Cromer - Red Hill Trail good views of a Heath-wren, and also of a Brush Bronzewing. I'm not sure how much closer to Sydney CBD these 2 species still occur. The 1960s small populations of Tawny-crowned and Yellow-tufted Honeyeaters in the Cromer - Oxford Falls area seem to have vanished. |
David Sawyer 9/10 #232213 |
| Regent Honeyeater 147 Levenstrath Rd Levenstrath NSW 2460 |
10.25 am. The Regent Honeyeater is still feeding in the bottlebrush and Silky Oaks . This is the third consecutive day in same location. |
WarrenThompson 9/10 #232214 |
| Spotted and Baillon's Crakes Mount Annan Botanic Gardens |
Seen around Lake Nadgungamba. eBird checklist |
Anthony Katon 9/10 #232219 |
| Little Bronze-Cuckoo Partridge Creek (Port Macquarie) |
Male bird first detected by call and then seen well, flying back and forth between casuarinas near the pump station. This is the same spot that I had two LBCs on 11/11 last year. White-winged Trillers, Horsfield's Bronze and Pallid Cuckoos still present; also 10+ Latham's Snipe, King Quail (female flushed and another heard), Square-tailed Kite and Lewin's Rail. eBird checklist |
Liam Murphy 9/10 #232225 |
| Australian Spotted Crake Little Bay wetland, La Perouse |
Well at least 2 Spotted Crakes have finally made it to East Sydney this year. Little Bay wetland yesterday on the edge of golf course and almost-dry pond on the golf course. Also Baillon's Crakes and a Latham's Snipe in the wetland. eBird checklist |
Richard Murray 10/10 #232236 |
Sun 8 | Cicadabird, Mangrove Gerygone Ku-ring-gai Chase National Park--Bobbin Head |
Visit approx 10am when there was a very high tide (over the Gibberagoong boardwalk). Single Cicadabird seen flying across the creek near the suspension bridge at Bobbin Head. Some Glossy-black Cockatoos were calling on the road side of the main creek - but could not be found. 2 Mangrove Gerygones were in the mangroves at Apple Tree Bay - also seen there an Azure Kingfisher and a high up Wedge-tailed Eagle. |
Tom Wilson 8/10 #232180 |
| Crakes, Freckled Duck Pitt Town Lagoon |
No less then 14 Baillon's, 2 Australian Spotted and a Spotless Crake were present there today. Also seen were 14 Freckled Ducks, a couple of Whiskered Terns, a Latham's Snipe, 2 Sharp-tailed Sandpipers, a Swamp Harrier, White-winged Trillers, Rufous Songlark, Horsfield's Bronze, Pallid Cuckoo and hundreds of White-browed and a few Masked Woodswallows. |
Edwin Vella, Mark Fuller and Michael Ronan 8/10 #232186 |
| Regent Honeyeater, Little Lorikeet, Olive-backed Oriole, Australasian Figbird Levenstrath Road, Levenstrath |
The Regent Honeyeater was still present at Warren Thompson's place at Levenstrath feeding amongst a number of Noisy Friarbirds, Little Friarbirds, Little Wattlebirds, Lewin's Honeyeaters and Yellow-faced Honeyeaters. The Regent was very secretive keeping well hidden when feeding but perching in more open places when resting and preening. It was mimicking the call of the Noisy Friarbird. Little Lorikeets (2+) were heard calling and an Oriole and Australasian Figbirds were also feeding in the flowering Silky Oaks, apparently on the nectar/pollen. |
Greg & Val Clancy & Warren Thompson 8/10 #232188 |
| Pink-eared Duck Bomaderry Wastewater Treatment Plant |
106 Pink-eared ducks roosting at the ponds. |
Carla Jackett and Nerida Hudspith 9/10 #232201 |
| Little Bronze-Cuckoo, 56 Armidale Road Coutts Crossing |
A Little Bronze-Cuckoo heard calling in our backyard today was my first north coast record for the season. |
Greg Clancy 9/10 #232204 |
| Olive Whistler Lyrebird track, New England NP |
Presumed two pairs of Olive Whistler calling well on the Lyrebird Track. Mostly in upper to mid-canopy of Antarctic beech forest. Also Superb Lyrebird, Golden Whistler and numerous Rose Robin present. |
David Charley 9/10 #232221 |
Sat 7 | Wandering Albatross types, Giant Petrel sp, Brown Skua. Sydney Harbour National Park, North Head. |
2 Wandering Albatross sp. Off North Head today this is my first record off sydney this year, also seen today were 2 Giant Petrels sp. , 3 Brown Skuas, 4 Arctic Jaegers, 25 Shy and 40 Black-browed Albatross. |
michael ronan 7/10 #232175 |
| Regent Honeyeater, White-winged Chough Levenstrath Road, Levenstrath |
Warren Thompson observed a Regent Honeyeater in bottlebrush and other trees at the back of his house. GPC observed and photographed it later in the day in a Silky Oak. There were 10 Choughs feeding on the ground and perching in shrubs. At least one was a downy juvenile. This is Warren's second observation of a Regent Honeyeater at the site the first being a few years ago. |
Greg & Val Clancy & Warren Thompson 8/10 #232187 |
| Square Tail Kite, Grey Currawong, 30+ Common Bronzewings Ingalba Nature Reserve |
A pair of Square Tailed Kites were seen on the Eastern Boundary Trail. A Grey Currawong was heard twice in 2 locations and at least 30 Common Bronzewings were seen in a small area on the Southern Boundary Trail. eBird checklist |
Steven Cooper, Lorne Johnson & Steven Edwards 8/10 #232193 |
| Inland Dotterals, Banded Lapwing, Red Chested Button-Quail Oolambeyan National Park |
At least 5 individual Inland Dotterals were seen at various locations along the Eastern Boundary Track - probably more. We were looking for Plains Wanderer during the night but only flushed 2 Red Chested Button-Quail. We also saw several Banded Lapwings, a few Barn Owls (or maybe the same 1) and a pair of sleepy White Winged Fairy-Wrens during the night. eBird checklist |
Steven Edwards, Lorne Johnson, Steven Cooper 8/10 #232194 |
| Freckled Duck Haywards Bay Drive, Haywards Bay |
12 Freckled Ducks at large pond. Two Lathams Snipe and one Baillon's Crake also present. |
Carla Jackett 9/10 #232200 |
Fri 6 | Superb Lyrebird Narrabeen Lakes |
Three birds in the lower length of Middle Creek Valley, 2 giving mimicry, the third a female seen at dawn highly agitated at my presence, squawking loudly and giving a piercing whistle, and giving what seemed like distraction behaviour, tail-fanning and wing-spreading. |
David Sawyer 6/10 #232160 |
| Kermadec Petrel, Black-bellied Storm-petrel, Wandering-type Albatrosses Pelagic off Port Stephens |
Two dark morph Kermadec Petrels and 3 Black-bellied Storm-petrels were the highlights of a great day at sea off Port Stephens, organised by the Bellingen/Dorrigo Birders. The southerly change that whipped the ocean into a frenzy turned on some great birding before the decision was made to make a hasty retreat back to port. The Kermadec Petrels are just the 2nd birds recorded outside of Jan-Apr in NSW (based on SOSSA data), with the other being off Newcastle 25 Oct 2008. The bird was observed chasing a Crested Tern for food. Also seen were 3 early (in recent years anyway) Flesh-footed Shearwaters, seen only at the shelf, 3 Wandering-type Albatrosses and 3 Common Terns, amongst a total of 19 species recorded outside the heads. |
Mick Roderick, Mandy Wright and others on the M.V. Argonaut 7/10 #232171 |
| Black-tailed Native-hen Macquarie Rivulet Delta, Haywards Bay |
Very surprised to find this bird on the main pond. Water levels low with exposed refuge island. Photoed roosting near the island until it swam to the southern reeds & disappeared. Other birds of note; Freckled Ducks, Bailon's Crake, Lathams Snipe & Rufous Songlark. eBird checklist |
Paul Lynch 7/10 #232174 |
Thu 5 | Australian Painted Snipe Pitt Town Lagoon |
Male Australian painted snipe spotted at the eastern edge of lagoon at approximately 0800 this morning. It stayed in view for about ten minutes making its way over the mud and grass and seemingly displaying a few times before retreating to some tall grass amongst some black wattles on a private property backing onto the lagoon. (Moderator's Note: Presumably this is the same bird initially found on 17/09, then refound 01/10, by Darren and Thalia Broughton? MR) |
Jason Grubba 5/10 #232141 |
| Horsfield's Bronze-Cuckoo Warriewood Wetlands |
A single Cuckoo (presumably from the drought exodus) was calling around the ponds when it was ambushed by a Grey Butcherbird. The Butcherbird flew into shrubs to finish off the Cuckoo when it was mobbed by Noisy and Bell Miners. A nearby Magpie-Lark also seemed guilty by association and was mobbed by the miners. The victims all escaped and flew off with the Cuckoo looking very shabby and likely injured. The Bell and Noisy Miners then proceeded to attack each other with no clear winner. |
Jon Spicer-Bell 5/10 #232145 |
| Red-backed Kingfisher, Red-winged Parrot Yarrawa Rd, 1km West of Denman |
1 Red-backed Kingfisher found on powerlines, feeding and bombed by Noisy Miners, called a few times. Also a Red-winged Parrot did a flyby. (Moderator's Note: this is a very long way east for a Red-winged Parrot in the Hunter Valley - perhaps related to the current trend of birds pushing coastwards? MR) |
Steve Roderick 5/10 #232146 |
| Regent Parrot Balranald |
Flock of 12 flew over the road in Box/Black Pine woodland, 15km from Balranald on the road to Hay. Just south of the Pungle Mail Rest Area. [Moderator Note: Regent Parrots are only very very rarely seen in the Murrumbidgee River valley. The area around Balranald marks the eastern extent of their range in that valley. AR] |
Darryl Smedley 5/10 #232150 |
| Painted Honeyeater Cocopara Nature Reserve, Rankin Springs |
Single adult at the beginning of the western access road to the reserve. Looked for more but the late afternoon wind made birding difficult |
Darryl Smedley 5/10 #232151 |
| Wandering Whistling Duck Twin Lakes estate, South Nowra |
Two adult Wandering Whistling Ducks were seen about 5pm and photographed with phone. Rare for the Shoalhaven. Access via Quinns Lane off the Princes Hwy. |
Carla Jackett 5/10 #232153 |
| Superb parrot Sheldon park, west pymble |
Single male in company of king parrots. aviary escapee or .......drought refugee ??? (Moderator's Note: Although considered very likely an escapee [and Birdline NSW does not normally publish escaped birds], we are publishing here on the possibility that it could be a wild bird given the coastal movement of other birds noted during this time. MR). |
Bas Hensen 6/10 #232166 |
Wed 4 | Black-eared Cuckoo, Baillon's Crake Lake Zott, University of New England |
Black-eared Cuckoo perched on the edge of the lake, started calling but unable to photograph. Also 6 Baillon's Crake, possibly more, feeding through out the reed beds. |
Heath Milne and Lucy Farrow 5/10 #232138 |
| Regent Honeyeater, Pallid Cuckoo, White-browed Wooidswallow Glen Alice Area, Capertee Valley |
We joined with Ross Crates ANU/Birdlife Researcher in his Regent Honeyeater occupancy surveys on public & private lands during a morning visit, part of two full days in the Valley staying at Glenbrook Cottage, Glen Alice, seeing 16-20 birds at 4 sites. Regent Honeyeaters could also be seen in the flowering Mugga Ironbarks and Yellow Box around the Capertee NP Homestead (restricted access that can be arranged through NPWS). Pallid Cuckoos were seen and heard all all sites in the Valley and White-browed Woodswallows were abundant, lesser numbers of Masked & Dusky Woodswallows, also Rufous Songlarks and White-winged Trillers. At the Glen Alice Reserve, there were Black-chinned, Spiny-cheeked and Striped Honeyeaters, Shrike-tits and White-browed Babblers. 2 prs Red-capped Robins, Speckled Warblers and 40+ Double=-barred Finches at Glenbrook! 106 species in 2 days!. |
Alan & Anne Morris, Allan Benson 6/10 #232161 |
| Ground Cuckoo-shrike, White-winged Fairy-wren, Variegated Fairy-wren, Superb Fairy-wren Yelarbon Road, NW of Dthinna Dthinnawan National Park |
3 Cuckoo-shrikes feeding on ground and spreading one or two wings to trap insects or shade the ground. Three fairy-wren species together near dam. |
Gould League Bird Study Camp per Greg Clancy 9/10 #232207 |
| Black-breasted Buzzard N of Inverary Homestead, Dthinna Dthinnawan National Park |
Buzzard observed by G. P. Clancy over tree canopy from vicinity of Homestead in late afternoon |
Gould League Bird Study Camp per Greg Clancy 9/10 #232216 |
Tue 3 | Red-backed Kingfisher Bureen (mid Hunter Valley) |
There have now been 6 individual Red-backed Kingfishers seen in the Hunter Valley, 5 in the Durridgere / Turill area and one yesterday at Bureen (first heard by Dan Williams 2/10). This is 100km south-east of the Upper Hunter sites and was the venue for the only other Red-backed Kingfisher record for the Hunter in recent times, which was a single bird there during October 2002. Black Honeyeaters and Crimson Chats still present at Durridgere Road 2/10 and Painted Honeyeater present at 3 sites in that broad area. |
Mick Roderick 4/10 #232125 |
| Pacific Baza, Wedge-tailed Eagle, Nankeen Kestrel Bruxner Highway, SW of Texas (in NSW) |
Two Bazas, a Wedge-tailed Eagle and a Nankeen Kestrel in flight near Highway. |
Gould League Bird Study Camp per Greg Clancy 9/10 #232205 |
| Plum-headed Finch, Tawny Grassbird, Golden-headed Cisticola Bruxner Highway, near Bonshaw |
4 Finches in shrub, Cisticola observed and Grassbird in in grassy paddock. |
Gould League Bird Study Camp per Greg Clancy 9/10 #232206 |
Mon 2 | Tawny-crowned Honeyeater, White-winged Triller, Masked Woodswallow Riverside Park, Chipping Norton |
The unusual birds continue. a single adult Tawny-crowned Honeyeater is a bird I would never expect here. 5+ White-winged Trillers. 5 Masked Woodwallows with 60 White-browed Woodlwallows. 4 species new for me at this park bringing my list for here to 143. Also my first local Koel for the season and a single White-bellied Cuckoo-shrike flying over eBird checklist |
David James 2/10 #232099 |
| Musk Lorikeet Long Beach, Batemans Bay NSW |
Four Musk Lorikeets in my yard. |
Tony Dawe 2/10 #232106 |
| Black-eared Cuckoo Forresters Beach |
Photographed in a small road side reserve this morning. It was not there when I rechecked an hour later.(Moderator's Note. This is the only 2nd Central Coast record, the first was in January 2017. AKM). |
Gerard Satherley 2/10 #232108 |
| Fluttering/Hutton's Shearwater Magic Point, Maroubra |
13,000 + Fluttering type shearwaters seen this afternoon streaming south close to off Magic Point. Likely a larger number than this as the birds were rounding the headland to the south when I started counting. A few Hutton's were confirmed but no idea as to the ratio of Fluttering-Hutton's. A small number of Wedge-tailed Shearwaters present too. |
Michael Ellison 2/10 #232114 |
| Wood Sandpiper Teven Rd Swamp |
Wood Sandpiper in the wetland adjacent Teven Rd, West Ballina. Has been a regular at this site for the last few years. eBird checklist |
Steve McBride 3/10 #232122 |
| Black Bittern Narrabeen Lakes |
Heard calling, a resonant owl-like "cow!" repeated at intervals, at sunrise at Deep Creek. Shortly after a pair of Black Bitterns flew off, closely together. About 30 minutes later a third bird was heard giving the same kind of call about 2 km away at South Creek. |
David Sawyer 4/10 #232126 |
| Red-backed Kingfisher Deniliquin-Conargo Rd, north of Wandook |
Single bird sitting on dead limb on eastern side of the road. |
David Parker 4/10 #232136 |
| Pilotbird Pierce's Pass Picnic Area, Grose Track |
Half way down track, Pilotbird seen feeding on track. Observed for 15min, two birds seen spasmodically. Occasionally calling. |
Norm Clayton and Maree Davis 12/10 #232260 |
Sun 1 | Horsfield's Bronze-Cuckoo and pair of White-headed Pigeons Riverside Park, Chipping Norton |
the first time I have seen the Horsfield's Bronze-cuckoo here (IDd on the ABID page) and only my second sighting of White-headed Pigeons in this area. |
Brenda Parkinson 1/10 #232083 |
| Black-tailed Nativehen. Red-kneed Dotterel Oregon Creek, Lower Coldstream Rd. (Near Grafton) |
One Black-tailed Nativehen observed feeding on edge of creek then walked out of view among clumps of sedge. Rare occurrence for Clarence valley. Also 2 Red-kneed Dotterel, have been absent from region a while.
