Fri 31 | | Streaked Shearwater Sydney Harbour National Park,North Head. |
Hightlight of a seawatch this afternoon from North Head were two Streaked Shearwaters flying south with good numbers of Wedge-tailed Shearwaters and 3 Shy Albatross. |
Michael Ronan 31/1 #272136 |
Thu 30 |  | Red-footed Booby, Black-winged, White-necked and Gould's Petrels, White Tern Offshore--Port Stephens pelagic |
A very enjoyable on the ocean today out of Port Stephens, almost doubling our tally of just 11 species on the 12th Jan today with 21 species recorded outside of the heads. Highlights were distant Red-footed Booby and White Tern, but far more respectable views of Black-winged and White-necked Petrels, along with a Port Stephens record count of 19x Gould's Petrels. We had nearly as many Sooty Terns, along with a first for Port Stephens pelagics; a Black Noddy in the dying minutes just a couple of miles from the heads. eBird checklist |
Mick Roderick and all aboard M.V. Reel Contagious 30/1 #272134 |
Wed 29 | | Black Bittern Deep Creek Reserve, Narrabeen |
This bird was alone, foraging by the water, just as you enter for the carpark from Wakehurst Parkway |
Francisco Martins 1/2 #272137 |
Tue 28 | | Pacific Swift Toukley Golf Course |
Over the avenues near golf course, down to Osbourne Park. Approx 50 birds. Welcome swallows were flying around too but no WTNTs. Some birds appeared smaller and some were in moult. They stayed for an hour before moving south east. eBird checklist |
Leeanne Lemke 28/1 #272125 |
Mon 27 |  | Eastern Yellow Wagtails (x7), Australian Shelduck Hexham Swamp - Old Pipeline Track |
Minimum count of seven Eastern Yellow Wagtails made by Steph Owen on Tuesday afternoon, in the vicinity of where the old Shamrock Street track (McDonalds entrance) meets the old pipeline track. All birds flushed into mangrove trees, then only two birds could be re-found (one in attached photo). Two birds were also seen yesterday morning (28 Jan), along with an Australian Shelduck. This is the highest count of Eastern Yellow Wagtails on Hexham Swamp since Jan/Feb 2014. |
Steph Owen per Mick Roderick 29/1 #272132 |
|  | Ruff Cotton farm 25 km West of Condobolin |
Single bird seen in amongst 200 Sharp-tailed Sandpipers. Took some pics and was helped with Id by Peter West and Mick Roderick. My first ever sighting of this species anywhere on the Lachlan River. This site is a great habitat for thousands of waterbirds at the moment with all three crake species present and breeding, Glossy Ibis, Whiskered Tern, Red-knee Dotterels and numerous ducks. Other birds of note were Swamp Harrier, Budgerigar, Pacific Swift and Singing Bushlark. (Moderator's Note: The Ruff is rarely recorded in inland NSW although there are two reports from Lake Cargelligo, 28/9/2013 (Steve Cooper) and 19/11/2015 (Tony Bischoff), and other reports from Fivebough, Tullakool & Windouran Swamps, and the Old Dubbo STW. AKM) |
Warren Chad 29/1 #272131 |
| | Tawny Grassbird Jennings Lane, Bolong |
Two Tawny Grassbirds found at the end of Jennings Lane. Both very vocal and bold, allowing excellent views. At least one other has been very well reported on eBird from nearby Fletcher's Lane but I don't think these ones were known of previously. Rare according to eBird so posting here. eBird checklist |
Joel Poyitt 28/1 #272127 |
Sun 26 |  | White-Fronted Chat Lake Innes Nature Reserve |
Two adult male White-Fronted Chats observed in salt marsh on edge of Lake Innes. Historical records at the site but not for 20 years based on a report from Dave Whitfield of 4 birds at Lake Cathie, which leads into Lake Innes, in the 1994 NSW Annual Bird Report. |
Tim Morris 28/1 #272129 |
|  | Red-tailed Tropicbird, Grey Ternlet Offshore--Sydney Pelagic |
The obvious highlights of today's pelagic were a Grey Ternlet and a Red-tailed Tropicbird. The Ternlet was encountered briefly some 10km from shore amongst a feeding event of Common dolphins and various shearwater species etc. (leatherjacket sp.). The Tropicbird was picked up on the journey back just inside the shelf break. The number of bait fish off the coast at the moment probably explained the lack of interest in our berley for the majority of the day's trip. Wedge-tailed Shearwaters were a constant though. Surprisingly for this time of year very few Flesh-footed Shearwaters were encountered. There was very little activity at the drift. Water temperatures were still low at 21.8C which explained the handful of Shy and Black-browed albatrosses seen. As expected, jaegers were also seen. Only 1 Grey-faced Petrel at the shelf drift. Photograph: Greg McLachlan eBird checklist |
Sydney Pelagics and all onboard 27/1 #272124 |
Sat 25 |   | Eastern Yellow Wagtail Boyters Lane, Jerseyville |
While looking at Sharp-tailed Sandpipers we noticed a smaller passerine amongst them. It was clearly a Motacilla wagtail bobbing it's tail. Sadly the bird had only one leg and was awkwardly hopping around. With only a scope and mobile phone, attached is a digiscope picture of the bird.
