Eremaea Birdlines
Interesting and unusual bird observations
Birdline New South Wales

Birdline NSW is a site for the reporting of rare or unusual birds outside their normal range, unusually high or low numbers, early or late arrivals or departures for migrant species and interesting behaviour or unusual habitat usage. We may also consider publishing unusually-plumaged birds (e.g. albinistic/leucistic/melanistic) if they are considered interesting or are uncommonly seen.

Birdline New South Wales is supported by Birding NSW, Birdlife Southern NSW and Cumberland Bird Observers Club and moderated by Alan Morris, Liam Murphy, Mick Roderick and Simon Blanchflower.

We support ethical birding .


Moderators' Note

Birders are encouraged to post lists to eBird Australia, where sightings are incorporated into the BirdLife Australia Atlas. To do this you need to register with eBird Australia then login. All Regent Honeyeater and Swift Parrot reports should be forwarded to Mick Roderick to assist in the recovery of these severely declining species: Note we will not be publishing reports of Accipiter raptors (Collared Sparrowhawk, Grey/Brown Goshawks) or Square-tailed Kites unless they are in unusual locations or are seen with unusual prey etc.

Recent Sightings


Reports published in the past 30 hours.

July 2024
Fri 26Channel-billed Cuckoo
Bridge road Glebe
Calling as it flew over, my earliest record for Glebe by a long way. (Moderator's Note: a very early record for a calling bird! AKM).
Robert Hynson 26/7 #271635
Wed 24White-winged Chough
Eatonsville, north-west of Grafton
Small group heard calling and one bird seen in lantana infested forest on private land on Eatonsville road- 2km east of Eatonsville. Never had them so close to Grafton.
Ian Colvin 24/7 #271634
Sun 21Campbell Albatross, Buller's Albatross, Hutton's Shearwater
Offshore--Sydney Pelagic
Despite the challenging conditions we had a solid winter's trip with good numbers of albatrosses (Black-browed, Campbell, Shy, Buller's and Indian Yellow-nosed) being the highlight, with the bulk being picked up once well offshore. Buller's were added approaching the shelf and Indian Yellow-nosed at the shelf. We managed to drag the throng of albatrosses and Crested Terns all the way back from the shelf to within a several nautical miles of the heads. The first of the Grey-faced Petrels were spotted a few miles offshore along with the odd Hutton's Shearwater. Past 12NM we picked up Providence Petrels. At the drift we had many close approaches from Fairy Prions, Providence Petrels and Grey-faced Petrels. A pair of Brown Skua also sat near the boat amongst the albatrosses throughout the drift. A few flocks of Fluttering Shearwaters, along with a handful of unidentified distant 'fluttons', were encountered close to the heads. Photograph: Ian Mo eBird checklist
Sydney Pelagics and all onboard 22/7 #271630
Buller's Albatross,Fairy Prion.
Long Reef Aquatic Reserve
Very good winter seawatch from Long Reef this afternoon highlights were 9 Buller's Albatross and 10 close in Fairy Prions also large numbers of Black-browed Albatross at least 200+and 30 Shy Albatross.
Michael Ronan 21/7 #271628
Sat 20Black Kite
Carrathool (Conargo Rd)
At least 1800 Black Kites on either side of Conargo Rd. The mass of birds attracted to the rubbish tip and what appeared to be dumped poultry remains. Amazing to see.
Lorne Johnson and Steve Edwards 23/7 #271633
Spotted Harrier
Nimbin Rd at Goolmangar
At about 2pm, I noticed a Spotted Harrier gliding above the ridge to the east of Nimbin Rd near Goolmangar general store, and I watched it cross low above the road and over to the wetlands, before being driven away by a crow. Adult bird. An exciting sighting for me in the Lismore Shire. eBird checklist
Henry Coleman 21/7 #271626
Fri 19highlightSouthern Giant-Petrel, NZ Wandering Albatross (gibsoni)
Terrigal Pelagic
The highlights from a solid trip out of Terrigal on Friday were; Southern Giant-Petrel, NZ Wandering Albatross (gibsoni) and good numbers of Black-browed Albatross 45 (10), Fairy Prion (100+), and Brown Skua 9 (3). In total 15 species were seen beyond The Haven, with 11 of those Tubenoses, including 6 species of Albatross.
Central Coast Pelagics (Andrew Robinson, Dean Purcell & 14 others) 21/7 #271627
highlightWhite-browed Woodswallow, Regent Honeyeater
Werekata State Conservation Area at Sawpit Rd entrance