Lat/Long: 29.6216S 153.1011E eBird checklist |
Darryl, Gary and Margaret Eggins 1/10 #232085 |
| Glossy Ibis, Whiskered Tern Ellis Swamp, Tucabia-Wooli Rd (near Grafton) |
47 Glossy Ibis observed feeding in wetland, large count for area. Also 7 Whiskered Tern in full breeding plumage.
Also: approx 300+ Black-winged Stilt. Brolga pair with juvenile.
Lat/Long: 29.6891S 153.1170E eBird checklist |
Darryl, Gary and Margaret Eggins 1/10 #232086 |
| Red-capped Robin Meryla State Forest--Bundanoon Gorge, end Garbutts Rd |
First time i have seen this bird in 8 years of birding the southern highlands.
Were they avoiding me before? Seen on the native forest side of the track, not the pine side. (Moderator's Note: Unlikely that they are there regularly, most likely part of the movement of Red-capped Robins to the Coast as is occurring elsewhere. AKM) |
fred young 1/10 #232088 |
| Black Honeyeater Bogee (Capertee Valley) |
One adult male seen beaside the Glen Alice-Ryalstone Rd. Thousands of White-browed and some Masked Woodswallows also present. Painted Button-quail also seen. My last sighting of Black Honeyeaters in the Capertee Valley was an adult pair in Glen Davis in 1994. |
Edwin Vella 1/10 #232094 |
| Black-eared Cuckoo Capertee |
One seen verty well beside Coco Creek at the second bridge from the town of Capertee. Also seen here were a pair of Red-capped Robins and Speckled Warbler. |
Edwin Vella 1/10 #232095 |
| Black-eared Cuckoo, Plum-headed Finch Glen Davis |
Another Black-eared Cuckoo and Plum-headed Finches was present about 2 km south of the Capertee River on the Glen Davis Rd. Lots of Paliid Cuckoos, a few White-winged Trillers, Rufous Songlarks but only one Brown Songlark. Lots of fflowering eucalypts attracts thousands of White-browed and smaller numbers of Masked Woodswallows and very numerous Noisy Friarbirds. Regent Honeyeaters possibly also heard well off the road and on private land. |
Edwin Vella 1/10 #232096 |
| Brown Songlark Sydney Airport |
Following on from David Mitford's report on the 30th September, there were 6 Brown Songlarks loosely foraging together in the area immediately west of the main helipad on Sunday. It was a great opportunity to help my fellow staff in identifying them out in the field.
If the current trend of dry-land birds moving to the coast continues, I think Sydney Airport might be in for a big summer in terms of new species found. It's the largest area of rural-type grassland along the coastal fringe from the Central Coast to Berkeley, south of Wollongong. |
Nigel Coghlan 2/10 #232098 |
| Pallid Cuckoo, White-winged Triller, Horsfield's Bronze-Cuckoo Central Coast Wetlands, Tuggerah |
In the past two days (30/9,1/10) a number of visits have been made to the Dairy Swamp and adjacent wetlands, timbered groves and pastures of the Central Coast Wetlands. Highlights have been a Pallid Cuckoo, only the 2nd record for the site since 1995, the first was in Oct 1999, and 3 White-winged Trillers at two separate locations, there have only been 5 previous records, the last Feb 2001. Three Horsfield's Bronze-Cuckoos are also unusual at this site. Returning migrants have also been encountered including 3 Sacred Kingfishers, Dollarbird, Latham's Snipe at 2 locations, Fairy Martin, Black-faced Monarch, Channel-billed Cuckoo, Fairy Martins and White-breasted Woodswallows. Sea-eagles, Swamp Harriers M N& F, and a Whistling Kite also present. 4 Red-bellied Black Snakes were seen in a 1 hour session! (No sign of the Red-capped Robin reported previously). |
Alan Morris, Daniel McKeon , L & F. Ullrich 2/10 #232103 |
| Spotted quail-thrush Bungonia NP |
1 adult foraging and feeding a juvenile following behind. Also nesting White-winged choughs, an abundance of Jacky Winters, as well as two all-white doves/pigeons standing on the road looking very unsure of themselves (escapees? wedding releasees?) |
David George 2/10 #232104 |
| GILBERT'S WHISTLER Private property at Koorawatha near Cowra |
A male seen well by members of Birding NSW. Other heard calling at a different location. |
Allan Richards 2/10 #232107 |
| Red-backed Kingfisher, Blue-billed Duck Dangars Lagoon |
Walked the circumference of Dangar's Lagoon, 1 Red-backed Kingfisher in willow on western edge. 25+ Blue-billed Ducks and 40+ Pink-eared Ducks on northern edge amongst reed beds. A number of Whiskered Terns and Great-crested Grebes also foraging in towars the middle section of the lagoon. |
Heath Milne and Lucy Farrow 3/10 #232117 |
| Australian Painted Snipe Pitt Town Lagoon |
Probably the same male we saw on Sept 17. Was around same time in real terms (6.30pm this time; was around 5.30pm pre-daylight saving on Sept 17). Again it was on the east side of the lagoon and again our attention was focused on other moving birds. Not clear how long there and pretty much motionless for a while. Within 10 minutes though it was running off to reeds. We were further away than last time and not clear why it went to reeds. Minor interactions with other waterbirds perhaps. A Red-Kneed Dotterel went close a few times. |
Darren and Thalia Broughton 3/10 #232120 |
| Turquoise Parrot, Brown Treecreeper, Red-winged Parrot N of Strathbogie |
c.5 Turquoise Parrots, 2 Brown Treecreepers and 2+ Red-winged Parrots |
Gould League Bird Study Camp per Greg Clancy 9/10 #232208 |
| Inland Thornbill Inverary Homestead, Dthinna Dthinnawan National Park |
Present in bushland near homestead on 26, 27 & 28 Sep and 01 Oct. Near eastern edge of range. |
Gould League Bird Study Camp per Greg Clancy 9/10 #232211 |
Sat 30 | Brown Songlarks Sydney Airport |
Two visible from Ross Smith Avenue, one near drainage channel and one towards the heliport. Also a male at nearby Mitch Park, Pagewood. |
David Mitford 30/9 #232071 |
| Baillon's and Spotless Crakes, Freckled Duck, Whiskered Tern Pitt Town Lagoon |
We had 6 Freckled Duck, a Latham's Snipe with 11 Sharpies, excellent view of 4 Baillon's and 2 Spotless Crakes, 4 Whiskered Terns, a Pallid Cuckoo and also heard Tawny Grassbird, Horsfield's Bronze-cuckoo, White-browed Woodswallow, White-winged Triller and Rufous Songlark. |
Edwin Vella, Mark Fuller and Michael Ronan 30/9 #232075 |
| White-browed and Masked Woodswallows Cornwallis Road, Cornwallis |
Along Cornwallis Rd we encountered a flock of about 400 White-browed Woodswallows that were feeding on recently ploughed ground with at least 10 Masked Woodswallows in with them. |
Edwin Vella and Mark Fuller 30/9 #232076 |
| Brown and Rufous Songlarks, Stubble Quail Richmond Lowlands |
In a paddock on the western side of Cornwells Rd we had a number of both Brown and Rufous Songlarks and Stubble Quail. |
Edwin Vella and Mark Fuller 30/9 #232077 |
| Horsfield's Bush Lark, Oriental Plover Hexham Swamp Nature Reserve |
One Bush Lark seen along Rail Trail (old railway line -32.8489396, 151.6494901). Ten Oriental Plover in the old tire paddock as previously reported (-32.8455, 151.6824). No sign of the Curlew or Pratincole. Nonetheless there are good numbers of birds at the site so it is well worth a visit. eBird checklist |
Stephen Hey, Paul Johnstone and Greg McLachlan 30/9 #232079 |
| Glossy Black-Cockatoo Cullendulla Dr Long Beach NSW |
Three birds feeding in Casuarina Trees |
TONY Dawe 30/9 #232080 |
| Black Honeyeater, Red-backed Kingfisher Durridgerie Rd, Turil |
Male and female Black Honeyeaters feeding in profusely flowering E. melliodora right beside the road (-32.18366, 149.88882) with more than 15 Spiny-cheeked Honeyeater, 20 Rufous Songlark and a pair of Hooded Robins in the immediate vicinity. Single Red-backed Kingfisher observed at close range on wires over Murrumbline Creek at the crossing. A possible RBK also observed 10 km south of Sandy Hollow on the Bylong Valley Way this morning (1st Oct). |
Max Breckenridge 1/10 #232087 |
| Baillon's Crake Pambalong Nature Reserve, Minmi |
Single bird seen feeding in the shallows of the North Swamp (observed from Cedar Hill Drive) at approx 5.30pm (30/09/17). The Purple Swamp hens moved away when I approached but this little guy wasn't too perturbed by my presence. After about 5 min it disappeared into the dense foliage. |
Paul Pellegrini 2/10 #232105 |
| Red-backed Kingfisher The Escort Way at Molong Creek |
2 Red-backed Kingfisher |
Bec Read 3/10 #232115 |
| Emu Hartley |
Two emus foraging in a sheep/cattle paddock at the corner of Mid Hartley Road and Browns Gap Road, Hartley (just outside of Lithgow). Most easterly emus I have seen. |
Kurtis Lindsay 3/10 #232116 |
| Turquoise Parrot, Glossy Black-Cockatoo, Dam at Inverary Homestead, Dthinna Dthinnawan National Park |
3 Turquoise Parrots and flock of Glossy Black-Cockatoos at dam. |
Gould League Bird Study Camp per Greg Clancy 9/10 #232210 |
| Bell Miner Ewans Waterhole, Dthinna Dthinnawan National Park |
Single bird observed at dam drinking alongside Yellow-faced and Fuscous Honeyeaters. |
Saul Dixon 10/10 #232238 |
Fri 29 | Koel Harold Reid Reserve, Middle Cove, Sydney |
Woke to a Koel calling this morning. (Moderator's Note: This will be the last Koel Cuckoo arrival report to be published, particularly for the Hunter and Greater Sydney Region, as we have already published a number of first arrivals for this species, and even on the Central Coast there have been 7 reports prior to this date. AKM) |
Lorna Bloom 29/9 #232052 |
| Rufous Songlark, Brown Songlark, Restless Flycatcher and Spotted Crake Long Reef Golf Course |
Great views of 2 Rufous Songlark (3rd NB record ever) and 3 Brown Songlark. A single Restless Flycatcher was very vocal and active around the main pond as were 2 Spotted Crake. Also of note was a single Curlew Sandpiper feeding alongside a Sharp-tailed Sandpiper, also at the main pond. |
Jayden Walsh 29/9 #232054 |
| Brown Songlark Long Reef Beach |
One male, timid and flighty, seen at sunrise in low vegetation where dunes meet beach, just north of Dee Why Lagoon mouth. |
David Sawyer 29/9 #232057 |
| Little Curlew, Oriental Plover, Australian Pratincole Hexham (Swamp and adjacent paddocks) |
3 Little Curlews and 2 Australian Pratincoles were found today along the disused Richmond Vale Railway corridor on the northern edge of Hexham Swamp (-32.8489396, 151.6494901). According to a quick search of eBird Little Curlews have only been reported in northern Australia since about the 18th September. The birds were using wet fields to the north of the railway line, which are quite extensive given how dry it is elsewhere. There were also 320 Whiskered Terns counted (also using swamps to the south of rail corridor), ~1500 Black-winged Stilts, 1300 Grey Teal, 3 Latham's Snipe and a couple of Black-fronted Dotterel. Numerous raptors, including 25 Black Kites and a likely immature Spotted Harrier. The site requires a long, exposed and rather arduous walk, across old railway sleepers and requires crossing creeks and old rail bridges, one of which is in disrepair. The 10 Oriental Plovers are still at the site on Hexham Swamp that they have been present at since Tuesday.