We found it in the third wetland on the western side of the road, the last one before the bridge. it was still showing today 26.1.25 and others have better photos. (Moderator's Note: The bird appears to have a yellowish super and maybe even a hint of olive/yellow in the ear coverts. It would be great if better images of this bird could be obtained as it could be a candidate 'Green-headed Yellow Wagtail' [Motacilla tschutschensis taivana], which I don't think has been recorded in NSW since there were a couple of birds on Hexham Swamp in January 2014. Note that there are no previous records for Yellow Wagtails on the Mid North Coast. MR,AKM).
Peter West and Sue Proust 26/1 #272123 |
| | Bush Stone-curlew Magenta Shores |
Reporting another wayward BSC! Single bird observed sitting in a front garden in Magenta Shores estate at 8:49am; still present as of 10:40am. No previous records from this location. The closest record on eBird ~7km south from Blue Bay in 2015 (Alan's record!). Nearest population to the south around Saratoga. Have a phone photo but getting an error when submitting so trying without it. eBird checklist |
Jessica Rooke, Hugh Chan, Dom and Genna Bower 25/1 #272122 |
Fri 24 |  | Grey Ternlet Mistral Point, Maroubra |
An hours seawatch with blustery southerlies at the end of the day. Three Grey Ternlets heading south in line & my first proper sighing of the species - though I harbour no illusions of my seabird ID skills the combination of size, jizz and plumage was diagnostic. Also 2 Shy Albatross, 1+ Pomarine Skua, Wedge-tailed and Fluttering Shearwaters. (Moderator's Note: The report of the Grey Ternlets is at least the 10th report along the NSW coast from Urunga in the north to Maroubra in the South since 12/1/2025. AKM) |
Michael ellison 24/1 #272121 |
|  | Bush Stone-Curlew Wonboyn Lake Village |
A single juvenile? bird has been present in the Wonboyn Village for the last several days. (Moderator's Note: Presumably a juvenile driven from its home territory by parent birds who wish to re-nest, and the nearest breeding population to Womboyn that I am aware of would be in the Mulligans Flat Nature Reserve in the ACT. |
Paul Whitington 24/1 #272119 |
| | Latham's Snipe and Royal Spoonbills Mason Park Mason Park, Homebush |
Mason Park water level is now just right for shorebirds and egrets presenting a wonderful opportunity for photographers.
