Eremaea Birdlines
Interesting and unusual bird observations
Birdline South Australia

Birdline South Australia is a site for the reporting of rare or unusual birds outside their normal range, unusually high or low numbers, early or late arrivals or departures for migrant species and interesting behaviour or unusual habitat usage.

Birdline South Australia is supported by Birdlife Australia and moderated by David Harper and Paul Taylor.

We support ethical birding .

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Reports published in the past 30 hours.

January 2025
Tue 28Spiny-cheeked Honeyeater
350 Denver Road, Hindmarsh Island, South Australia (-35.531, 138.901)
The bird was seen feeding in roadside vegetation along Denver Road. First alerted by its distinctive call, then observed a large honeyeater with a streaked breast, a pinkish-black bill, and an orange-brown throat and chest. I’m not entirely sure what the bird is doing here, as most sightings in close proximity to this area are typically reported from locations such as Monarto and Belvidere. But it’s definitely an unusual sighting for this region. eBird checklist
Sam Colgan 28/1 #272130
Sat 11Little Tern
Bald Hill Beach
11 Little Terns with about 30 Fairy Terns. The most Little Terns I have seen here.
Paul Taylor 12/1 #272075
Outside normal range
Early arrival; late departure
Interesting behaviour
Hard to see
Unusual habitat
Uncommon in area
Unusual numbers
Rare vagrant
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