IMPORTANT NOTE: As of Tuesday 3rd October there will be a locked gate at the main access to Hexham Swamp via the Tarro interchange. Very little notice was given about this. The Hunter Bird Observers Club are working with authorities to broker access for birders (to be advised). Image of Little Curlews by Alex Berryman. Further information |
Mick Roderick and Alex Berryman 29/9 #232060 |
| Channel-billed Cuckoo Wollongbar |
Three channel-billed Cuckoo in trees at oval. Very quiet and chased by Currawongs. My first for the season and showing typical return timing as being after returns reported on the Central Coast & Greater Sydney |
David Charley 29/9 #232062 |
| Rufous Songlark, White-browed & Masked Woodswallow, Whiskered Tern, possible Banded Lapwing. Belmore Swamp, Seales Rd |
Good birding at Seale Rd swamp this morning despite very low water levels, highlights being hundreds of woodswallows flocking above the paddocks and perching everywhere, one Rufous Songlark in the melaleucas and dozens of Whiskered Terns. A Swamp Harrier put a distant flock of Masked Lapwings to flight and in with them was a slightly smaller bird with a black head and white bars on a dark upperwing. From the brief view I got I'm almost certain it was a Banded Lapwing but was unable to relocate the bird to confirm 100%. eBird checklist |
Liam Murphy and Keith Fisher 29/9 #232065 |
| Rufous Songlark, Baillon's Crake Boyters Lane, Jerseyville |
One female Rufous Songlark near the driveway into the bird hide and two Baillon's Crakes foraging on the edge of the swamp at the end of the lane. eBird checklist |
Liam Murphy and Keith Fisher 29/9 #232066 |
| Red-backed Kingfisher, Rufous Songlark, White-winged Triller Willi Willi Rd, upper Macleay valley |
Red-backed Kingfisher perched conspicuously on a stockyard fence in afternoon sunlight for fantastic views. Two Rufous Songlarks and a White-winged Triller seen in nearby woodland. eBird checklist |
Liam Murphy and Keith Fisher 29/9 #232067 |
| Australian Painted Snipe East Wetland, Cooranbong |
Male bird feeding in sedges with falling water levels. Latham’s Snipe also present with good numbers of Black-winged Stilt and other waterbirds in the low water conditions. Wetland under private ownership with no public access. |
Allan Richardson 30/9 #232069 |
| Pheasant Coucal, White-bellied Sea-Eagle Dumaresq River, Beebo |
One Coucal flushed from grass near River, immature Sea-Eagle flying over River. |
Gould League Bird Study Camp per Greg Clancy 9/10 #232212 |
| Black-breasted Buzzard, Spotted Harrier, White-bellied Sea-Eagle, Nankeen Kestrel, SW of Dumaresq River near Bebo |
Immature Buzzard moulting from juvenile plumage (see photo - ID and age confirmed by Stephen Debus) photographed by Anne Jones at some height and distance, adult Spotted Harrier flying low over paddock and then circled high into sky and glided off to W, immature Sea-Eagle flying high in SE direction and Nankeen Kestrel in fight. |
Gould League Bird Study Camp per Greg Clancy 9/10 #232215 |
Thu 28 | Brown Songlark, White-winged Triller, Horsfield's Bronze-cuckoo Bow Bowing Park, Minto |
2 Brown Songlarks seen in the Bow Bowing Park grasslands this morning, one male and one female. Also a White-winged Triller and a Horsfield's Bronze-cuckoo seen in Casuarina tree stands. eBird checklist |
Timothy Paasila 28/9 #232045 |
| Brown Falcon, Red-capped Robin, Tawny Grassbird Holsworthy STW, Harris Creek |
My first visit to this abandoned site that is technically within the boundaries of my local patch. 1 female Red-capped Robin was my highlight. Single Tawny Grassbird and juvenile Brown Falcon. About 10 White-browed Woodswallows and at least 1 Masked Woodswallow. , eBird checklist |
David James 28/9 #232047 |
| Black Kite Freeman Avenue Reserve (Oatley) |
A single Black Kite flew over Freeman Avenue Reserve at approximately 1335h. For a photograph and more infomation please see eBird checklist |
Jesse Gibson 28/9 #232048 |
| White-browed Woodswallow Bundeena |
A flock of over 200 chattering White-browed Woodswallows flew over my house ar 11am heading SW into the Royal NP. |
Bruce Roubin 28/9 #232051 |
| Red-backed Kingfisher Atholwood Road, NE of Atholwood |
Single bird perched in dead tree in paddock. |
Gould League Bird Study Camp per Greg Clancy 9/10 #232217 |
| Regent Honeyeater Capertee Cottage at Capertee National Park |
Staying at The Cottage from 27-30 Sept 2017 we saw over 50 species of birds, in this area. These included the critically endangered Regent Honeyeater. It was at 1.56pm on the 28th, we saw the Regent Honeyeater in the Casuarina trees down near the river, (which was not flowing). It was feeding on the flowers of these trees, the foliage made it difficult to get a clearer photo. |
Dianne Donovan 21/10 #232393 |
Wed 27 | Pallid Cuckoo Camden Airport |
Heard calling repeatedly and seen briefly around 7:30am. |
Leo Skowronek 27/9 #232034 |
| Black Falcon Court Lane, Breeza |
A pair of Black Falcon observed flying low over paddocks on 'Watermark' the property owned by the contentious Shenhua mine. I have observed Black Falcon in the greater vicinity quite regularly over the last few years particularly in April and September. Channel billed Cuckoos now present and my first White-throated Gerygone heard for the season among other migrants such as Rufous Whistler. Numerous Zebra Finch sightings in the area which are not usually present. Sporadic groups of Masked and White-browed Woodswallows but not in the same large numbers as reported on the coast. |
George Madani 27/9 #232036 |
| Black Honeyeater Private Property, Bullarah Locality 70km West of Moree |
Feeding on Budda/False Sandalwood (Eremophila mitchellii) and drinking water. |
Pat Johnston 27/9 #232039 |
Tue 26 | Sacred Kingfisher, & Brown Songlark Sydney Park |
2 Sacred Kingfisher at the large southern pond, and another at the pond with the island. Also a Brown Songlark. |
Katie Oxenham 26/9 #232017 |
| Sacred Kingfisher Pitt St, Redfern |
Was very surprised to see a Sacred Kingfisher at this v inner city location, on the fence of a weedy vacant block |
Katie Oxenham 26/9 #232018 |
| Pallid Cuckoo Richmond Lowlands |
Pallid cuckoo spotted in a horse field about 100 metres west of Pugh's lagoon. |
Jason Grubba 26/9 #232019 |
| Turquoise Parrot Voyager Point Wetlands |
Startled to find a single female Turquoise Parrot feeding on seeding grasses on the Sirius Drive at the edge of the woodland. She had freshly moulted plumage with no damage or signs of cage life. No bands. Moderately timid. I am inclined to think this is a wild bird, not an escapee, considering how many inland refugees are arriving in Sydney at the moment. eBird checklist |
David James 26/9 #232020 |
| Red-capped Robin,Brown Songlark, Rufous Song-lark, White-winged Triller, Square-tailed Kite, Shining Sydney Olympic Park |
Phenomenal morning birding at SOP today. 3 Brown Songlark, 2 Rufous Songlark, 1 White-fronted Chat,1 White-winged Triller at the Parade-ground. Large flock of White-browed & at least one Masked Woodswallows flew overhead. Female Red-capped Robin along the Parramatta River, 9 Whiskered Terns at the Waterbird Refuge, Square-tailed Kite near the Archery Lawn & Shining Bronze-cuckoo at the base of Woo-la-ra. eBird checklist |
Jenny Stiles & Dion Hobcroft 26/9 #232021 |
| White-browed Woodswallow,(400), Masked Woodswallow (100), Topknot Pigeon (100) Voyager Point Wetlands |
Incredible numbers of Woodswallows in the air and also in trees and shrubs gleaning lerp. 100 Topknot Pigeons was a high count for me in the area. Shining-Bronze Cuckoo (c. 4) Horsefield's Bronze Cuckoo (1) and Fan-tailed Cuckoo (6+) all singing. 2 Lewin's Rail heard only. No songlarks. Yet. eBird checklist |
David James 26/9 #232022 |
| Masked Woodswallow Milperra |
Arrived home in Pozieres Ave Milperra after seeing hundreds of Woodswallows on the other side of Georges River, to find 2 Masked Woodwallows (an adult and juvenile) flying over the house |
David James 26/9 #232023 |
| White-throated Nightjar Bellawongarah (Berry Mountain) Private property |
2nd record over the past 8 years. Heard calling from our rainforest but may have been on the fringe near open paddock. Recorded call. |
Carla Jackett 26/9 #232025 |
| Oriental Plover (9), Australian Pratincole (1) and Orange Chat Hexham Swamp (Hunter Wetlands National Park) |
The epic birding east of the divide continues. A single Australian Pratincole was original found by Leslie in the stubbly swamp known as Smithy's. The area is just beyond the dumped tyres on private property on the left after you go over the cattle grid on the way into the National Park. Later on when looking for the Pratincole, nine Oriental Plovers found in close proximity to the Prat. (-32.8455, 151.6824)
Brief views of a female Orange Chat were also had in the same location, unfortunately the bird flew off and was unable to be relocated.
Cuckoos and Songlarks continue to be seen in good numbers.
(Moderator's Note: The timing of the arrival of these Oriental Plovers is near identical to the 'invasion' of birds in NSW in spring/summer 2013, when birds were first reported 27/09/2013 from Bushells Lagoon (2 birds) and Dairy Swamp, Tuggerah (1 bird), followed by several subsequent reports. Of interest I photographed 2 waders that flew over my house in Shortland on Mon 25/09 that have subsequently been identified as Oriental Plovers, so this was their first known arrival date in the Hunter Estuary. Note that Oriental Plover is on the review list for NSW ORAC. MR). Further information |
Leslie, Judi Thomas, Ian Benson plus many others. 26/9 #232027 |
| Red-backed Kingfisher, Crimson Chat, Painted Honeyeater, Black-eared Cuckoo Durridgere Road, Upper Hunter |
Two Red-backed Kingfishers were found along the creekline along Durridgere Road (near the intersection of Ulan Road) on three occasions this morning (though not found this afternoon). Two female Crimson Chats found further along Durridgere Road at site where Michael Kearns had found a male on 24/09 (no sign of Little BQ today). 6 Southern Whiteface also present. Painted Honeyeater seen feeding on Box Mistletoe fruit further west along Durridgere Road + second bird calling about 1km east of the chat site. Black-eared Cuckoo calling and seen well at the westernmost Painted HE site. 1000+ White-browed/Masked Woodswallows, including a paddock with 600 birds feeding on the ground. White-backed Swallows also seen at the kingfisher site. Numerous Pallid Cuckoos, songlarks etc. |
Mick Roderick, Alex Berryman and Jeff Jones 26/9 #232030 |
| Powerful owl Eleebana 2282 |
Owl seen sitting in low branch in my back yard at 10 pm |
Tonia wand 27/9 #232031 |
| Glossy Black-Cockatoo, Black-eared Cuckoo Inverary Homestead, Dthinna Dthinnawan National Park near Yetman |
24+ Glossies at dam near homestead. Two Cuckoos in oaks and other trees near dam. |
Gould League Bird Study Camp per Greg Clancy 8/10 #232190 |
Mon 25 | White-browed and Masked Woodswallows Grafton |
Small flock of 18 White-browed and one Masked Woodswallow soaring and feeding overhead for approx 15 minutes this morning. Flew off to east. eBird checklist |
Darryl Eggins 25/9 #231988 |
| Australian Owlet Nightjar Chatswood High School |
Seen in the old tennis courts |
Harry O'Donovan 25/9 #231989 |
| Brown Songlark (4) Pallid Cuckoo (1) White-fronted Chat (1) Sydney Olympic Park |
The songlarks (all male) and male White-fronted Chat on the playing field adjacent the Newington Nature Reserve inside the Armory (access 9-5 during school holidays). Pallid Cuckoo seen in flight nearby across Parramatta River. Other good birds Whiskered Tern (15) Waterbird Refuge, Baillon's Crake and Latham's Snipe at Water Feature Pond. |
Dion Hobcroft 25/9 #231990 |
| Pallid Cuckoo, White-winged Triller Picnic Point, The Entrance |
The reports of the influx of inland birds continue with a male and female White-winged Triller and a Pallid Cuckoo seen together. This is the first Central Coast record of WWT since Oct 2013 ans first Pallid since 2015. Also at this site was a Horsfield Bronze-Cuckoo and 9 Whiskered Terns. |
Alan Benson 25/9 #231992 |
| Brown Songlark and Dollarbird Centennial Park (Sydney) |
Brown Songlark seen feeding on the Eastern Mission Field this morning, mixing loosely with a flock of Common Starlings. Perhaps related the recent influx at Eastlakes. Also a Dollarbird spotted flying over the west Mission Field, first for the season. |
Anne Brophy 25/9 #231994 |
| White-browed Woodswallow, Masked Woodswallow and Topknot Pigeon Freeman Avenue Reserve (Oatley) |
Approximately 30 White-browed Woodswallows with a minimum of four Masked Woodswallows flew over Freeman Avenue Reserve heading north. At the same time, about 110 Topknot pigeons flew past heading south. For photographs and more information please see eBird checklist |
Jesse Gibson 25/9 #231995 |
| White-browed and masked Woodswallow Chatswood Golf Course |
A mixed flock of 50 flew low over Chatswood Golf Course eBird checklist |
Kurtis Lindsay 25/9 #231999 |
| Masked Woodswallow and White-browed Woodswallow Wollongbar |
Huge mixed flock of Masked Woodswallow (70%) and White-browed Woodswallow (30%) flying from east to west. Many very high but many only metres from the ground. Flock flew over house for at least 27 minutes (if it was averaged at a low of 50 birds passing per minute = 1,350 birds). This is a very low estimate as at the peak of the movement there were many 100's of birds passing over the house every minute and this peak last for approximately 13 minutes. Could possibly estimate 3,000+ birds. The flock was also at least 500m wide (reference used = the length of the street). One of the largest flocks I have ever seen. |
David Charley 25/9 #232000 |
| Pallid Cuckoo, Brown Songlark, Rufous Songlark Boat Harbour, Kurnell |
A Pallid Cuckoo was observed close to the humpies where the Tawny Grassbird have taken up camp. A Rufous Songlark was also seen in the same area. Five Brown Songlark (2M, 3F) were between Boat Harbour and Potter Point. Otherwise, activity on the shelf was quiet. eBird checklist |
Greg McLachlan 25/9 #232001 |
| Brown Songlark, Rufous Songlark Barton Park South--Landing Lights Wetland |
Four Brown Songlark feeding on the grass near the derelict football stadium. Also present was a lone Rufous Songlark. Not unknown at the site historically but definitely not regular over the past five years were four Horsfield's Bronze Cuckoo feeding out in the open with the Songlark. Also present a lone Australian Pipit. eBird checklist |
Greg McLachlan 25/9 #232002 |
| Australian Pratincole, Marsh Sandpiper Lake Cargelligo Road |
Twelve pratincoles and lots of waders present around shallow lake on southern side of Lake Cargelligo Rd (-33.3090, 146.3912). Of most interest were 2 Marsh Sandpipers, 2 Red-necked Stints, 1 Common Greenshank, 10ish Sharp-tailed Sandpipers, and 1 Red-necked Avocet. STP and other marshy areas also good birding, with all three crakes, Glossy Ibis, Whiskered Terns (possibly 1 White-winged Black Tern), and Black-tailed Native-hens around. |
Donna Belder and Brenton Takach 25/9 #232006 |
| White-browed Woodswallow and Masked Woodswallow Lime Kiln Bay Reserve and Wetlands |
Approximately 400 woodswallows (250 White-browed Woodswallows and 150 Masked Woodswallows) were seen at Limekiln Wetlands feeding on eucalyptus flowers. Very high numbers for a Sydney suburb. eBird checklist |
Jesse Gibson 25/9 #232007 |
| Red-capped Robin and dry country birds Eastlakes golf course |
Conservative numbers from today:
8 Pallid Cuckoo, 20 White-winged Trillers
7 Sacred Kingfishers, 6 Brown Songlarks
2 Rufous Songlarks and finally a male Red-capped Robin after 2 'brown' birds thus far.
Later Paul Johnstone found a mixed group of 3 Woodswallows, which was a great finale. |
David Mitford and Corey Callahan 25/9 #232008 |
| White-browed and Masked Woodswallows Eastlakes golf course |
In addition to the other 'specials' reported recently at Eastlakes by David Mitford et al, late this afternoon 2 White-browed and 1 Masked Woodswallow were seen, first record for both according to David. |
Paul Johnstone, David Mitford, Corey Callaghan 25/9 #232009 |
| Woodswallow species probably White-browed and Masked Ferdinand Street, Hunters Hill |
Flock of about 40 Woodswallows flying high over Hunters Hill around 1 pm - from call likely to be White-browed. Single Masked Woodswallow flew out of tree on North Parade at same time. |
Elisbeth Karplus 25/9 #232012 |
| Scarlet Honeyeater Larool Creek Valley, Thornleigh |
Surprised to see at least 4 Scarlet Honeyeaters along the creek just below the bottom of Wareemba Ave. First record for me in this area where I've been living for 16 years. Large numbers of Brown Thornbills, Brown Gerygones and Silvereye also, all very active around 3pm. eBird checklist |
Lewis Benham 26/9 #232013 |
| Red-capped Robin North Hazelbrook |
A male Red-capped Robin sited on a morning bushwalk off Clearview parade Hazelbrook. |
Amy Davis 26/9 #232029 |
| Horsfields's Bronze-Cuckoo Bella Vista Farm, Baulkham Hills NSW |
Unusual in this location. Moving in lightly wooded area with lower undergrowth nearby to homes. Superb wrens frequent the location. |
Doug Meredith 2/10 #232101 |
Sun 24 | red-capped Robin Spring Farm |
First time seen in the Camden area. eBird checklist Further information |
Anthony Katon 24/9 #231946 |
| White-Browed Woodswallow and Masked Woodswallow Warriewood Wetlands |
Great views of about 30 White-Browed Woodswallows and 1 Masked Woodswallow this morning near the water quality ponds. |