On Friday 23 January there were 2 Latham's Snipe, 6 Royal Spoonbills, 8 Great Egrets and 1 Little Egret and a Striated Heron present. Last week there was also a Sharp-tailed Sandpiper. eBird checklist |
Gerard Duane 24/1 #272116 |
Thu 23 |   | Herald Petrel Booderee National Park near light house |
I photographed this bird yesterday and after posting on Seabirds and Pelagics FB page was encouraged to send a pic to your page . I have more images and are relying on the knowledge of the people on the page. (Moderator's Note: A rare bird for Australia with less than 10 reports so therefore requires a Submission to Birdlife Australia's Records Committee before the record can be accepted. It is also a very rare bird for NSW with only 4 previous records viz off Wollongong 28/4/1996, off Sydney 10/9/2028, Lord Howe Island 28/4/2012 and off Terrigal Feb 2024. Great record! AKM) |
Peter Noakes 24/1 #272117 |
| | Brush turkey Queen St Newtown |
My neighbours and I were very surprised to spot a brush turkey wandering around our unit complex. We are just off King St and not at all close to any significant bushland or park. I've lived here for 6 years and while I've seen brush turkeys along the Glebe foreshore, Police Creek and some of the bushier areas of Annandale, this is a first for me. |
Anette Bremer 23/1 #272115 |
Wed 22 | | Pacific Swift Werepi Street and Avenues Toukley (private residence) |
First saw 2 birds earlier in the morning at start of Werepi Street Budgewoi and then in the afternoon saw approx 5-7 birds flying among White-throated Needletails over my home in the Avenues Toukley. eBird checklist |
Leeanne Lemke 24/1 #272120 |
| | Pacific Swift Denistone Park |
2 Pacific Swifts were circling over Denistone Park this morning in with about 150 White-throated Needltails. |
Michael Ronan 22/1 #272114 |
Mon 20 | | Black-necked Stork Reserve Creek, (Tweed region) |
Pair loafing around a gully/wet pasture on wet farmland on western side of Pacific Motorway, just south of Round Mountain Road - within 30m of a very busy stream of B-doubles and cars on the Hway. Passed back again an hour later (0900) and they had moved further back to an old dam. Lots of flooded paddocks in the area, so some good foraging for the next week.(Moderator's Note: While one would expect that Black-necked Storks would be common in the Reserve Creek/Palmvale area, that is not the case and a quick check of eBird revealed few records for this area and nothing recent. So while the sighting is within the known range, the species is not as common at this location compared to other parts of the North Coast. AKM) |
Ian Colvin 20/1 #272109 |
Sun 19 |  | Common Sandpiper Lake Brewster Weir, Lachlan River |
Single bird seen today just below the weir. It flew to a nearby log where it could be seen clearly bobbing its tail constantly. When it flew it had the distinct white wing bar and was in non breeding plumage. My first ever record of this species anywhere along the Lachlan River. (Moderator's Note: This is the 3rd record for this site, as there was a report from here in 24/3/2022 (on eBird) and there was another report for 29-30/3/1986 in the 1986 NSW Annual Bird Report that just said Lake Brewster, but could well have been at this same site too. AKM). |
Warren Chad 19/1 #272107 |
|  | Grey Ternlet Upper Rolland’s Plains , Telegraph Point |
Yet another Grey Ternlet, blown ashore or blown inland on the NSW Coast since 12/1/2025. Very windy at Upper Rollands Plains at the time, it stayed a little while and then flew east. (Moderators Note: There have been at least 10-12 reports of Grey Ternlets seen along the NSW Coast or actually blown ashore or blown inland like this bird, in the past week, presumably including birds from Lord Howe Island, the nearest breeding colony. AKM). |
Joy Marshall 19/1 #272106 |
Sat 18 |   | Tahiti Petrel, IYNA and Grey Ternlet Mistral Point, Maroubra |
An unprecedented sea watch today, with multiple highlights.
Tahiti Petrel very close in (DM&GM) 4+ Grey Ternlets, 22 Black-browed Albatross, 20 Shy Albatross, 3 Buller’s Albatross and astonishingly an Indian Yellow-nosed Albatross. These albatross numbers are the highest number, by far recorded from land in January from Maroubra. The Tahiti Petrel is ludicrously rarely seen bird from land on the East Coast, even the QLD guys rarely (if ever) see them from South Stradbroke. 1500 Short-tailed Shearwaters was an under-estimate and provided an almost ever present stream of birds to act as a marker to compare distances for the other birds. 5 Pomarine Jagers were noted today, however NO Long-tailed or Arctic Jaegers logged. Hutton’s and Fluttering Shearwaters were well represented with approximately 25 and 75 birds respectively.Needless to say the Tahiti was a Maroubra 1st. A fabulous start to 2025 and maybe a fortuitous Sydney Pelagic cancellation today that resulted in this classic Maroubra sea watch. eBird checklist |
D.Mitford,G.McLachlan,R.Griffin,R.Hynson, M.Ellison,R.Murray 18/1 #272105 |
| | Grey Ternlet Rainbow Beach, Bonny Hills |
Grey Ternlet first seen very close to the shore, appeared to be struggling to get out to sea. Lost to sight, moving north |
James Oates 18/1 #272104 |
| | Buller's Shearwater Long Reef Aquatic Reserve |