We visited the site from Sydney to look for the Regent Honeyeaters which have been reported there for the past four or five weeks. I was very surprised to find a White-browed Woodswallow amongst the Regents - surely a very unusual winter record for the Hunter region? The Regents were showing well on both sides of the main road - I estimated about 10 to 12 individuals, but they are always difficult to tally accurately. (Moderator's Note: A remarkable record. There are no previous winter [Jun/Jul] reports of White-browed Woodswallows in the Hunter Region or surrounds and it is assumed that this bird was blown in during the recent westerlies, though it's arrival on Friday pre-dated the most severe winds yesterday. The Regents have now been present this site for 7 weeks too. MR)
Roger and Louise McGovern 20/7 #271625
Thu 18Eastern Spinebill
Scotia Sanctuary (restricted access)
Single bird heard then seen at base accommodation in morning. Way out of range. An interesting record for this area.
Lorne Johnson and Steve Edwards 23/7 #271632
Glossy Black Cockatoo
Wollemi National Park--Glow Worm Tunnel track
Single male, feeding quietly just above the track.
Tim Morgan & Sarah D’Arcy 20/7 #271624
Mon 15Channel-billed Cuckoo
Lewisham, Sydney
Getting in the car this morning at 8:30 outside my place at Lewisham, heard the unmistakable called of the channel billed cuckoo and then saw it flying northward. Seems early! (Moderator's Note. Yes this seems extraordinary but some Channel-bills could have been birds that were in care and released too late and so ended up staying behind, but maybe not!! AKM).
Madeline Hourihan 15/7 #270617
Sun 14highlightRegent Honeyeater
Werekata State Conservation Area at Sawpit Rd entrance.
At least 12, probably more, in roadside trees. Hard to estimate as they were very active. Ongoing birds reported in eBird over recent weeks. No obvious banding on the birds I managed to photograph. Poor shot off back of camera attached. (Moderator's Note: good update on the Kitchener birds, it would be good to have an update on the birds in Werakata NP at Pelton? AKM)
Gina McFarlane 15/7 #270618
Sat 13Golden Whistler
"The Glen' Bullarah (70km west of Moree) Private Property
Adult male Golden Whistler photographed this afternoon adjacent Ballin Boora Creek on 'The Glen' BULLARAH. First sighting on my property in seven years of residence. (Moderator's Note: There are no eBird records for Golden Whistlers within 30 kms of this location, and only 3 records in the next 70 km radius AKM). eBird checklist
Patrick Johnston 13/7 #270615
highlightRed-backed Kingfisher
Update: The RBK still hanging about on the wires at intersection of Dingo Lane and Myocum Rd, as at 2pm. (Moderator's Note: The Recent Red-backed Kingfisher at the Mt Penang Parklands, Central Coast LGA, was present 18 May-24 June 2024, while the bird at Mount Annan Botanic Gardens near Camden, was present from 9-29/9/2023, so one could expect that this bird will stay around too! AKM).
Ian Colvin 13/7 #270614
Fri 12highlightBush Stone-curlew
Sighting of multiple birds in a area where I thought they would not exist. (Moderator's Note: There are very few current records for Bush Stone-curlews in Mid Western and western NSW, so is a surprise to know that there are some at Girilambone. I have not been able to determine where these birds were actually sighted but it is of interest to note that way back on 23/8/1976 I saw a pair of BTK mid way along the Hermidale-Girilambone Rd, not far from Wilga Downs HSD. AKM)
Dave jones 15/7 #270616
Thu 11highlightRed-backed Kingfisher
Myocum Rd, Myocum (-28.58982, 153.49699)
Red-back Kingfisher seen from the road. Perched as kingfishers do on the wires. ( Moderator's Note: Red-backed Kingfishers are rare but regular winter visitors to the lower Richmond, Clarence and Macleay Rivers, and often remain for weeks/months. Reports include South West Rocks 1/6-7/8/1993, Tatham near Casino 15/5-21/7 1973, Lismore Aug 1971, Ballina Aug & June 1971 & 1972, Alstonville March 1993 etc. AKM) eBird checklist
James Churches 11/7 #270611
White-eared Monarch
Bangalow Road, Byron Bay (near golf course)
A pair of White-eared Monarch (possibly a third calling in distance) observed and busy in roadside Brush Box alongside Bangalow Road just past the golf course at 10am - road works in place with witches hats. Small guild of other birds all busy also - Lewin’s Honeyeater, Grey Fantail, Golden Whistler & Mistletoebird.
Ian Colvin 11/7 #270609
Sun 7megamegaBlue Petrel, White-headed Petrel, Black-bellied Storm-petrel
Offshore--Port Stephens pelagic
