Eremaea Birdlines
Interesting and unusual bird observations
Birdline Tasmania is a site for the reporting of rare or unusual birds outside their normal range, unusually high or low numbers, early or late arrivals or departures for migrant species and interesting behaviour or unusual habitat usage.
Recent Sightings
Reports published in the past 30 hours.
October 2024
Fri 4 | | Peregrine Falcon Goulds Lagoon Wildlife Sanctuary |
Peregrine Falcon flying from the river towards the road with a catch of a Spotted Dove. |
Russell Twining 5/10 #271810 |
September 2024
Mon 9 | | Australian Hobby Lake Mikany, Smithton |
Hobby, Wedge-tailed Eagle and White-bellied Sea Eagle seen in the same field of view in space of a few seconds. Hobby seen shortly after plucking prey on the wing. |
Richard Ashby 9/9 #271737 |
Outside normal range |
Early arrival; late departure |
Interesting behaviour |
Threatened |
Hard to see |
Unusual habitat |
Uncommon in area |
Rare |
Endangered |
Vagrant |
Irruption |
Unusual numbers |