Single Buller's Shearwater seen close in to the reef at approx 4:15pm. The only close in shearwater seen but distinctive "M" on the back, but other wise paler grey and very clean white underneath with a small black trailing edge on the wing. Bird was heading away from shore into the SEly wind. Nothing unusual taking refuge on the rocks from the heavy weather that I could see. |
Tom Wilson 18/1 #272103 |
| | Grey Ternlet Tacking Point Lighthouse |
The bird was seen flying north. White head, large black eye and black bill. Grey on top of wing and back. White on belly and white underwing with black edging. Small forked tail. eBird checklist |
James Andrews 18/1 #272102 |
|  | Tahiti Petrel, Grey Ternlet, Streaked Shearwater. Sydney Harbour National Park,North Head |
Fantastic seawatch from North Head this afternoon only about five minutes after I arrived, I saw a Tahiti Petrel flying south into the wind just outside the stream of Short-tailed Shearwaters going south. I also counted 7 Grey Ternlets feeding about 200 meters off the headland nearly all the birds were heading into the wind. I also counted 8 Black-browed and 5 Shy Albatross and last but not least I saw my first Streaked Shearwater for the summer just before i left to go home. |
Michael Ronan 18/1 #272101 |
|   | Bridled Tern Tacking Point Lighthouse, Port Macquarie |
The bird was seen flying near the rocky headlands just off the lighthouse. Black cap with white supercilious that stretches behind the eye. Brown/grey back and wings. (Moderator's Note: subject to ORAC Review, possibly the 8th record for NSW . AKM). eBird checklist |
James Andrews 18/1 #272099 |
| | Magpie Geese Lake Forbes |
saw around 150 Magpie Geese on Lake Forbes this morning as I passed through. Birds were resting in rushes at the Northern end near Mc Donalds near the walkway across the lake. This is a big group for this species in these parts |
Warren Chad 18/1 #272098 |
Fri 17 | | House Sparrow Coutts Crossing Village |
At 15:05 hrs I observed a pair of House Sparrows in low trees at the back of our house. I saw the adult female first and then the male who was displaying to the female by quivering his wings, hopping from branch to branch and prominently exposing his grey rump feathers. He approached the female about three times and mated or attempted to mate. I couldn't notice any submissive behaviour from the female, but she seemed to accept the male's advances without any opposition. The male flew to a higher tree and the female flew to a fence where she was joined by another female plumaged bird which didn't appear to be a juvenile. I am reporting this observation as HANZAB states "Very little information for HANZAB region" under the heading 'Sexual behaviour' and did not describe male display. |
Greg Clancy 17/1 #272097 |
Thu 16 |  | Bush Stone-curlew Kiama (+ Kurri Kurri) |
I am passing this info on from the person who found this bird and photographed it. Location was on private property and not accessible as fully fenced. I looked around with permission on the 19th of January but could not relocate. Habitat seems suitable. Endangered in NSW but there are a number of records in the Shoalhaven Region.
No eBird checklist. (Moderator's Note: Further to this, yet another wayward BSC, one was found in the ground of Kurri Kurri TAFE grounds last week as well. This is a very unusual spate of reports from locations where this species has not been reported from in modern times. MR). |
Carla Jackett for Sabrina Kelly 21/1 #272113 |
|  | Great Frigatebird Lennox Head |
Whilst driving south along the coast road from Lennox Head, I saw two Frigatebirds circling over the road above my car. I stopped and pulled in at the next layby and managed to take five photos before the birds disappeared northwards behind trees. I then alerted others to the sighting in the hope they would be seen elsewhere by sending my images via our WhatsApp group. Hans Wohlmuth was the first to say he thought they were Great Frigatebirds from the images sent via my mobile at the time. This was confirmed later after I returned home and sent the photos by computer. Hans, Steve McBride and myself all agreed they were Great, not Lesser Frigatebirds due to the lack of white spurs bleeding from the white bellies to the wing coverts and also the pale (grey?) throats. They were in view for c4 minutes and I attach three photos here. |
David Flumm 17/1 #272096 |
|  | Black Noddy Terilbah Reserve, The Entrance North |
Bird seen from Terilbah Reserve North Entrance. It was flying around and landed on the North Island at one point among the grass tufts before flying around again. eBird checklist |
Leeanne Lemke 16/1 #272095 |
| | Glossy Black Cockatoo Crawford Rd., Cooranbong |
Just before 7 this morning, a pair of Glossys flew north across the paddocks calling to each other. At the same time there was a trio of Yellow-tailed Blacks and a pair of White Cockatoos in the sky heading east. Busy morning for parrots as saw 3 types of Lorikeet (Scaly-breasted then Little then Rainbow) in the next 10 minutes overhead. |
Paul Schofield 16/1 #272094 |
Wed 15 | | Glossy Black-Cockatoo Kingscliff |
15 Glossy Bl Cockatoos observed allo-preening, flying and eating seeds from nuts off the Casuarinas trees lining the headland from creek to beach.