Jayden Walsh and Jon Spicer-Bell 24/9 #231947 |
| Rainbow Bee-eater Westleigh |
15 Rainbow Bee-eaters flying over on passage.
A first for us in our suburb. |
Peter and Carol Abbott 24/9 #231949 |
| Brown Songlark, Rufous Songlark, Glossy Ibis, Pallid Cuckoo Eastlakes golf course |
Highlights from this morning included 7 Brown Songlarks, 5 Rufous Songlarks, 2 Pallid Cuckoos, Fan-tailed Cuckoo, and a Glossy Ibis flyover. Also seen were Pacific Heron, Whiskered Tern, Tawny Grassbird, White-winged Triller, and Rufous Night-Heron. Yesterday ( a Dusky Woodswallow was of note. Baillon's Crake have been regular and Richard Murray had a Spotless Crake yesterday evening. eBird checklist |
Corey Callaghan and David Mitford 24/9 #231952 |
| Red-capped Robin, White-browed Woodswallow, Masked Woodswallow Stanley Park, East Kurrajong |
Clearly NSW is drying out with all the reports of Woodswallows on the move. In this case ~200 woodswallows went to roost for the night in woodland near one of my dams (about 80% White-browed). This morning a juvenile Red-capped Robin turned up. They were last seen in this area around 2005 during the height of the millennium drought. |
Matthew Stanton 24/9 #231954 |
| White-browed Woodswallow, Masked Woodswallow Dairy Swamp Tuggerah |
An estimated 100+ White-browed Woodswallow and 2 Masked Woodswallows( that were positively IDed) were flying high above the Dairy swamp at 11.30. The noise from the calling flock was impressive. First Central Coast records since Oct-Nov 2012 when up to 40 WBWS were at Mangrove Mountain and Somersby, & 2 Masked Woodswallows being seen at Mangrove Mtn on 5/10/12. |
Allan Benson 24/9 #231977 |
| Red-capped Robin, Brown Songlark Eastlakes |
A different Red-capped Robin found today, and updating numbers, 66 Whiskered Terns, 15 Brown Songlarks, 2 White-winged Trillers and a feeding Glossy Ibis. Totally unprecedented conditions and possibly more birds to follow. |
David Mitford, Richard Murray and Corey Callahan 24/9 #231978 |
| Red-capped Robin Magenta Shores. The Entrance |
Female robin seen on access rd into Magenta Shores. There are only three previous records for RCR on the Central Coast , all adult males , 2 in 1994 at Mt White & Narara and the male at the Dairy Swamp, last month seen and photographed by my father Frank. |
luke ullrich 24/9 #231979 |
| White-browed and Masked Woodswallows, Brown Songlarks Riverstone |
Saw initially about 3 White-browed and a Masked Woodswallow and then later a flock of about 200 White-browed Woodswallows later on in the morning. At least 12 Brown Songlarks also moving through consisting of both male and female birds.Two Brown Falcons also seen. |
Edwin Vella and Mark Fuller 24/9 #231981 |
| Plum-headed Finch, White-browed Woodswallow and Masked Woodswallow Capertee Valley |
At least 400 woodswallows seen in Capertee Valley. 25% were Masked the rest were White-browed. All flying very low and feeding in flowering Yellow Box and White-box. Also one flock of 40 Plum-headed Finch, abundant Little Lorikeet, Zebra Finch dispersed across they Valley. Unusually low numbers of Larks (only 8 Rufous and no Brown) and Pipits. Extremely dry with little grass cover and seed head. |
Kurtis Lindsay 24/9 #231982 |
| White-browed and Masked Woodswallows, Freckled Duck Shortland, Wallsend, Sandgate, Newcastle University |
For most of the afternoon across a wide area stretching from Shortland/Sandgate across to the University of Newcastle campus and Wallsend there were very large flocks of these birds, many very high up as others have described. During the peak (around 3pm) there were about 500 birds over Shortland alone. Over the course of the afternoon across the area (where 3 observers were stationed) there would have been many more than a 1000 birds fly through (very difficult to speculate but 1000 is an absolute minimum). Amongst the woodswallows (very high up) there were some larger birds that I photographed, later found to be a dark Little Eagle, a Brown Goshawk, 3 Great Cormorants and a White-necked Heron! A count of 72 Freckled and 663 Pink-eared Ducks made at the back of the university this morning as well by AB (on Shortland Waters Golf Course). |
Mick Roderick, Dan Williams and Alex Berryman 24/9 #231983 |
| Little Button-quail, Crimson Chat, Black Honeyeater Durridgere Road, Upper Hunter |
A Little Button-quail was watched and photographed amongst grass clumps at a site along Durridgere Road in the Upper Hunter Valley yesterday. The bird was initially seen flying across the road before dropping into the grass where the observer was able to relocate it. A male Crimson Chat also flew in while the observer was watching the button-quail go about its business. Later in the day a male Black Honeyeater was seen at a waterhole along the nearby creek. Also present were hundreds of White-browed and Masked Woodswallows (of course!), 2 Southern Whiteface, 3 Diamond Firetails, a pair of Hooded Robin, a couple each of Brown Treecreepers and Jacky Winters, 7 White-browed Babbler, White-winged Trillers, Speckled Warbler and Rufous Songlarks. |
Michael Kearns per Mick Roderick 25/9 #231993 |
| Regent Honeyeater (~70), Scaly-breasted Lorikeet, Barking Owl, woodswallows, Capertee Valley |
At least 70 Regents across the valley during occupancy surveys, on private and public land. Scaly-breasted Lorikeet paired up with a Rainbow Lorikeet was unexpected near Bogee. Several Barking Owls east of Glen Davis. Well over 1000 White-browed/Masked Woodswallows throughout, feeding in fields and smothering flowering Yellow Boxes. Most migrants back in force and calling strongly. Red-capped Robins seen at 6 different sites, including Cooroongooba campground. |
Max Breckenridge and Ross Crates 25/9 #231996 |
| Ruff Fivebough Wetlands |
At the 45 degree bend in the track south of the brolga sculptures. The bird flew in to roost at around 6pm. |
Brandon Hewitt 25/9 #232011 |
Sat 23 | White-browed Woodswallow Hornsby. |
40-50 White-browed Woodswallows flying over Hornsby late this afternoon. |
michael ronan 23/9 #231941 |
| White-winged Triller, Tawny Grassbird, White-necked Heron and Lewin's Rail Lime Kiln Bay Reserve and Wetlands |
A White-winged Triller was seen in a Swamp Oak on the north side of the main pond. To my knowledge, this is the first White-winged Triller sighting in Oatley. The White-necked Heron seen previously was today feeding in the eastern pond. Additionally, a Tawny Grassbird and a Lewin's Rail were heard in the reedbed. For more information please see eBird checklist |
Jesse Gibson 23/9 #231942 |
| White-browed Woodswallow North Orange NSW |
A mixed flock of many hundreds of White-browed Woodswallow with some Masked Woodswallow (maybe 5%) mixed in. On the back of a very windy day they swarmed around the area for well over an hour. Also had 4 Super Parrots fly over during the same time. |
Chris Dwyer 23/9 #231944 |
| White-throated Nightjar Pipeline trail - Heathcote National Park |
Night spotting when I heard that unmistakable call surprisingly early in the season. Heard about 4km in from the north end of the track. |
Leo Skowronek 24/9 #231955 |
| Rainbow Bee-eater Yarramundi Reserve |
At least two Rainbow Bee-eaters spotted not far from the bridge. My first sighting this year. Two Azure Kingfishers, a Sacred Kingfisher and plenty of Scarlet Myzomelas were other highlights though not unexpected. |
Jason Grubba 24/9 #231967 |
| Glossy Black Cockatoo Horsfield Bay, NSW |
6 Glossies flying across from South Woy Woy over Horsfield Bay towards Phegans Bay and Woy Woy Bay. |
Andrew Whitaker 24/9 #231975 |
| Brown Honeyeater Budderoo National Park--Budderoo Fire Trail |
A generally quiet visit to the Budderoo Fire Trail in hot and windy conditions but we did see a Brown Honeyeater. An unusual sighting for the area. |
Stephen Hey, Paul Johnstone 26/9 #232014 |
Fri 22 | Leaden Flycatcher Ingleside Chase Reserve |
2 Birds seen and heard calling. Appear to be first for the season in Sydney. Other recently arrive migrants in Warriewood include: White-throated Gerygone, Rufous Whistler, Black-faced Monarch, Sacred Kingfisher, Dollarbird, Koel and Channel-billed Cuckoo. All that's missing is Rufous Fantail and Cicababird which will undoubtedly arrive soon. |
Jayden Walsh 22/9 #231918 |
| Baillon's Crake Jacana Hsd Clarenza NSW |
Once common here, but not seen for 20 years. ( Moderator's note: this report is publish in the light of the long period since previous sighting at a well surveyed location (AKM). |
Eric Wheeler 22/9 #231919 |
| Red Knot Boat Harbour, Kurnell |
One Knot seen feeding alone on the shelf. Wader numbers are increasing. A dapper Whiskered Tern reported by Michael Ellison earlier in the week was also present. eBird checklist |
Greg McLachlan 22/9 #231923 |
| Rufous Songlark Revesby, suburban street |
This very vocal small striped bird has been calling in my suburban Revesby St for the last few days. Often while sitting on my or the neighbours front fence. This morning it was calling from the top of the street power pole.
Smallish streaked bird, Rufous rump. |
Michael Miller 22/9 #231926 |
| Brown Songlark Ingleside |
Very excited to find a Brown Songlark in the late afternoon. A very rare bird for the Northern Beaches |
Jayden Walsh 22/9 #231928 |
| Spotted, Spotless, Baillon's Crakes, Lewin's and Buff-banded Rails, Rufous Songlark Hexham Swamp (Hunter Wetlands National Park) |
Awesome numbers of crakes today: 40 Spotted, 23 Baillon's, 4 Spotless, 4 Buff-banded & 2 Lewin's Rail; most active as soon as the sun dipped below the horizon. Numbers all conservative (particularly for Spotted) counts. At least 6 Rufous Songlarks seen, including 4 birds in vicinity of mangroves on eastern side of pipeline track. Also around 500 Sharp-tailed Sandpipers (most arriving on dusk). |
Alex Berryman 22/9 #231930 |
| White-browed Woodswallow Coutts Crossing Village and Public School |
30+ White-browed Woodswallows moderately low over canopy in village and school, late in afternoon. |
Greg Clancy 23/9 #231936 |
| Easten Koel Jamisontown |
Eastern Koels herd calling at 2pm in the afternoon |
L. Margen 24/9 #231964 |
| Red-capped Robin HEZ Kurri Woodlands |
2 female Red-capped Robins seen in burnt woodland, a first for HEZ. Also Turquoise Parrot seen here 21st Sep. (per Mick Roderick) |
Steve Roderick 24/9 #231968 |
Thu 21 | Torresian Crow Main Street in Gunnedah |
A single bird perched on a power pole proclaiming his dominance over the town. |
George Madani 21/9 #231903 |
| Latham's Snipe Deaves Rd, Cooranbong, NSW |
Single bird feeding on the edges of a pond. On private land but visible from the road |
Maurice Ashton 21/9 #231904 |
| Koel Suburb Ruse |
I heard a Koel calling this evening from my house in south west Sydney, not sure if they have been recorded as yet this season. |
Brendon Levot 21/9 #231912 |
| Topknot pigeon Bonnievale camping ground, Bundeena |
4 Topknot Pigeons took flight from cabbage tree palm when I approached from Cabbage Tree Basin into camping ground this afternoon around 3pm |
Bruce Roubin 21/9 #231913 |
| Black Kite, Wedge-tailed Eagle South Grafton airstrip |
2 Black Kites over and one Wedge-tailed Eagle on fence post. |
Greg & Val Clancy & Warren Thompson 23/9 #231932 |
| Magpie Goose, Scarlet Honeyeater Clarenza STW |
100+ adult and immature Geese foraging on grass seeds near ponds a short distance south of usual wetland roost and south of the Pacific Highway. 20+ mostly male Scarlet Honeyeaters feeding in bottlebrush along roadside near service station. |
Greg & Val Clancy & Warren Thompson 23/9 #231933 |
| White-browed Woodswallow Southgate |
200+ flying over paddocks south of Southgate Village. |
Greg & Val Clancy & Warren Thompson 23/9 #231934 |
| White-browed and Masked Woodswallows, White-breasted Woodswallow, Pallid Cuckoo, Black-necked Stork James Lane, Trenayr |
20+ White-browed and 2+ Masked Woodswallows, 4+ White-breasted Woodswallows near wetland on Bunyip Creek. Two Pallid Cuckoos on fence posts near end of lane, Adult male Black-necked Stork eating 3 eels from nest indicating that young are on nest. |
Greg & Val Clancy & Warren Thompson 23/9 #231935 |
Wed 20 | Dollarbird Coachwood Park |
Observed two on Monday 18th and heard two this morning. eBird checklist |
Brian Deans. 20/9 #231891 |
| Channel-billed cuckoo Gordon |
Quietly eating in a fig tree. Checking ebird, seems they are back in Sydney. (Moderator's Note: Yes they are and as a result we won't be publishing ongoing Channel-bill records unless they are in unusual locations, numbers etc. MR) |
David Vickers 20/9 #231893 |
| Brown Falcon (1) Tawny Grassbird (1) Baillon's Crake (5) Spotless Crake (1) Sydney Olympic Park |
Brown Falcon showing well from viewing platform on brickpit ring walk hunting from dead trees and cliff sides, a first for me in inner west. Also Baillon's and Tawny Grassbird seen from here (scope will be handy). Spotless showing on mudflat at water purification pond at Wentworth Common. |
Dion Hobcroft 20/9 #231897 |
| Eastern Curlew Camden Haven river at North Haven |
Observed 12 Eastern Curlew loafing on rising tide on sandbank, also a pair of Sooty Oystercatchers seen flying down river, not often seen in this area. |
Stephen Gallivan 20/9 #231902 |
| Baillon's Crake Tuggerah STW |
Originally Andrew Melville found 4-6 Baillon's Crakes at the Tuggerah STW and subsequently on 21/9/1, nine were found by AKM and Allan Benson. They are in the north-west corner of the large pond accessed along the bank from Canntree Rd Tuggerah. This is the first report for Baillon's Crakes on the Central Coast since one was seen at McPherson Rd Swamp Oct 2013, however in period 2010-2013, birds were seen at a number of locations in the period Sep-Dec, indication some form of a spring passage to or through the Central Coast. |
Andrerw Melville and Alan Morris 21/9 #231906 |
| Powerful Owl Boondah Reserve, Warriewood |
Single bird calling at 8.30pm from vegetation along Narrabeen Creek, just to the west of Boondah Road. |
Carl Corden 22/9 #231916 |
Tue 19 | Dollarbird, White-browed Woodswallow Shortland, Newcastle |
Single Dollarbird flying south over Shortland this morning. Was flying very low and direct, vocalising as it crossed King Street. Two White-browed Woodswallows seen here yesterday and four more today. |
Mick Roderick 19/9 #231876 |
| Pallid Cuckoo N of Poley Bridge, Orara River |
1 on powerline, flew to ground then back to powerline (second local record this season). An irregular spring-summer migrant totally absent some years locally. Another at McIntosh Creek Coutts Crossing today. The Leaden Flycatcher reported for Sep 11 was not the first for the site but the first for the season for the local area. (Moderator's Note: There have now been many coastal/sub-coastal Pallid Cuckoo reports for NSW this season, so we won't be publishing any more unless they are otherwise noteworthy. MR) |
Greg & Val Clancy 19/9 #231880 |
| Osprey, White-bellied Sea-eagle, Whiskered Tern Boat Harbour, Kurnell |
4 whiskered terns at the Boat Harbour high tide roost this morning, plus 43 red-necked stint & 11 pacific golden plovers. Also an osprey flying over Captain Cook Drive near Quibray Bay, and a white-bellied sea eagle, 4+ black-browed albatross, c.250 feeding wedge-tailed shearwaters off Cape Solander. |
michael ellison 19/9 #231883 |
| Baillon's Crake Sydney Bicentennial Park--Lake Belvedere |
Two birds seen near reeds at south west end of Lake. Another bird seen at the water quality pond at Wentworth Common and three seen in Brickpit. All sightings during Sydney Olympic Park Spring bird surveys. |
Elisabeth Karplus 19/9 #231886 |
| Baillons Crake Warriewood Wetlands |
Single bird foraging in Warriewood Wetlands. Stayed around for 20 minutes. (Moderator's Note: There has been an obvious influx of Baillon's Crakes in NSW with numerous reports, particularly from coastal locations. We won't be publishing further stand-alone reports of Baillon's Crakes unless in large numbers or at unusual locations etc. MR). |
John Taylor 20/9 #231894 |
| Bassian Thrush Warriewood Wetlands, Illawong area. |
Single bird followed me along trail for about 10 minutes. |
John Taylor 20/9 #231895 |
| Rufous Songlark (1) Baillon's Crake (1) Sydney Olympic Park |
Great views of songlark after flushed off ground at north side of Water Feature Pond. Single Baillons showing well on mudflat at water purification pond, Wentworth Common. |
Dion Hobcroft 20/9 #231896 |
Mon 18 | Pied Currawong Collaroy |
At 6.30 a.m. in a suburban street-side Melaleuca quinquenervia I saw a Pied Currawong remove an egg from the nest of a Red Wattlebird, fly a few metres to a nearby roof and eat it, in spite of repeated and determined contact attacks by a Red Wattlebird. |
David Sawyer 18/9 #231860 |
| Tawny Grassbird, Baillion's Crake, Lewin's Rail, White-necked Heron Lime Kiln Bay Reserve and Wetlands |
One Baillion's Crake, and two Lewin's Rails were in the reeds near the willow tree. A White-necked Heron was feeding in the exposed mud under the willow tree, and the Tawny Grassbird was active in the southwest corner of the reeds. For more information see eBird checklist |
Jesse Gibson 18/9 #231865 |
| Australian Bustard Private Property, Bullarah Locality NW NSW, 90km West of Moree |
Pair of Bustards browsing amongst Chick Peas and previous season Wheat Stubble |
Pat Johnston 18/9 #231868 |
| Glossy Black Cockatoo Woy Woy Rd, Woy Woy Bay |
At least 20 observed flying low over the road. (Moderator's Note: This is a large concentration for the Central Coast. AKM) |
Chris Houghton pers Andrew Robinson 19/9 #231875 |
| Rufous Songlark Randwick Environment Park |
A Rufous Songlark was feeding in the longer grass around the picnic oval. Sometime calling quietly. First record for this site. Photo by Daphne Golvalzez. |
Daphne Gonvalzez (observed later by Richard Murray) 19/9 #231877 |
| Dollarbird Lakes Beach Reserve Budgewou |
The first Central Coast Dollarbird was seen and photographed at the Lakes Beach Bicycle Track by Frank Ullrich and was still present on 19/9 |
Frank Ullrich per Alan Morris 19/9 #231878 |
Sun 17 | Red backed Kingfisher Raleigh |
One adult seen this morn Northbank Rd, eastern end, moving between the first big fig on the left and a plane tree, 500m from intersection with Keevers Dr |
John Gale 17/9 #231850 |
| Fuscous Honeyeater, White-winged Triller, White-trhoated Gerygone Riverstone (Marsden Rd) |
A good mix of 80 species or so seen for a few hours in the morning including a Wedge-tailed Eagle, 3 Pallid Cuckoos, a number of Horsfield's Bronze-cuckoos, a White-winged Triller (male moulting into summer plumage), Dusky Woodswallows (presumably trying to nest), several White-throated Gerygones, several Rufous Whistlers, a female Rose Robin, nesting White-winged Choughs and a single Fuscous Honeyeater (the later an irregular visitor to the Riverstone area). |
Edwin Vella 17/9 #231852 |
| Little Lorikeet Ku-ring-gai Chase National Park--West Head |
2 Little Lorikeet were seen well and heard repeatedly as they flew around and landed in Eucalyptus paniculata near Koolewong Track. |
Jayden Walsh and Leo Skowronek 17/9 #231854 |
| Horsfield's Bronze-Cuckoo Newington Armoury Playing Field |
I saw 6 on ground at close range. Birdlife Discovery Centre Coordinator, said that they had seen 8 earlier in day and that this was a very unusual sighting, especially to see them on the ground and that given the numbers/circumstances, they were probably migrating south.