A great cold winter's pelagic held out of Port Stephens yesterday, planned during the week off the back of the recent unrelenting southerly winds for the preceding week and a half. It was also a great opportunity to test our new boat 'Reel Contagious', which can go faster than previous boats and get us to the shelf quickly. This paid off because about 45 minutes earlier than we normally arrive at the shelf a Blue Petrel appeared in the slick, feeding voraciously for up to ten minutes, circling the boat and coming very close to the stern a few times. If accepted by NSW ORAC this will be a new bird for the Hunter Region and is the furthest north record I can find in Australian waters. It is also the first at-sea record of a Blue Petrel in NSW for nearly a decade (the last being one seen off Wollongong in Sept 2014). About an hour after this excitement a White-headed Petrel flew in (just the 3rd record for Port Stephens) , followed by a Black-bellied Storm-petrel, joining the throng of White-faced Stormies and Fairy Prions in the slick. Another highlight was having a Dwarf Minke Whale 'resident' under and around our boat for about two hours, giving great views when it surfaced. With a supporting cast of good numbers of albatross (including at least 20 Indian Yellow-nosed) we fell just one short of reaching the magic 20 species for the day, but we're not complaining!
Mick Roderick and all aboard 'M.V. Reel Contagious' 8/7 #270605
Fri 5highlightSouthern Fulmar
Shelly Beach Carpark, Manly
A Southern Fulmar headed south past my Shelly Beach carpark watch point around 3:15 this afternoon during an otherwise rather quiet seawatch that comprised some 40-odd Black-browed Albatrosses. (Moderator's Note: Good record but sightings of this species are subject to review by the NSW ORAC. AKM) eBird checklist
Mike Kilburn 5/7 #270600
Mangrove Gerygone
Newington Nature Reserve - Parramatta River
A single bird heard, seen and photographed on the edges of the mangroves on the bike path about 200 metres from armoury carpark. Near old fenced off small brick buildings. Not many records at this location on ebird. eBird checklist
Brett Mezen 5/7 #270599
Thu 4Australian Raven
Mannering Park
I do a school bus run around the south end of Lake Macquarie in the morning and now in the afternoon as well. Over the last 6 months or so I've noticed seeing Ravens alongside the road apparently feeding or occasionally on the road on roadkill (but they quickly move when a vehicle comes along.) I've only ever seen one dead Raven in the last few years. This morning I saw an unknown dead bird on the road as I drove into Mannering Park. When I came back out less than 10 minutes later a Raven was actively the carcass from the centre of the road to the edge and had moved it over a metre. It took off after the bus got too near and I thought nothing of it. I had to return to Mannering Park 2 hours later for an appointment and the carcass was in the same position that I'd seen it earlier. When I was leaving Mannering Park about 30 minutes later the carcass was now on the grass off the road and a Raven was eating it. I'm presuming the Raven had returned and dragged the carcass to the safety of the verge like it seemed to have been doing earlier in the day. When I drove past this afternoon the carcass had completely disappeared. If this is what the Raven was doing, I'm astounded at the intelligence to drag food off the road to eat it in safety but it would explain why I've seen Ravens so often fairly recently on the verges apparently eating, especially roads with 80 or 90 kph limits.
Paul Schofield 4/7 #270596
Red-necked Avocet, Australasian Shoveler, Bar-tailed Godwit
Bicentennial Park (Sydney Olympic Park)--Waterbird Refuge
2 Avocets roosting near the tyres (first ones for a while - have been on site for about a week after a long absence). 13 Australasian Shovelers actively feeding in the slightly deeper water on the west side just beyond the tyres. 39 Bar-tailed Godwits feeding on the exposed mud on the eastern edge. Also 4 Royal Spoonbills and a big (200+?) flock of Coot at the south end. Water level quite low (not sure if this just because of the lowering tide or it is being managed to be low). eBird checklist
Tom Wilson 4/7 #270595
Tue 2highlightBlue-faced honeyeater with recently fledged young
Kingswood, western Sydney
Reporting as blue-faced honeyeaters are not common in western Sydney and I thought a slightly unusual time to have very recently fledged young. Two young fed by adults and immature birds eBird checklist
David Ongley 2/7 #270588