Seemed to be mainly adult pairs and one juvenile observed with small pale spots, feeding itself. A local birder told us that she counted 20 Glossies on 13th in the evening when they came to drink at large puddles in a beach carpark. A great experience to see so many ! |
June Harris 15/1 #272091 |
Tue 14 |  | possible Australian Swiftlet. Denistone Park |
Seen this small Swiftlet this morning over looking roly poly hill circling around with Welcome Swallows. The Swiftlet was about a similar size to the swallows much smaller than Needletails or Pacific Swifts. It was light grey color all over with a very slight forked-tail, the Swiftlet circled over me three or four times before it disappeared to the south There were also small flocks of Needletails just before I had seen the Swiftlet.(Moderator's Note: We treated this sighting as a "possible" because small Swiftlets are hard to identify and we feel that the description is not adequate to definitely confirm an Australian Swiftlet (AKM). |
Michael Ronan. 14/1 #272090 |
| | Bush Stone-curlew Harrington |
Following on from Mick Roderick's post about Bush Stone-Curlews at a number of unexpected locations across the State, I can report that a BSC was seen and photographed by Grace Cooper on 24/12/2024 in the IGA Carpark, within the Harrington Shopping Village. The bird was subsequently seen in the carpark the following day but when Lindy Frost from the Hastings Bird Watchers went to check on the bird on 26/12/2024 all she could find was a freshly mangled corpse, possibly from a dog attack, in the same carpark. The last time that a BSC was reported from Harrington was on 24/7/2006 when a single bird was seen by myself and 12 members of a Follow That Bird Tour, in the Harrington Caravan Park. |
Grace Cooper and Alan Morris 14/1 #272089 |
|  | Bush Stone-curlews Tamworth (but also Wellington, Gostwyk, Yarrie Lake) |
Following on from the unusual observation of a Bush Stone-curlew in the Capertee Valley in late Dec/early Jan (#272048), there have been several more out of (contemporary) range birds reported since, as well as slightly earlier (Dec 2024). A bird was found in suburban Hillview (South Tamworth) last week, taken into veterinary care and released in good health to the west of Tamworth on the weekend. The bird flew away in a westerly direction. A bird was photographed in suburban Wellington yesterday (see and in mid-December individuals were photographed at Yarrie Lake 10/12) and Gostwyk, east of Uralla. All of these locations are unusual for Bush Stone-curlews and one can only speculate what is happening. The photo is of the Tamworth bird prior to going into vet care by Chris Allen. |
Various observers, per Mick Roderick 14/1 #272085 |
Mon 13 | | Great Knot (2), Wandering Tattler (2) Blue Bay |
A pair of Great Knot present at Blue Bay and surrounds since 9/01. A good record for the Central Coast as only singles have been seen the last 5 years or so. Single Red Knot also present along with continuing Wandering Tattler (2). |
Andrew Robinson 14/1 #272084 |
| | Pacific Swift Macquarie University, North Ryde Campus |
3 birds passed over pool complex approx 7:45. Low enough to see the longer tails and no clear white chin. (Also saw approx 35 White-throated Needletails at 7:30 - the 2 groups of swifts were not associating with one another). |
Tom Wilson 13/1 #272082 |
Sun 12 | | Pacific Baza Armidale Road, South Grafton |
Lone advanced nestling on nest in Large-leaved Spotted Gum. Adult flew to nest. Nest in close proximity to last year's nest and located by Keith Fisher and me a couple of weeks ago. |
Greg Clancy 12/1 #272081 |
| | Magpie Goose, Australian White Ibis, Royal Spoonbill Wetland on Big River Way, Clarenza |
20+ Magpie Geese loafing at water's edge, first record at this known site for some months other than 2 present a few weeks earlier. Apparently had left site to breed elsewhere, probably Coldstream Wetlands, where they are known to breed. 65+ White Ibis and 3 Royal Spoonbills and other waterbirds. |