Site can only be accessed at weekends,public holidays and school holidays. |
simon dobree 18/9 #231869 |
| Black-eared Cuckoo Goulburn River National Park |
A Black-eared Cuckoo was present for three consecutive days during monitoring surveys on a private property neighbouring Goulburn River NP, between Merriwa and Wollar. Other birds of note included Black-chinned Honeyeaters, Powerful Owl and White-backed Swallows. Speckled Warblers were ubiquitous, the highest density of this species I have seen anywhere. This is an interestingly diverse zone of overlap, with species such as Satin Bowerbird, Wonga Pigeon and Rockwarbler occuring together with more typically western birds like Emu and Spiny-cheeked Honeyeater. |
Liam Murphy 18/9 #231872 |
| Australian Painted Snipe Pitt Town Lagoon |
Lone male. Was around 5-5.30pm. It was foraging with Sharp-tailed Sandpipers. Video is now available at eBird checklist Further information |
Darren Broughton and Thalia Broughton 21/9 #231908 |
Sat 16 | Channel-billed Cuckoo Bellevue Hill, Sydney |
My bird back this morning. |
Chris Gladwin 16/9 #231838 |
| Black-faced Monarch Don Morris Walk, University of Newcastle |
First of the season |
Alex Berryman 16/9 #231839 |
| Masked Lapwing Finlaysons Road ,Swan Creek |
A gathering of 89 Masked Lapwings on wetland in Finlaysons Rd, Swan Creek |
Eric Wheeler 17/9 #231851 |
| Whiskered Tern West of Coraki northern NSW |
6 birds on lagoon. Five in breeding plumage (Moderator's Note: there are now Whiskered Terns returned to many coastal and inland wetlands so we won't be publishing more unless they are of unusually high numbers or in atypical habitat etc. MR). |
David Charley 17/9 #231855 |
| Superb Parrots Sites on private properties around Grenfell |
Nineteen Superb Parrots seen on private properties around Grenfell during Birding NSW's survey in South West Slopes Key Biodiversity Area. |
Elisabeth Karplus and 28 others 19/9 #231887 |
| Black Falcon Bridge over Champions Creek, Tyndale-Tucabia Road |
Compliant falcon circled over group of 5 Clarence Valley Birdos for some minutes at just above canopy height. Jeanette Lawson and Shirley Styles took many photographs. |
Geoff Ryan 25/9 #231984 |
Fri 15 | Red-capped Robin and Pallid Cuckoo Eastlakes golf course |
Red-capped Robin seen at the 9th green, also a Pallid Cuckoo flying around. 2 Brown Honeyeater and a Golden Whistler also in that southern section. |
David Mitford 15/9 #231832 |
| Channel-billed Cuckoo Austral Ave, Beecroft |
First Channel-billed Cuckoo for me this season. |
Steve Edwards 15/9 #231833 |
| Male Leaden Flycatcher Lakes Beach Budgewoi |
Male Leaden Flycatcher seen near Lakes Beach Budgewoi, first return to Central Coast |
Allan Benson 17/9 #231849 |
Thu 14 | Brown Songlark Lord Howe Island - Old Settlement Beach |
Male Brown Songlark in cow paddock behind Old Settlement Beach.
I had fleeting views of a Lark flushed from a grassy sand dune on Sunday 10/9 which I thought initially may have been a Skylark but returned today and re-found the bird to confirm male Brown Songlark. Strong winds all week here which fits for a blow-in. (Moderator's Note: The first record for Lord Howe? No mention in any literature or databases I can access. MR) |
Dan Pendavingh 14/9 #231819 |
| Lathams Snipe Sydney Park, St Peters |
Foraging on muddy bank opposite the boardwalk at the largest pond in the park (at its southern end) |
Katie Oxenham 14/9 #231820 |
| Red-Capped Robin Tallawarra Ash Pond 3, Yallah (Restricted Access) |
This is a restricted area and you must complete an induction before picking up a key. eBird checklist |
Illawarra Birders 14/9 #231821 |
| White-winged Triller & White-necked Heron Eastlakes golf course |
During the flight-stopping high winds today, somehow managed some good birds: 10+Whiskered Terns, 9 Sharp-tailed Sandpiper, 1 White-winged Triller, 1 White-necked Heron, 1 Tawny Grassbird and 2 Lathams Snipe. |
David Mitford 14/9 #231826 |
| Southern Boobook Pidding Park, East Ryde |
Heard calling at 11pm (Moderator's Note: Unusual urban tecord. AKM). |
Steven Girot 16/9 #231846 |
| White-browed and Masked Woodswallows Barcoongere Way, near Station Creek |
200+ White-browed and 20+ Masked Woodswallows in canopy and circling over road at 13:20-13:30 hrs. |
Russell Jago 18/9 #231862 |
Wed 13 | Pallid Cuckoo Narrabeen |
A single Pallid Cuckoo flew over Pittwater Road north-west from the direction of Narrabeen Lake. Flew toward Warriewood Wetlands. eBird checklist |
Kurtis Lindsay 13/9 #231805 |
| Brown Songlark Coomaditchy Lagoon Reserve, Port Kembla |
Around 5pm I was checking for a Eurasion Skylark that had been performing there on Sunday afternoon. I didn't sight it but was very happy to find a male Brown Songlark (transitioning into breeding plumage) in the field to south of the southern ridge. Other birds of note were 2 Pink-eared Ducks and a brief appearance from 2 Red Whiskered Terns. |
Paul Lynch 13/9 #231811 |
| Australian Painted Snipe Kooragang Island |
Found during night time surveys in compensatory habitat of the Green and Golden Bell Frog. It is a lone female bird. |
Chad Beranek 14/9 #231815 |
| Spotless Crake, Australian Spotted Crake, Baillon's Crake Lake Cargelligo Wastewater Treatment Plant |
All 3 crakes in good numbers, including 20+ Baillon's (Moderator's Note: There have been several reports of crakes at this site in recent weeks, though these are the largest numbers reported thus far. MR) eBird checklist Further information |
Greg Roberts 14/9 #231816 |
| Pallid Cuckoo, Rainbow Bee-eater Broughton Island |
Not as impressive as a Brown Songlark on Lord Howe, but still a Pallid Cuckoo seen on Broughton (near the campsites, being chased by Welcome Swallows) appears to be a first for the island. Also present were Rainbow Bee-eaters (second record?) and recent colonists Little Wattlebirds and Yellow-faced Honeyeaters (and many Silvereyes). |
Mick Roderick 15/9 #231829 |
| Pallid Cuckoo, Latham's Snipe, Comb-crested Jacana, Yellow-billed Spoonbill, Australasian Shoveler Brotherson's Swamp, Coutts Crossing |
Cuckoo perched on fence post - first local record for the season; Snipe at edge of wetland in/near rushes, 4 adult Jacanas on wetland, 1 Spoonbill perched in partly dead tree, pair of Shovelers on water. |
Greg Clancy & Saul Dixon 19/9 #231879 |
Tue 12 | Sacred Kingfisher Bundeena |
One bird heard calling at around 9.00 am this morning immediately south of the township (in Casuarina woodland to south of the Bowling Club, Liverpool Street) |
Deryk Engel 12/9 #231796 |
| Baillon's Crake, Pink-eared Duck etc Eastlakes golf course |
Warm northerly airflow produced;
6 Whiskered Terns. 5 Pink-eared Ducks, 1 Baillon's Crake, 1 Tawny Grassbird (singing),1 GoldenWhistler (imm), 2 Horsfield Bronze Cuckoo (amorous) and later 5 Sharp-tailed Sandpiper (courtesy of Richard Murray) could be a good spring in Sydney if dry persists. |
David Mitford 12/9 #231802 |
| Black Honeyeater, Southern Scrub-robin, Chestnut Quail-thrush, Gilbert's Whistler Nombinnie Nature Reserve (East) |
Large numbers of honeyeaters including many Black & White-fronted. Scrub-robin & Quail-thrush co-operative eBird checklist Further information |
Greg Roberts 14/9 #231817 |
Mon 11 | Channel-billed Cuckoo Balmain |
First of the Balmain Channel-bills for this season heard this afternoon - a few days later than usual. |
Robert Griffin 11/9 #231788 |
| Shining Flycatcher Cobaki Boradwater area, Tweed River |
A male and female in full breeding plumage were seen well for 10 minutes or so. In well-developed and diverse mangrove community. In the same general location where DC first saw them in 1992. Also present were numerous Mangrove Honeyeaters and a number of Collared (Torresian) Kingfisher. |
David Charley, Kathy Wilks, Fay Hill 11/9 #231789 |
| Tawny Grassbird Sydney Park |
Tawny Grassbird heard singing and sighted several times on the northern edge on the lake with the island. This bird has been present for several weeks but finally seen well and identified today. |
Rob Hynson & Gokay Gul 11/9 #231790 |
| Leaden Flycatcher, White-winged Chough, Wonga Pigeon Coutts Crossing, Plantation Reserve and private land near Cemetery |
Adult male Flycatcher - observer's first record for local area in trees. 3+ Choughs flew to trees from ground - uncommon unpredictable resident or nomad, heard Wonga Pigeon - uncommon at this dry site. |
Greg Clancy & Saul Dixon 18/9 #231863 |
Sun 10 | White-necked Heron, Nankeen Night-Heron, possible Dusky Woodswallow Warriewood Wetlands |
An immature White-necked Heron was fishing near the Katoa Close end of the boardwalk approx 10am. Also seen there was a Nankeen Night-heron sporting breeding plumes. Earlier a possible Dusky Woodswallow was seen very briefly - was perched and calling in the casuarina grove near Katoa Close, but flew off towards the shopping centre and was not seen again. |
Tom Wilson 10/9 #231776 |
| Pallid Cuckoo, Brown Songlark Riverstone |
2 Pallid Cuckoos seen (one at Marsden Rd and another beside Neviille Rd (where also at the later place were Horsfield's Bronze-cuckoos and Fan-tailed Cuckoo. A Brown Songlark also seen. |
Edwin Vella and Mark Fuller 10/9 #231785 |
| Grey Plover, White-winged Triller Lake Wollumboola |
Water levels have dropped
3) Bar-tailed Godwits
1) Grey Plover
20) Red-capped Plover
20) Red-necked Stint
2) Ruddy Turnstone
2) Curlew Sandpiper
5) Sharp-tailed Sandpiper
5) Australian Gull-billed Terns
4) Australian Shoveller
1) White-winged Triller |
Demetrios Bertzeletos 10/9 #231786 |
Sat 9 | Jacky Winter Botany Bay National Park--Cape Banks |
We were surprised to see a Jacky Winter confidently moving around the Coast Cemetery. Rare to see in East Sydney. eBird checklist |
Richard Murray and 8 others "Sydney East Birdwatchers" 9/9 #231764 |
| Pacific Gull, Arctic Jaeger and Shy Albatross. Sydney Harbour National Park, North Head. |
1 Pacific Gull seen off North Head today,and my first Arctic Jaeger for the spring,also plenty of Shy Albatross off North Head today. |
michael ronan. 9/9 #231769 |
| Whiskered Tern Eastlakes golf course |
Two Whiskered Terns in breeding plumage. Hover diving in the big lake and resting in the shallow shorebird area. Return here after being absent for almost 3 years. eBird checklist |
Richard Murray 9/9 #231770 |
| Whiskered Tern Central Coast Wetlands, Tacoma South |
6 Whiskered Terns in summer plumage have returned,also resident pair of Torresian Crows about the car park. (Modersator's Note: The Whiskered Terns returned to the Tuggerah Lakes area 21/8/17 although up until now none had been seen at the Dairy Swamp. Torresian Crows have been resident at the Wetlands and elsewhere in the Tuggerah area since 2005.AKM) |
Edwin Vella 10/9 #231783 |
| Torresian Crow Palmdale |
One heard calling. Southern most edge of their range? Moderator's Note: Torresian Crows have not been reported from Palmdale before so yes southern edge of their range, although they are common and resident at Tuggerah. However they do not appear to be resident further north as in Lake Macquarie LGA, and don't occur until one reaches Hexham Swamp! AKM) |
Edwin Vella 10/9 #231784 |
| Banded Lapwing Lake Cargelligo Showground |
10 Banded Lapwing at Lake Cargelligo showground eBird checklist |
Bec Read 11/9 #231787 |
| White-winged triller Warriewood Wetlands |
White-winged triller female was observed at the settling ponds at Warriewood Wetlands early this morning. I am informed this is a fairly rare sighting for the Northern Beaches |
Hamish Burrell 13/9 #231804 |
Fri 8 | White-browed Woodswallow Hexham (near rail facility) |
Just adding to the arrival of sub-coastal woodswallows, an adult male and an immature White-browed Woodswallow were seen perched on a fence post on the approach to the rail facility at Hexham today (i.e. the access into Hexham Swamp). On Hexham Swamp there are building numbers of shorebirds, with about 750 Sharp-tailed Sandpipers, 20 Curlew Sandpipers and 2 Red-necked Stints. 2 Black Kites also circling over the swamp and a Spotless Crake feeding on the muddy margin of the same patch the sharpies etc were using. |
Mick Roderick, Grainne Maguire and Dan Weller 8/9 #231748 |
| Little Eagle WIlton area |
One adult bird where Hume Highway meets Picton Road. The first time I've seen a LE in this area in many years of driving this stretch of the Hume. |
Lorne Johnson 8/9 #231750 |
| Pallid Cuckoo Seales Rd Swamp, Belmore River |
The Seales Rd Swamp is now dry and there were only few birds to see but a Pallid Cuckoo did fly across the Swamp and both a Brown Falcon & a Swamp Harrier were present. |
Alan Morris and Doug Hocking 8/9 #231751 |
| Pink-eared Duck and Red-kneed Dotterel, Little Bronze-Cuckoo Boyters Lane, Jerseyville |
Most of the swamps around Boyters Lake are drying out however in one swamp there were still 18 Pink-eared Ducks and on another swamp there were 18 Red-kneed Dotterels. At the Bird Hide we saw a pair of Mangrove Gerygones feeding a begging juvenile Little Bronze-Cuckoo. |
Alan Morris and Doug Hocking 8/9 #231752 |
| Noisy Pitta Sea Acres Nature Reserve |
Seen in forest beside road down to Shelly Beach, near dry creek/drain, was beside road but moved deeper in forest as we watched |
Samantha Greiner 8/9 #231753 |
| Brown Songlark, Comb-crested Jacana, Yellow-billed Spoonbill, Australasian Pipit Brothersons Swamp, Coutts Crossing |
Adult male Songlark observed by GPC and SD and photographed by SD. 4 Jacanas on wetland and 2 Yellow-billed Spoonbills perched in paperbarks. |
Greg Clancy & Saul Dixon 8/9 #231759 |
| Red-kneed Dotterel, Australasian Shoveler, Black-winged Stilt Powers Swamp, N of Coutts Crossing |
5 Dotterels, a pair of Shovelers and a Stilt among more common waterbirds. |
Greg Clancy & Saul Dixon 8/9 #231760 |
| Forest Kingfisher Black Swan Drive, E of Coutts Crossing |
