Eremaea Birdlines
Interesting and unusual bird observations
Birdline Tasmania

Birdline Tasmania is a site for the reporting of rare or unusual birds outside their normal range, unusually high or low numbers, early or late arrivals or departures for migrant species and interesting behaviour or unusual habitat usage.

Birdline Tasmania is supported by Birdlife Australia and moderated by James Melville, John Tongue and Paul Brooks.

We support ethical birding .

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Reports published in the past 30 hours.

September 2024
Mon 9Australian Hobby
Lake Mikany, Smithton
Hobby, Wedge-tailed Eagle and White-bellied Sea Eagle seen in the same field of view in space of a few seconds. Hobby seen shortly after plucking prey on the wing.
Richard Ashby 9/9 #271737

August 2024
Sat 17highlightGiant Petrels 20+
Narawntapu national park—Griffiths Point
20+ Giant Petrels of both species seen loafing offshore, with occasional birds flying in close to shore. A Sperm Whale carcass has brought them in. Checking eBird records suggests 30+ birds in total have been in the area. Park at very end of road, walk straight out toward rocks. Carcass is immediately at your left. GPs will be off the end of the point or about that distance from the beach, if not flying by. eBird checklist
Chris Rehberg - Sydney Birding 17/8 #271675
Thu 15Welome Swallow
Prosser River Spit (Orford)
Early arrival of 2 swallows sighted at Prosser River today.
Sarah Kennedy 16/8 #271674
Outside normal range
Early arrival; late departure
Interesting behaviour
Hard to see
Unusual habitat
Uncommon in area
Unusual numbers
Rare vagrant
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