Eremaea Birdlines
Interesting and unusual bird observations
Birdline South Australia

Birdline South Australia is a site for the reporting of rare or unusual birds outside their normal range, unusually high or low numbers, early or late arrivals or departures for migrant species and interesting behaviour or unusual habitat usage.

Birdline South Australia is supported by Birdlife Australia and moderated by David Harper and Paul Taylor.

We support ethical birding .

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Reports published in the past 30 hours.

January 2025
Sat 11Little Tern
Bald Hill Beach
11 Little Terns with about 30 Fairy Terns. The most Little Terns I have seen here.
Paul Taylor 12/1 #272075
Sat 4Satin Flycatcher
Kangaroo Flat Rd, Koorine
We went seeking the Satin Flycatcher widely reported before Christmas, and were delighted to find breeding success: we saw the male, female and a fledgling being fed.
Kevin Stracey and Lizzie Dodd 7/1 #272064
White-throated Needletail
Penola SF: south of Tower Road
One White-throated Needletail initially located at 1820. At least 4 birds relocated at 1900, appeared to be covering a broad circuit over the treetops and reappearing. Moved off westwards at around 1920. Intriguing that this was so close to the location, date and time of day of our only previous SA sighting in 2023. Another flock of 10 birds sighted at 1000 the following morning near the oulet walk at Piccaninnie Ponds CP, fflying rapidly west. A single Pacific Swift followed at around 1020.
Kevin Stracey and Lizzie Dodd 7/1 #272063
Fri 3Little Tern
Bald Hill Beach
2 Little Terns with a few Fairy Terns. Likely to be of the migratory population from Asia. Fairly rare but regular in small numbers in Gulf St. Vincent over summer.
Paul Taylor 3/1 #272056
Wed 1Diamond Firetail
Oyster walk, Coffin Bay townsite
Glyn Yates 2/1 #272051
Outside normal range
Early arrival; late departure
Interesting behaviour
Hard to see
Unusual habitat
Uncommon in area
Unusual numbers
Rare vagrant
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