Adult Forest Kingfisher landed on arboreal termite nest and pecked at it briefly and then flew off. Probably testing the suitability of the nest for nesting. No breeding records of this species in the Coutts Crossing area. |
Greg Clancy & Saul Dixon 8/9 #231761 |
Thu 7 | White Browed Woodswallow and Masked Woodswallow Partridge Creek (Port Macquarie) |
Approximately 50 White Browed and 10 Masked Woodswallows perching and feeding . Also present a Horsfields Bronze Cuckoo and 3 Japanese Snipe. |
Tim Morris 7/9 #231744 |
| Pallid Cuckoo West Pottsville |
Single bird observed in grazing paddock. Uncommon on far north coastal strip. |
David Charley 7/9 #231745 |
Wed 6 | Black-winged Stilt Mona Vale Beach |
A pair of Black-winged Stilt on the rock platform adjacent to pool. 4 pm on rising tide. Still present when we left an hour later. A possible first for the Northern Beaches. |
Carl Weber 7/9 #231740 |
Tue 5 | Eastern Koel Lovers Jump Creek Reserve, North Turramurra |
Single bird heard calling twice approx 7am while outside my house. Appeared to come from the creekline near McRae Place. Was not heard again although I was outside for a further 80 minutes. My earliest record for the Turramurra/N Turramurra area by 3 days |
Tom Wilson 5/9 #231727 |
| Red-capped Robin Narrawallee NSW Surf Rd |
A male Red-capped Robin seen at 5 pm around the car park at the end of Surf Rd. Very flighty and disappeared into someones garden when we got out of the car. A photo taken thru car windscreen by Neil Kaye. Id quality only |
Dick Jenkin Neil Kaye Marion and David Stuart 6/9 #231734 |
| White-winged Triller William Beach Memorial Park |
Observed one female White-winged Triller beside Mullet creek. eBird checklist |
Brian Deans 6/9 #231735 |
| White-browed and Masked Woodswallows, White-winged Triller Medhurst Bridge, Martindale Valley |
A group of 22 White-browed and 2 Masked Woodswallows were observed at Medhurst Bridge, in the Martindale Valley south of Denman (mid-Hunter Valley). The birds were seen feeding on flowering eucalypts near the bridge. According to a search through eBird and Birdata these are the first reports of these species in NSW this season. Also present was a White-winged Triller and nearby were Rainbow Bee-eaters and 2x White-backed Swallows. |
Tom Kendall and Anthony Gooden per Mick Roderick 6/9 #231736 |
Mon 4 | Superb Parrot Molong |
Flock of eight birds heading south about 3km east of Molong township |
Darryl Smedley 4/9 #231719 |
| Fluttering shearwater Ku-ring-gai Chase National Park--West Head |
An impressive flock of 8-10,000 fluttering type shearwaters & 1000 + Silver Gulls feeding c.500m north of Barrenjoey Head, the birds alternately sitting in dense rafts & taking off in groups to land/shallow dive back into the presumed large shoal of fish below. Most birds appeared to me to be Fluttering Shearwaters rather than Hutton's going on the underwing patterns that I could see on the birds that came closer in to me. |
Michael Ellison 4/9 #231722 |
| Channel Billed Cuckoo Stapelon Reserve Avalon Beach |
Flying over the reserve calling and being chased by Noisy Miners |
Cecil Ellis 5/9 #231728 |
| Grey Goshawk Private Land Bullarah locality, 70km West of Moree NW NSW |
Photos taken on Cotton Irrigation Storage (Mehi River) which has been drying out after 16/17 season.
Other species on storage in their hundreds included: Pelicans, Pink-eared Ducks, Hardheads, Red-capped Plovers, Black-winged Stilts, Cormorants, Glossy Ibis, Australasian Darters, Spoonbills (Royal & Yellow-billed), Eurasian Coots, Black-fronted Dotterels, Pacific Black Ducks, etc.
Smaller no's of Black Swans(4), Whistling Kites (6), Australian Reed-warblers, Red-backed Kingfisher (1), Egrets(20) etc.(This record is ~50km west of the nearest location showing for Grey Goshawk in both Birdata and eBird records: MR) Further information |
Pat Johnston 5/9 #231730 |
| Cotton Pygmy-goose North Ballina wetlands (Tamarind Drv) |
Single Cotton Pygmy-goose still present (reported on NSW Birdline 31 Aug). Also observed again 6 Sep. |
Peter Higgins 7/9 #231741 |
Sun 3 | Bassian Thrush Irrawong Reserve |
Pair of thrushes collecting nesting material, also Superb Lyrebird, just before the Pitta site on right hand side in clearing |
Chris Pollard 3/9 #231703 |
| Fuscous Honeyeater, Square-tailed Kite Chiltern Trail, Ingleside |
Singles of Fuscous Honeyeater (about 300m in from the Chiltern Rd gate) and Square-tailed Kite (as the track zig-zags down to the rock platform). Also another 9 honeyeater species (inc a party of 6 Brown-headed seen at same spot as the Fuscous), which was not bad given there is not much tree blossom along the track. Also saw a Diamond Python - about 2 m long). |
Tom Wilson 3/9 #231704 |
| Spotless Crake Wentworth Common, Sydney Olympic Park |
Feeding on the exposed mud in the Eastern Water Quality Cotrol Pond |
Allan Richards 3/9 #231708 |
| Square-tailed Kite Bents Basin Recreation Reserve |
Cold but eventful morning before the wind picked up. Also Rose Robin, Rock Warbler,Wonga Pigeon, Yellow-tufted and White-eared Honeyeaters. Further information |
Lorand Szucs 3/9 #231709 |
| Dusky Woodswallow Ku-ring-gai Chase National Park--Waratah Track |
Good views of a single Dusky Woodswallow perched and flying, about 1km before the end of the track. |
Jayden Walsh 3/9 #231711 |
| Blue-billed Duck, Freckled Duck Wonga Wetlands--Lagoon 1, Albury |
Male Blue-billed Duck was sitting with a number of Hardhead, Chestnut Teal, Pacific Black Duck and Eurasian Coot. I only picked up the bird after I had left the site and checked my camera pics. Day was cold, overcast. please excuse quality of photograph - the light was very poor. One Freckled Duck was also present. Further information |
Kylie Waldon 4/9 #231716 |
| Osprey, Freckled Duck Ski Gardens, Manilla |
An Osprey was observed flying and perched near the Ski Gardens Caravan Park. Also observed were 28 Freckled Ducks in the one flock on the lake in the same area. eBird checklist |
Matt Hinze 4/9 #231723 |
| Black-fronted Dotterel Warriewood Wetlands |
First body of water walking along Watergum Drive from Warriewood Wetlands Garden Road end. A single bird right on the water's edge. |
Clint Hook 4/9 #231724 |
| Osprey Long Reef Aquatic Reserve |
4 Osprey in the area hovering for ages in the strong late afternoon wind. An amazing sight to one of them descend from 80-100m high to catch a sizeable fish right in front of the rock platform where all the Silver Gulls and Cormorants were resting. |
Clint Hook 4/9 #231725 |
| Black-browed Albatross Off Boambee Headland, Sawtell |
2 Black-browed seen mid-afternoon off headland in very strong nor-easterly winds. Not often seen here at any time. |
Peter Higgins 7/9 #231742 |
Sat 2 | Baillon"s Crake West Byron Wetlands |
Large numbers (for crakes) visible in the first pond and some also in the 2nd pond. At least 10-15 actually sighted early on Sat. am. All adults. Probably more hidden in the vegetation. Also 1 Spotless Crake and a Buff-banded Rail.
? Influx to coastal wetlands as inland wetlands dry after good breeding season. (Moderator's Note: Does sound like a movement towards the Coast, seems as if they are at every other wetland other than those on the Central Coast!. AKM) |
June Harris, Rose Wisemantel, David Fonda 3/9 #231707 |
| Eastern Bristlebird, Square-tailed Kite Booderee National Park, Sanctuary Point |
Beautiful weekend at Jervis Bay with lots of spring activity. Very close & confiding views of 3 separate Bristlebirds at the ruined lighthouse in Booderee NP & a Square-tailed soaring over in nearby Sanctuary Point the highlights. Also Varied Sitellas making a nest of spiders webs. |
Michael Ellison 4/9 #231721 |
Fri 1 | Channel-billed Cuckoo Harold Reid Reserve, Middle Cove, Sydney |
First heard one call yesterday and very vociferous this morning. |
Lorna Bloom 1/9 #231688 |
| Russet-tailed Thrush, Paradise Riflebird, Woopoo Fruit-Dove Nightcap National Park--Protestors Falls |
Early morning birdtrip to Protesters Falls produced 1x Russet-tailed Thrush, 1x Azure Kingfisher, 10+ Logrunners, 6x Pale Yellow Robin, 5+ Woopoo fruit Doves many calling around the carpark, 1x Rufous Fantail & 1x Horsfield's Bronze Cuckoo calling all these birds were viewed in the carpark. |
Jackson Hagley, Richard Hagley 1/9 #231694 |
| Buff-banded Rail Dubbo |
One adult flushed from an artificial drain/creek in a new subdivision in Argyle St. |
Darryl Smedley 1/9 #231695 |
| Square tailed kite Carlyle Road, East Lindfield |
A pair of square tailed kites observed circling together above houses and Two Creeks walking track. They were being harassed by a magpie. |
Peter Lockhart 1/9 #231697 |
| Latham's Snipe Dairy Swamp, Central Coast Wetlands, Tuggerah |
Latham's Snipe have now returned to the Central Coast with a single bird seen and photographed by Luke Ullrich on 1/9/17, subsequently seen there today and at McPherson Rd Tuggerah as well. Several sightings at both locations |
Luke Ullrich, Andrew Robinson, Alan Morris and 2 others. 3/9 #231710 |
| White-headed Petrel Offshore--Eden pelagic |
Three White-headed Petrels were the only stand out species sighted on the Eden Pelagic organised by the Canberra Ornithologists Club per Tobias Hayashi. The back to back trip the following day was cancelled . |
Tobias Hayashi per Alan Morris 4/9 #231720 |
Thu 31 | Baillon's Crake. Sydney Park |
Continuing bird seen in the same location as reported on Tuesday. eBird checklist |
Brian Deans 31/8 #231686 |
| Cotton Pygmy-Goose Ballina Heights wetland |
Male Cotton Pygmy-Goose first recorded in eBird on 23/8, still present today, in the wetlands below Ballina Heights, adjacent the sports field. eBird checklist |
Steve McBride 31/8 #231687 |
| Red-capped Robin Walka Water Works (Maitland) |
A male Red-capped Robin was found at Walka Water Works (outskirts of Maitland) on the 31st August by Marg Clarke and Dinah Stehr. The bird was still present this morning (01/09). This is likely the first record for the Maitland LGA. Also present was a Latham's Snipe. Image by Marg Clarke. |
Marg Clarke and Dinah Stehr per Mick Roderick 1/9 #231689 |
Wed 30 | Noisy Pitta Royal NP |
South of the clearing at Jerseys Spring feeding around at the riverside with a Bassian Ground Thrush. Also two Lyrebirds in the area and a fly by Wonga Pigeon and a Wonga Pigeon at Wattle flat ! Further information |
Lorand Szucs 30/8 #231667 |
| Channel-billed Cuckoo Toronto, west Lake Macquarie |
Two separate records of a Channel-billed Cuckoo calling at Toronto, ~6am and ~8am. (Moderator's Note: first report for NSW this season? MR, No! One seen and photographed at Dairy Swamp, Central Coast Wetlands, Tuggerah on 23/7/17. AKM)) |
Karen Thumm and Andrew Stauber per Mick Roderick 30/8 #231669 |
| Pacific Baza Blackman Park, Lane Cove |
A pair of Bazas moving about keeping to the treetops and attracting plenty of Noisy Miner attention. (Moderator's Note: From now on we won't be publishing records of Pacific Bazas in Sydney [and elsewhere within their standard range] as they are regularly reported and no longer meet the Birdline criteria. We will however publish records of them if they meet other criteria such as interesting behaviour, unusual numbers etc. MR) |
Joan Rosenthal 30/8 #231672 |
| Australasian Bittern Warnervale |
I flushed an Australasian Bittern from dense reeds at Porters Creek Wetland (Warnervale) this afternoon! Decent views as it flew over open water before dropping down into cover. Aus. Bitterns have been recorded there previously but not for a number of years. Also seen was a White-necked Heron and Swamp Harrier.(Moderator's Note: This is the 8th CC Record, the last reports were at Porters Ck Wetland & Bluebell Park reedbed Berkeley Vale in 2003. AKM) |
Nick Carson 30/8 #231677 |
| Baillon's Crake Pitt Town Lagoon |
4 Baillon's Crake feeding along the shoreline. |
L. Morgan 30/8 #231678 |
| Pacific Gull Red Point, Port Kembla |
Around 5pm the immature bird flew over the point & out to Big Island where it soared along the south ridge before disappearing. eBird checklist |
Paul Lynch 1/9 #231693 |
Tue 29 | Black Falcon Medway |
One bird leisurely flying over the Hume Highway early this morning. My fourth record for the Southern Highlands. Rare birds in this area. |
Lorne Johnson 29/8 #231656 |
| Baillon's Crake and Spotless Crake Sydney Park |
Spotless Crake seen in the north eastern corner of the main pond with the island, first sighting of this bird since June. Baillon's Crake also seen in the same lake at the southern end under the bridge. |
Rob Hynson 29/8 #231658 |
| Little Grassbird Sydney Park, St Peters |
calling from reeds in the largest wetland |
Katie Oxenham 29/8 #231662 |
| Buller's Albatross, Brown Booby Tacking Point Lighthouse |
Another productive seawatch at Tacking Point this afternooon despite fairly average conditions, a Brown Booby flying past southward and a Bullers Albatross only 100m out. Fluttering/Huttons Shearwaters still present with about 60-70 seen today and upwards of 800 yesterday, too distant for species-level ID. (Moderator's Note: Buller's Albatross and Brown Booby in the same seawatching session is pretty exceptional! MR) eBird checklist |
Liam Murphy & Tony Morton 29/8 #231664 |
| Striated Pardalote Sydney Olympic Park |
Two Striated Pardalotes, one definitely an ornatus in woodland remnant in Dog Walkers Park near Carpark 5. Rare in inner west, my third record and only second for SOP. |
Dion Hobcroft 30/8 #231666 |
| Black-tailed Godwit Lake Wollumboola -34.941507, 150.776036 |
A visit to Lake Wollumboola turned up a couple of surprises with 2 Black-tailed Godwits and 3 Gull-billed Terns present, along with Caspian Terns, Crested Terns, Red-capped Plovers, Silver Gulls and large numbers of Swans with the White-bellied Sea-Eagles and Nankeen Kestrels keeping an eye on things.