June 2024
Sat 29Rose Robin and Euro Goldfinch
Scheyville NP KBA trail
A single male Rose Robin and a Goldfinch a bit later. First record for both. Plentiful seed, no blossom, but 32 species recorded. We have started recording the ambient temperature at the start and finish of the survey for the sake of global warming. Never have enough data.
Ian Bailey and 6 others 4/7 #270594
Powerful Owl
Wyong Rd. intersection, Mingara
Was coming out of Mingara this morning at 10:30am waiting at the lights to turn into Wyong Rd. when a Powerful Owl (most likely male) was flushed out and flew across the intersection. Caught glimpses of its face and definitely an owl. Also colour and size ruled out a Masked Owl. It landed briefly in a Swamp Mahogony and I was going to stop over the road to try to get photos but it flushed again as the lights changed so I had to leave it. Confused me at first as it was flying very slowly, Spotted Harrier pace. Presuming that was just the daylight mode as I've seen them fly much quicker at night.
Paul Schofield 29/6 #270586
Fri 28highlightBlack-necked Stork
Mona Vale Beach
An immature Black-necked Stork was seen inflight around 9am, it flew from the basin side of Mona Vale Beach. The photos are taken as it flew from the basin and headed north west. An Australian Raven can be seen in some of the photos I took but I could only attach 1 photo at this time. (Moderatoir's Note: This is a great record for the Sydney Region, although not unexpected, because the nearest breeding pair located in the Wyong/Tuggerah area have fledged two young in their last two breeding events. AKM)
Belinda Elliott 28/6 #270585
Flame Robin
Pitt Town Bottoms Road
Single male Flame Robin seen in the trees on the small rise just across the road from the lotus ponds (poor back of camera photo submitted). Big numbers of White-faced Herons (70+) on the turf farms. eBird checklist
Tom Wilson 28/6 #270583
Thu 27Eastern Osprey
Manly Point
Spotted an osprey, potentially a pair with chicks, as they were flying down and collecting beach material for nesting. Just off Shelly Beach towards the Point. (Moderator's Note; Currently Ospreys are busy refurbishing their nests or building new nests, so at this stage they would not have chicks in a nest!. However, I can find no information that would suggest that there is a new nesting pair around Manly Point/North Head, although a pair are known to nest in the vicinity of Manly Dam. So we have published this note to encourage birders to check out any suitable sites as to whether there might be a new pair in Sydney Harbour/North Head. AKM).
Rob 2/7 #270589
Outside normal range
Early arrival; late departure
Interesting behaviour
Hard to see
Unusual habitat
Uncommon in area
Unusual numbers
Rare vagrant
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