Greg Clancy 12/1 #272080 |
| | Black-winged and Gould's Petrels Offshore--Port Stephens pelagic |
Clear highlights on a very quiet day out of Port Stephens were a Black-winged Petrel and two Gould's Petrels. Very little else to speak of actually! (i.e. no Fleshy-foots, no jaegers, the only mammals all day were two Risso's Dolphins). Photo of BWPE by Allan Richardson. |
Mick Roderick and all aboard M.V. Reel Contagious 12/1 #272079 |
Thu 9 | | White-bellied Cuckoo-shrike Moona Moona creek estuary Jervis Bay |
4 or 5 swooping at each other and perching in trees where creek meets beach.(Moderator's Note: There are few records for the Jervis Bay area. AKM). |
Andy Wood 12/1 #272077 |
| | Black-tailed Nativehen Pitt Town Lagoon |
Found by Martin Allen a few days ago the BTNA was showing well again late morning in the right hand corner viewing from in front of the hide. A telescope and rubber boots will be handy. Also Lewin’s Rail, several Spotless, Baillon’s and at least one Australian Crake, two Marsh Sandpipers and a small flock of both Sharp-tailed Sandpipers and Red-necked Stints make this a key site at the moment. |
Dion Hobcroft and David James 10/1 #272073 |
|  | Red-chested Buttonquail Pitt Town Bottoms Road |
A walk across a suitable grass paddock with a lot of seeding Pannicum grass produced a female King Quail and thought to be the same Red-chested Buttonquail twice. It showed small size, short thick bill, diffuse pale leading edge to wing coverts and distinct orange buff chest and flanks. |
Dion Hobcroft and David James 10/1 #272072 |
|  | Hooded Robin Scheyville National Park |
Max Weatherall found this male Hooded Robin in Scheyville National Park. A very significant record as there have been no records in the Sydney county since 1999 and it is a species that is in steep decline in eastern NSW across its range in this area. |
Dion Hobcroft 10/1 #272071 |
|  | Hooded Robin Scheyville National Park |
Single male bird coming into full adult plumage found near the bridge at roughly (-33.6094537, 150.8906960), associating closely with Jacky Winters. Relocated in the same area by many others following up. A very rare bird for the Sydney area, being the first confirmed record since 1999. eBird checklist |
Max Weatherall 10/1 #272070 |
|  | Grey Plover Henry St Chittaway Central Coast NSW |
single bird wandering along shoreline. (Moderator 's Note: 8th Central Coast Record, last seen The Entrance, December 2019.AKM) eBird checklist |
David Schuemaker 9/1 #272069 |
Wed 8 | | Bar-shouldered Dove Sydney Harbour National Park,North Head. |
There was a small flock of about 10 Bar-shouldered Doves up at North Head Manly last Wednesday mostly around the old Barracks. (Moderator's Note: Unusual large number for the site. AKM) |
Michael Ronan. 12/1 #272076 |
| | Lathams Snipe Yeramba Lagoon Picnic Point Sydney |
My first sighting of the species in 20 years of recording. Three years ago, choking ludwigia weed was removed and the salty estuary of the Georges River allowed to flow in and out. Weed is gone in the lower salty section but still present in the fresh water flow upstream. Mangroves are recovering well. eBird checklist |
Ian Bailey 8/1 #272066 |
Tue 7 | | Glossy- Black Cockatoo Kahlua Crescent, Bomaderry, NSW |
3 Glossy-Blacks seen in very tall Eucalyptus overhanging Kahlua-Crescent, Bomaderry, NSW. on JAN.7, 2025 AT 5:40P.M. Heavy overcast with light to heavy rain throughout day. Cool to cold. Endless calling by at least one juv. that is scrambling around branches. All three show red under tail and one with some yellow on neck. No sightings prior to this in 2025.
They have a history of sightings at this site which has some of the rarer spp. of " Cypress-pine" (maybe?) that they eat. eBird checklist |
Harry Roberts 7/1 #272062 |