Still a lot of water in the Lake even after it has been closed for a few weeks and very little rain. |
Charles Dove 30/8 #231668 |
Mon 28 | Buller's Albatross, Hutton's Shearwater, Grey-faced Petrel Mistral Point, Maroubra |
Nice seawatch yesterday with David Mitford at Maroubra. Highlights included a very distant Buller's albatross, huge numbers of Hutton's shearwaters rafting and feeding, and a conservative estimate of 30 grey-faced petrels. Some were distant but most were within a few hundred metres of shore (very easy to scope) with some of the petrels coming in over the breakers multiple times. Mostly flew around in pairs doing synchronised flights, but at one point five birds were flying together. Probably my best seawatch this abysmal winter. eBird checklist |
Simon Gorta and David Mitford 29/8 #231660 |
Sun 27 | White-bellied Sea-eagle, Little Penguin Long Reef Aquatic Reserve |
Neither species that unusual but the eagle had caught the penguin and was struggling to subdue it (especially with the unwanted attentions of 2 Australian Ravens. Lots (100s) of Wedge-tailed and Fluttering-type Shearwaters offshore and about 12 albatross (mostly Yellow-nosed, 2 Black-browsed). |
Tom Wilson 27/8 #231641 |
| Australasian Shelduck Moss Vale |
2 birds seen in a paddock east of Yarrawa Rd. I've never seen them at this site before. Shelducks are uncommon birds in the Southern Highlands. |
Lorne Johnson 27/8 #231643 |
| Flame Robin Bendethra Valley, Deua National Park |
At least five pairs feeding in just one of the grassy flats in the campground. |
Darryl Smedley 28/8 #231646 |
Sat 26 | Wandering, Bullers, Campbell, Shy, Black-browed and Indian Yellow-nosed Albatrosses Offshore--Kiama Pelagic (SOSSA) |
Six species of Albatross were the highlight of the 26 August SOSSA trip. There were 4 Wandering, 1 Bullers, 2+ Campbells, 5+ Shy, 5+ Black-browed and 50+ Indian Yellow-nosed Albatrosses. Other birds included several White-faced Storm-Petrels, Solanders Petrels and Wedge-tailed, Fluttering and Huttons Shearwaters. There were no typical winter birds (prions, Skuas or Giant Petrels) at all. The cetacean highlight was a Dwarf Minke Whale, which stayed with us for more than 30 minutes. Further information |
Brook Whylie and all aboard the MV Kato 26/8 #231637 |
| Large-billed Scrubwren West Head, Ku-ring-gai Chase National Park |
Great views of at least 3 Large-billed Scrubwren at a new location. This population is the only known population on the Northern Beaches with all other sighting being of single birds at the one location (and recorded very occasionally) |
Jayden Walsh and Leo Skowronek 27/8 #231638 |
Fri 25 | Brown Thornbill (1) White-cheeked Honeyeater (1) Yaralla Estate, Concord |
My first ever Brown Thornbill in Sydney's inner west was an exciting discovery-it gave great views in the woodland remnant in a small mixed flock with Golden Whistler, Grey Fantail and Yellow-faced Honeyeater. Also a single White-cheeked Honeyeater a major rarity here, my first since 2002. |
Dion Hobcroft 25/8 #231624 |
| Ringed/Semipalmated Plover Worimi Conservation Lands (Stockton Beach) |
A Ringed/Semipalmated Plover was found roosting/sheltering from rain in the hind-dunes during a monitoring survey of the Worimi Conservation Lands (Stockton Beach) yesterday morning (25/08) by Ann Lindsey, Neil Fraser and others. Whilst details of the location of the bird are still emerging, all that is known at this stage is that it was seen south of the Lavis Lane entry point. Note that access is 4wd only and permits are required to enter and access the beach. (Moderators Note 27/08: the identification appears to be leaning towards Common Ringed Plover, though additional images from the original obs will be scrutinised. Several unsuccessful attempts have been made to relocate the bird on 26/08 & 27/08. MR) |
Ann Lindsey, Neil Fraser, Nadine Russell and Jamie Tarrant per Mick Roderick 26/8 #231630 |
| Red-capped Robin Willowglenn, private property 20km east of Tarago |
Single female Red-capped Robin observed for about 30 minutes in mixed acacia and casuarina woodland. No male sighted but the female did make the soft 'puut' call several times. Sound just like lightly tapping two small pebbles together. |
Darryl Smedley 28/8 #231645 |
Thu 24 | Horsfield's Bronze-Cuckoo Kiama Coastal Track |
6 birds sitting on wire fence alongside coastal path.Very tame.From a distance looked like pipits. |
andrew wood 24/8 #231619 |
| Swift Parrot Charles Sturt University, Wagga Wagga |
One bird out in the open, flitting around on a branch of a Gum calling to other birds in an adjacent tree. |
Camilla Donnelly 24/8 #231622 |
| Flame Robin (15) Blast Furnace Park, Lithgow |
At least 15 Flame Robins (males and females) feeding on the ground. Twenty years ago a winter group of this size wouldn't have been noteworthy but these days they're much harder to find around the Blue Mountains. |
Carol Probets 26/8 #231634 |
Wed 23 | Glossy Black Cockatoo Cowan |
A pair seen flying over the Freeway at 6am. |
Andrew Robinson 23/8 #231609 |
| Eurasian Skylark and Southern Emu-Wren Ian McLennan Park, Kembla Grange |
The Skylark call greeted me when getting out of my car from behind some trees to the East of the Soccer field main entrance. In attempting to get around the trees to see the Skylark I flushed a single male Southern Emu-wren. eBird checklist |
Steven Cooper 23/8 #231610 |
| Yellow Tailed Black Cockatoos White Bay Power Station |
4 YTB Cockatoos flying from White Bay Power Station across to Glebe Point. Naturally surprised to see these birds so close to CBD crossing Victoria Road towards Anzac Bridge and Glebe Point in peak hour traffic this evening. |
Andrew Whitaker 23/8 #231612 |
| Swift Parrot Hillview Road, North Kellyville, Sydney |
16 birds feeding in Forest Red Gum Euc. teriticornis Further information |
Gavin Thomas 24/8 #231614 |
| Straw-necked Ibis Randwick Environment Park |
First spotted by Paul Johnstone and twitched by me later the same day. An immature Straw-necked Ibis was feeding with a group of 20 White Ibis in the wetland. First record for my local patch. eBird checklist |
Richard Murray 24/8 #231620 |
| Black Honeyeater Round Hill Nature Reserve--railway line at -33.04922, 146.21281 |
Single Bird (Moderator's Note: Of interest, 4 Pied Honeyeaters were reported at the old Wheat Paddock site on Saturday 26/08, the first record for NSW in 2017 posted on eBird. MR) eBird checklist |
Derek Collins 29/8 #231657 |
Tue 22 | Red-capped Robin Euroka Homestead, Megalong Valley |
Male red-capped robin observed this morning on the fence lines near the car park area/stables (private property). Likely female also observed, however I was in a rush and unable to verify the female. |
Daniel Kurzawa 22/8 #231603 |
| Mangrove Gerygone Sydney Olympic Park |
This afternoon at the Waterbird refuge a pair of vocal Mangrove Gerygones, the Caspian Tern and a Sacred Kingfisher.
Also in a channel of the Parramatta river to the east of the refuge a mixed feeding party of at least 10 Royal Spoonbills with many Red-necked Avocets and Silver Gulls. |
Paul Johnstone 22/8 #231605 |
| Rufous Songlark Kurmond Rd, Kurmond |
First for the season singing at this site which is the only location in the Kurmond/Kurrajong area where I have seen the species over a number of years. eBird checklist |
Eric Finley 23/8 #231608 |
Mon 21 | Horsfield's Bronze-Cuckoo (2) Yellow-tailed Black Cockatoo (5) Sydney Olympic Park |
Also Mangrove Gerygone (1) Waterbird Refuge, Brown Gerygone (1) Brickpit Carpark, Sacred Kingfisher (1) Waterbird Refuge-overwintering plus long staying Caspian Tern (1), Red-kneed Dotterel (2) and Red-necked Avocets (130). A juvenile Striated Heron and adult Rufous Night-Heron at Lake Belvedere. |
Dion Hobcroft 21/8 #231593 |
| Brown Songlark Sydney Airport - restricted area, no public access |
One Brown Songlark foraging in grass at the southern end of the main runway (approximately 150m north of where the banded lapwings were seen a couple of weeks ago). It's a new species on our list. |
Nigel Coghlan 21/8 #231595 |
| Pacific baza Illawong nsw |
Saw Pacific Baza in a gum tree, going from branch to branch 10am. Then about 2 hours later being harrassed by some sulpher crested cockatoos. It did not seem too bothered by them, just flew to an outer branch. Further information |
Katherine Bilusic 21/8 #231597 |
Sun 20 | Sharp-tailed Sandpiper (3), Red-necked Stint (2) Fivebough Wetlands |
This morning there were a couple of newly arrived migratory waders at Fivebough. All in varying degrees of breeding plumage still. Also new arrivals for this spring in the past few weeks have been Baillon's Crake, Fairy Martin and Whiskered Tern - no Glossy Ibis yet.
The 3 Double-banded Plovers seem to have flown east in the past week - all had coloured up well for the flight to NZ. |
Max O'Sullivan 20/8 #231585 |
| Whiskered Tern, Curlew & Sharp-tailed Sandpipers Tuggerah Bay Saltmarsh, off Lake Rd Tuggerah |
Obviously 5 Whiskered Terns, some in breeding plumage, feeding out the back of the salt marsh, and more migratory waders including 1 Double-banded Plover in breeding plumage, 7 Bar-tailed Godwits and 4 Curlew Sandpipers at the Saltmarsh, is an indication that the movement of migratory terns and waders through the Central Coast is now underway. At nearby Ansells Point Chittaway, on another part of Tuggerah Bay, there were 9 Sharp-tailed Sandpipers, seen by Grace Bryant. |
luke ullrich 21/8 #231587 |
| Hutton's Shearwater, Black-browed Albatross, Northern Giant-Petrel, Tacking Point Lighthouse |
Better than average seawatching conditions on Sunday produced a feeding flock of ~400 Hutton's Shearwaters in fairly close, with smaller numbers of Fluttering Shearwaters also passing through. Many more unidentifiable Fluttering-types streaming past in the distance, probably totalling in the thousands. Also Black-browed Albatross (1), Northern Giant-Petrel (1), Wedge-tailed Shearwater (~50), White-fronted Tern(3) and hundreds of Australasian Gannets on southward migration. eBird checklist |
Liam Murphy 21/8 #231596 |
Sat 19 | Banded Lapwing Liles Oval, Redhead |
Flock of eight birds on the soccer fields for several hours at least. Photos taken but can't upload them via this device. Never seen them this close to the coast before (Moderator's Note: the birds were seen numerous times today [20/08] by various birders, including when a game of soccer was happening on the same field they are on! Image by Belle Farley. MR) |
Paul Schofield 19/8 #231578 |
| Grey-faced Petrel, Fairy Prion, Brown Skua. Sydney Harbour National Park, North Head. |
Highlights of a seawatch today were about 20 Grey-faced Petrels and 1 single Fairy Prion my first since early june and 5 Brown Skuas,also good numbers of Shy, Black-browed,and Yellow-nosed Albatross, plus 2 Giant Petrels. |
Michael Ronan. 19/8 #231579 |
| Red-capped Robin Central Coast Wetlands (Tuggerah) |
An adult male Red-capped Robin was seen near the Composting Toilet at the Central Coast Wetlands (Dairy Swamp) Tuggerah. (Moderator's Note: This is the 3rd Central Coast record for a Red-capped Robin, the two previous records were both in 1994, for Lisarow and Mount White. AKM). |
Frank Ullrich 20/8 #231580 |
| Grey-faced Petrel and Hutton's Shearwater Mistral Point, Maroubra |
9 Grey-faced Petrel, 4 Shy Albatross, 3 Indian Yellow-nosed Albatross, 6 Black-browed Albatross, 1 Brown Skua and 2 White- fronted Terns seen today. But most unusual was 1050 Hutton's Shearwaters going south in a 15 minute spell, only 6 Fluttering Shearwaters for the whole day |
David Mitford and Edwin Vella 21/8 #231591 |
Fri 18 | Bassian Thrush Ku-ring-gai Wildflower Garden |
Observed near Lambert's Clearing. |
Edward Kary pers Andrew Robinson 18/8 #231572 |
Thu 17 | White-winged Triller imm Ulladulla central sportsground |
Very strong winds revealed a lone Immature White-winged Triller in the company of 4 Jacky Winter which reside at the park this time of year. First time I have seen a Triller in this area but it has been noted on the odd occasion over the years from all reports. |
Charles Dove 17/8 #231565 |
| Magpie Goose Corowa NSW |
23 birds (16 grazing adjacent to pond, 3 flying overhead, 4 in reeds by pond) were sighted from roadside at Corowa Ponds on Spring Drive at about 3.30 pm on Thursday 17 August 2017. |
Rob Humphrey 17/8 #231568 |
| Sharp-tailed Sandpiper & Curlew Sandpiper Tuggerah Bay Saltmarsh, off Lake Rd Tuggerah |
Two Sharp-tailed Sandpipers with a Curlew Sandpiper were at the Saltmarsh today, along with Red-capped Plovers and Bar-tailed Godwits. These are the first for the season for the Central Coast, the Curlew Sandpiper was seen on 15/7/17 same place, another first. Earlier this year no Sharpies were recorded around the shores of Tuggerah Lakes which usually holds 500-1000 Sharpies over summer, this was because of heavy rains in summer and so the Lakes were totally full and there was no muddy margin, conditions are better for waders now because of the dry winter! |
Alan Morris 20/8 #231582 |
| Brown Songlark (male) Wattamolla, Royal National Park |
Whilst searching for Chestnut-rumped Heathwren we were surprised to see the Songlark at the top of the cliff. It flew but was easily relocated and viewed at close range. Two Heathwren were also seen albeit briefly. |
Max O'Sullivan 21/8 #231590 |
| Freckled Duck Pitt Town Lagoon |
4 birds seen at about 5pm |
Graham Taylor 21/8 #231594 |
Wed 16 | Regent Honeyeater Woolgoolga - Crossley Street STW area |
The Regent Honeyeater reported recently is still using the same Banksia at the edge of the beach access track and is very approachable. When I saw it, it was mostly using the lower half of the tree and occasionally harking for insects around the tree. (Moderator's Note: This bird has been present since at least the 15th July, when it was found by Michael Alfa. So far as has been reported to this point in time the only vocalisations it is performing are Little Wattlebird calls. MR) |
David Charley 16/8 #231557 |
| Spectacled Monarch Marshals Creek Nature Reserve, Old New Brighton rd, Ocean Shores |
Lovely to hear that call again, bird came close overhead with a couple non digital whistles. |
Duncan Fowler 16/8 #231563 |
| Bar Shouldered Dove Ku-ring-gai Wildflower Garden |
A pair observed near Lambert's Clearing. Uncommon for the Ku-ring-gai Council Local Government Area. |
Peter Lockhart pers Andrew Robinson 17/8 #231564 |
Tue 15 | Latham's Snipe Eastlakes golf course |
A single Latham's Snipe flushed on the bank of the the new shallow section of the big lake opposite Astrolabe Park. This is the earliest I have seen a Snipe in Sydney. Also saw the Southern Boobook again today. (Moderator's Note: Generally speaking 15 August is the average date that Latham's Snipe turn up in the NSW. The first ones back this year was at Canberra ACT on 13/8 and 4 at Teven Rd Swamp, Lismore on 14/8. AKM) eBird checklist |
Richard Murray 23/8 #231606 |
| Brush Turkey Newlands Lane Wollstonecraft (Sydney) |
At 3.14 pm, 15 Brush Turkeys seen together - quite a sight! Photo not as clear as one would wish, unfortunately the photo was upside down and when corrected, would not re-load! (AKM). (Moderator's Note: One summers evening in North Gosford I counted 24 roosting together in a very large Blackbutt. AKM) |
Yuko Chiwata per Barrie Ayres 28/8 #231647 |
Mon 14 | Latham's Snipe (4) Teven Rd Swamp |
Following the report of the first Latham's Snipe for ACT yesterday, I checked the local swamp at West Ballina today & flushed 4 from one location. eBird checklist |
Steve McBride 14/8 #231537 |
Sun 13 | Pink-eared Duck, White-breasted Woodswallow Newcastle Wetland Reserve |
510 Pink-eared Ducks counted on the part of Newcastle Wetlands Reserve that backs onto the golf course and bypass on-ramp. There are more Pink-ears back towards Sandgate (albeit not many) so this is not a complete count. Also reporting that White-breasted Woodswallows have returned to this spot and to at least 4 other sites in the Hexham Swamp / Shortland area and are already in reasonable numbers (i.e. their arrival appears to be more widespread and in greater numbers than is usual in early August when we just get a trickle of birds). My first recorded return to Shortland was of 8 birds on 12/8/17; 8 days earlier than my previous earliest return. (Update 15/08 - 3 Freckled Ducks also present) |
Mick Roderick 14/8 #231530 |
| Glossy Black Cockatoo Tugalong Rd Canyonleigh. 1 km north of cafe |
Pair feeding in casuarina on roadside. |
Ross Bennett 14/8 #231540 |
| Diamond Firetail Inverary Rd Canyonleigh |
Three feeding on lawn with eight Goldfinches |
Ross Bennett 14/8 #231541 |
| Square-tailed Kite Sawtell |
Single bird in flight, being harassed by an Australian Magpie. |
Peter Higgins 15/8 #231551 |
| Musk Duck Eastlakes golf course |
A female Musk Duck was visiting the big lake. it didn't stay, was gone on my next visit. Also saw a Southern Boobook today, being bothered by the Yellow Thornbills. eBird checklist |
Richard Murray 23/8 #231607 |
Sat 12 | Olive-backed Oriole Marrickville, Steel Park |
One bird singing from Casuarinas along the Cook's River, also a few Red-rumped Parrots in that general area. |
David Mitford 12/8 #231520 |
| Antipodean Albatross, Campbell Albatross, Wedge-tailed Shearwater, White-faced Storm Petrel Offshore--Sydney Pelagic |
Cooler water temperatures finally produced a productive pelagic trip after many quiet ones on the east coast this winter - fifteen species recorded but no rarities however. Highlights were our first Wandering-type Albatross this year (an Antipodean gibsoni), 2 White-faced Storm Petrel, 300 Fluttering Shearwater (all seen in the morning), 370 Hutton's Shearwater (almost all seen on the return trip), 16 Wedge-tailed Shearwater (first returns), 2 Campbell Albatross, 37 Black-browed Albatross and 17 Indian Yellow-nosed Albatross. 8 Humpback Whales and pods of Common and Oceanic Bottlenose Dolphins added to the entertainment. (Photographs by Steve Hey) (Moderator's Note: Great to finally see a winter pelagic with good numbers and diversity this year off NSW! MR) |
Roger McGovern and all on the Avalon IV 13/8 #231521 |
| Freckled Duck Pitt Town Lagoon |
On the Birding NSW club outing on Saturday we found 2 Pink-eared Duck, 2 male Australasian Shoveler and 8 Freckled Duck on Pitt Town Lagoon. |
Trevor Waller and BNSW outing 14/8 #231529 |
| Rainbow Bee-eater Sawtell |
Two small groups (possibly only a couple of birds in each) in flight to south over suburb. First records here for this season. Do not winter here and not present on preceding weekend at site where they have bred annually. |
Peter Higgins 15/8 #231549 |
| Pacific Baza Oatley Park |
Feeding in foliage but being harassed by Noisy Miners. |
Graham Fry 15/8 #231553 |
| Australian Bustard Between Lightning Ridge and Collarenebri NSW |
This bird was seen near an old bore drain. Near by was a male emu with a number of very young chicks. No other Bustard was seen
The bird was on private land but near a road. |
Suzanne Mahoney 15/8 #231554 |
| White-breasted Woodswallow Budgewoi |
A couple seen on powerlines at Slade Park beside Budgewoi Lake. This and another sighting of 4 birds at Davistown Foreshore Reserve by Christina Port on the same day, and 4 at the Dairy Swamp , Central Coast Wetlands seen by G.J.Nelson on 13/8/17 represent the return of these migrants to the Central Coast, possibly a day or two earlier than usual (AKM).. |
Edwin Vella 16/8 #231561 |
| Hutton's, Fluttering and Wedge-tailed Shearwater Soldiers Point (Norah Head) |
During a couple of hours sea watch in the early part of the afternoon and in very calm conditions, there were at least 20,000 Hutton's/Fluttering Shearwaters quite close to the coast with several rafts of hundreds of birds foraging on the water and many more passing through (the majority of the later I saw were actually what I considered most likely Hutton's Shearwaters which appeared to outnumber the birds identified as Fluttering by 10:1). The only time I have seen this many Hutton's was off Stockton beach quite some time ago. However, this is certainly the time of the year that the Hutton's do peak in their numbers before heading off to their breeding grounds in the Kaikoura range in NZ. There was only a single Black-browed albatross feeding on cuttlefish, at least 30 Wedge-tailed Shearwaters (my first for the season), 30 Australasian Gannets and amongst the mammals, several pods of Bottlenose Dolphin and a Fur Seal. On the reef were 4 White-fronted Tern and 3 Red-necked Stints. A White-bellied Sea-eagle also flew past. |
Edwin Vella 16/8 #231562 |
Fri 11 | Banded Lapwing Northern Budgewoi Beach |
Banded Lapwing photographed at the Northern end of Budgewoi Beach this morning. (-33.217893, 151.592128}. It was associating with two Pied Oystercatchers. |
Gerard Satherley, Arron Davies 11/8 #231512 |
Thu 10 | Restless Flycatcher Bundanoon |
A lone Restless Flycatcher was in a tiny ravine by Bundanoon Sewage Works late this afternoon. First RF I've seen in the Southern Highlands in 9 years of living here. |
Lorne Johnson 10/8 #231508 |
| Red-browed Treecreeper, Brush Bronzewing Limeburners Creek Nature Reserve |
Three Red-browed Treecreepers seen in a narrow strip of open forest in Limeburners Creek Nature Reserve. Unexpected here, so close to the coast and surrounded by vast areas of dense heath and melaleuca swamp. We also heard the distinctive repetitive 'hoop' call of a Brush Bronzewing. Despite the availability of suitable habitat, reports of this species on the mid-north coast are few and far between. eBird checklist |
Liam Murphy & Keith Fisher 11/8 #231514 |
Wed 9 | Plumed Whistling-Duck near Grafton |
250 Plumed Whistling-Ducks on dam corner of Eatonsville Rd and Mulligan Drive Waterview Heights |
Eric Wheeler 9/8 #231500 |
| Australasian Shoveler (2) Sydney Olympic Park |
A pair of shovelers on big pond at Wentworth Common were first this year for me. Also Rose Robin (1), Brown Gerygone (2) and Brown Honeyeater (1) brickpit carpark; Red-kneed Dotterel (2) Waterbird Refuge, several Fairy Martins, European Goldfinches and Hoary-headed Grebe (18) in Homebush Bay. |
Dion Hobcroft 9/8 #231501 |
Tue 8 | Painted Button-quail Bungawalbin National Park |
One Button-quail seen at roadside eating a large worm. We watched it find the worm in the damp area on the road edge. The Quail hid behind a tuft of grass whilst eating the worm, hence no decent photo. |
June Harris and Rose Wisemantel 9/8 #231497 |
Mon 7 | White-breasted Woodswallow Sawtell |
At least 2 birds in flight over suburb, flying south. Another single bird seen 10 Aug, also moving southwards. Do not winter here. |
Peter Higgins 15/8 #231550 |
Sun 6 | Banded Lapwing Mongogarie SW of Casino |
Three birds flying north over property at 0915. No previous recorded sightings for this area. |
Lyle McNamara 6/8 #231486 |
| Banded Lapwing Sydney Airport - (restricted area - no public access) |
3 Banded Lapwings at the south eastern end of the main runway. This isn't the first record of the species here but it has been many years (perhaps 7-10?) since the last sighting and none previously at this particular location.(Moderator's note: Rare bird in eastern Sydney! AKM) |
Nigel Coghlan 6/8 #231487 |
| Wedge-tailed Shearwater, Campbell Albatross Port Stephens pelagic |
On one of the quietest pelagics yet off Port Stephens (only 9 species recorded outside the heads, with just 6 tubenoses) the highlight was probably seeing the first Wedge-tailed Shearwaters of the season. This was not just one or two birds either, with about 35 birds counted, including a flock of 9 birds flying together. The only other mild highlight was having two immature Campbell Albatross at the boat. There were no Black-broweds, no Shy-types or Wandering-types seen at all, and nor any storm-petrels of any sort. It has been a very unproductive winter for seabird trips off NSW by all accounts. |
Mick Roderick and all aboard the MV Argonaut 7/8 #231493 |
| Wedge-tailed Shearwater Werri Beach - northern headland, Gerringong |
Highlight of a 2-hour sea-watch at Gerringong was the first Wedge-tailed Shearwaters of the season (a pair, and heading north!). Otherwise the usual species, including 10 Black-browed Albatross and several flocks of Fluttering Shearwaters. |
Robert Griffin 8/8 #231496 |
Sat 5 | Grey Goshawk - white morph Brown's Field, Wahroonga |
At 1PM noticed a white morph Grey Goshawk flying overhead being persistently harassed by a vociferous Australian Raven.
First time I've seen a white goshawk in Sydney so delighted!
Would have to be one of the most stunning raptors in the world, we are very lucky in Oz! |
Nick Billington 6/8 #231485 |
| Black Bittern Richmond Lowlands (seen from Streeton Lookout) |
Single bird in sunshine on banks of Hawkesbury River clearly visible from Streeton Lookout at Freemans Reach, on far bank of river. eBird checklist |
Eric Finley 7/8 #231490 |
| Powerful Owl Douglas Farm Rd, Kurrajong Hills |
Single bird sitting on swimming pool fence about 11pm. First record in nearly 20 years here despite looking and listening out for call. |
Eric Finley 7/8 #231491 |
Fri 4 | Pilotbird Audley, Royal National Park |
A Pilotbird was heard this morning calling for three minutes in the area between Audley and Wattle Forest in the Royal National Park. It was heard briefly again in the same location in the early afternoon. There were also two Scaly-breasted Lorikeets preening each other high in a eucalypt at Audley this morning. |
Andrew Patrick 4/8 #231474 |
| Blue-billed Duck Little Langothlin Lagoon |
Twenty-five Blue-billed Duck in among the reed beds that dominate the eastern half of the lagoon. I suspect there were more in this area as not all patches of open water were observable.
Also good numbers of teal, Pacific Black Duck and Australian Shoveler. A number of Black Swan pairs had downy cygnets. |
David Charley 5/8 #231480 |
Thu 3 | Regent Honeyeater (update) Private properties at Paxton and Quorrobolong (Cessnock LGA) |
A minimum of 31 Regent Honeyeaters were counted today at 2 properties in the Cessnock area; one at Paxton (birds first found 1st Aug) and at Quorrobolong (birds first found mid-May). There were 15 birds found at the Paxton site followed by 16 at the Quorrobolong site, the latter during the middle of the day when birds are more difficult to find. I am confident that at least the 20 birds that we counted here in June are still present. Birds at both properties are feeding on Spotted Gum blossom, but at the Paxton site are predominantly feeding on stringybark blossom (the same species that they were feeding on there in 2009 - an undescribed stringybark endemic to Cessnock). In my opinion there are almost certainly more aggregations of birds in the Paxton-Ellalong area that haven't been found as yet. Of interest there was a banded bird at the Paxton property that had been banded by BirdLife Australia at the Quorrobolong property in June 2012. The bird was an adult female (2+yrs) at the time of banding. Swift Parrots also present at the Paxton property. |
Mick Roderick and Alex Berryman 3/8 #231470 |
Tue 1 | Regent Honeyeater, Swift Parrot Private property near Paxton (no public access) |
During a monitoring survey on private property near Paxton I found 4 Regent Honeyeaters feeding on Spotted Gum blossom. I found the birds at the very end of the survey and had to rush off to a meeting soon after, so I'll be heading back to see if there are more in there. This is the first record of Regents at this site since late July 2009 when 3 birds were found feeding on stringybark blossom. Also present were a few Swift Parrots (heard flying around) and about a km away a clumping group of Dusky Woodswallows that have over-wintered. |
Mick Roderick 1/8 #231455 |